Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: I hate bullies

Steve's POV

While Tony and Bruce were showing us the new suit, I had a strange feeling. I know Bruce was feeling it too, because he kept looking around the hallway as more people started to come in.

"Babe, you alright?" Bucky asked in concern and I was about to answer when I saw a tall figure come behind Tony and shove him against a locker.

"Look what we have here! Another one of Starks dumbass suits," the figure said before showing his face.

It was Wolverine (Logan), Magneto (Eric), and Mystique.

Bruce's eyes were green, and he helped Tony up, who whispered something to him causing his eyes to go back to brown.

"I'm sorry, but isn't there a rule here that there are no pets allowed? Because I'm seeing a big hairy dog right in front of me," Bucky said getting in Logan's face.

Eric used his powers, and held Bucky's arm so he couldn't move it.

"Hey! Let him go," I said and he held me back as well.

"You're right Bucky, don't you have some pigeons to chase big guy?" Tony said to Logan and Bruce was already heaving from trying to stay calm.

Logan pushed Bruce out the way, and lifted Tony by his shirt and shoved him against the car.

"Isn't this a little close for someone who's a homophobe?" Tony asked jokingly.

Then, Deadpool showed up.

"What's going on here?" Wade asked in confusion.

"Wade, come help me finish these fags!" Logan yelled. If only he knew.

"No, they're my friends," Wade said and Logan turned to him and growled.

Logan put Tony down, and went towards Wade and shoved him. There was a crowd around us waiting to see the new guy get beat up by Marvel Preps top bully.

He held his hand in a fist, then his silver claws came out. He was about to knock Wade out with them, until a web held them together.

"What the hell?" he growled and Peter Parker appeared.

"Peter?" Tony exclaimed.

"Hey everyone," he said and Magneto let me go and I punched him in the stomach.

"Mess with my boyfriend and friends again and I'll end you," I threatened and took Bucky's metal arm in my hand and examined it.

"You ok?" I asked and he nodded.

I'm shocked Peter Parker of all people showed up to help us.

Wade's POV

I didn't know whether to slice Wolverine's face off, or kiss Peter. Because honestly, the second one sounds pretty good right about now. I was casually Walking down the hall, and I saw Wolverine and his goons picking on my cupcakes! He had the nerve to pick on my friends, well I almost outed myself until Peter saved me.

Peter saved me.

"Hello? Earth to Wade," Steve said waving his hand in my face.

We were at lunch already, the day going by so fast I almost forgot where I was. Peter was in his usual seat in the back, Wolverine and his friends were suspended, and all my friends were talking amongst themselves.

"What's up Cap?" I asked stuffing my mouth with tacos.

"You keep staring at Peter, why don't you go talk to him?" Steve suggested.

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