Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Mind reader

Bucky's POV

"And I was like boom! You ready for this," Rhodey laughed and we all looked at him waiting for more of this 'amazing joke' but it didn't happen.

"You guys are dry, that joke is a hit!" he said sipping his coke and we all just laughed at how upset he was.

"Hey Bruce, need anything else?" Tony asked and I laughed. He was still trying to make up for saying he was sadly in a relationship with him. He's so whipped it's hilarious.

"Yes! More duck sauce. Thanks babe," he said and Tony sped to the counter and asked for more duck sauce.

"Bruce, how long are you going to make him rush to get you things?" I asked and he laughed seeing Tony come back with a tub of duck sauce.

"Never," he whispered and kissed Tony on the cheek and continued eating.

"So James, anything we should know about you?" Tony asked in curiosity.

"Yeah, call me Bucky," I said munching on an egg roll.

"Ok, I think I got it. Witty, nice bone structure, metal arm, long hair that hasn't been washed in say 3 days? And 100% beef." Tony said and I blushed at the last part.

"Alright, but it's been 2 days since I washed my hair. I'm not a caveman," I said and he laughed.

"You've been quiet," I told Steve and he blushed. He always does that when I talk to him, I'm just wondering why he hasn't said anything to me.

"I'm sorry, I just wished we could talk somewhere our friends weren't," he said and I nodded.

After a while, we were all done eating and Tony happily payed for all of us. He even added that he's our 'sugar daddy', which I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to pay for food. I love food.

"So, what now?" Sam asked. I rather not be here any longer, plus Steve and I still need to talk.

"Well, I already know what you're all thinking so I'm going home. We have that test tomorrow, and I know Sam didn't study for it," Wanda said looking at Sam who frowned and followed her outside along with Scott.

"Hey Tony, we should go too. We have that lab we need to finish," Bruce said giving Tony a knowing look and I was grateful Bruce knew what was going on.

"Ah, yes! The lab," he smirked.

"You alright getting home Cap?" he asked and Steve looked in my direction and I smiled at him and let them know I had my car.

"Ok, have fun kids," he said and walked off with Bruce hand in hand. Something I would want to do with Steve, but I'm not sure how he even feels about me.

"I know a place we could go," Steve said interrupting my thoughts. He led the way and we were in the garden area where the large fountain was. It's the only place in the large mall that isn't crowded.

I don't know why I'm so nervous, it's only Steve.

Steve's POV

I don't want to sound so harsh, and I've been avoiding this conversation for a week. Bucky deserves better than this.

"So, about last week. I made the mistake of, wait no, it wasn't a mistake. Um, hold on I-

What the hell? I rehearsed this in my head. Tell him nicely it was an accident. But was it? Looking at Bucky right now, with his blue eyes literally glowing in this lighting, I knew lying to him wasn't an option.

"Steve, whatever you say I won't judge you. We're friends," he said softly looking at me and I smiled and took a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"I like you, Buck. I don't know, maybe I always have and never realized until now. When you were in the lab, Bruce told me my heart rate was irregular once you came in. I thought about it, and ignored the fact that maybe you were the reason why. I kissed you at the party because I didn't know how to tell you, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," I said and he just looked in front of him.

"I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore. I'll go and see if the buses are still running," I said and got up from the bench only to have him pull me back down.

"Don't. Steve, I don't want to be friends with you," he said.

"Oh, ok," I said and he laughed.

"No punk, I want to be more then friends. I like you too Steve, I didn't think you felt the same way,' he said and I looked at him and saw that stupid grin he was giving me.

"Stop looking at me like that," I said and he moved his face closer to mine still grinning.

"That shirt looks really good on you by the way. I'm looking forward to seeing that, and maybe without clothes?" he asked teasingly and I blushed a dark shade of red and he laughed.

"Stevie look at me," he said and I turned around and saw him making a funny face. Idiot.

"Ugh, what am I gonna do with you?" I asked playfully.

"Kiss me," he whispered and I blushed.

"Fine, only because you asked nicely," I said and pressed my lips to his feeling him kiss back. Bucky's hand went behind my neck pulling me closer, deepening the kiss. When we parted, Bucky brushed his nose on mine and looked at me from under those long lashes.

"You're beautiful," Bucky whispered and I blushed and had our lips meet for a few seconds and sat up.

"You're more beautiful," I teased and he laughed and kissed my cheek.

"The mall is closing soon, we should go," he said checking the time and I nodded and we walked towards the front doors hand in hand.

I could get used to this.

"My Hero, My Bucky" a Stucky FanficWhere stories live. Discover now