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Bucky's POV

The day Steve left was the worst day of my life. We shared a beautiful and intimate night together, and then he said goodbye. I went with him to see him off, and there were SHEILD agents everywhere, and I said goodbye to Nat, Clint, and Wade as well. Peter was there with me, and we were not pleased to see our boyfriends leaving. Steve and I shared a passionate kiss underneath his shield because a few agents were giving us weird stares when we held hands. I finished my third year at Avengers Academy, and I completed my training and SHEILD decided to recruit me along with Peter, Scott, Sam, Wanda, Rhodey, and Vision. Tony, Bruce, Thor, and Loki were recruited a month after Steve left.

Steve was coming home today, and I was so nervous. What if he changed his mind about us while he was gone? What if he comes back injured in a way he can't be with me? I haven't talked to him since he left for security reasons and because he couldn't bring his phone with him. But I did give him a photo of me, which he taped to the inside of his shield. I'm sure he got weird looks for that.

"Bucky wake up! Wade's coming home!" Peter was jumping on my back while I was trying to nap on my couch, this kid has too much energy.

"Get off me Parker!" I yelled and he webbed me off the couch and I fell on my face.

"Really?" and I got up and rubbed my face.

"Sorry Bucky, but they should be here in 10 minutes!" he yelled and I rolled my eyes.

Having them gone for a year was hell, but I didn't think time would go so fast. I saw Steve on tv once, and I couldn't be prouder of what he's done. They call him Captain America for a reason. Plus, the suit they gave him is very tight and I have no complaints.


Peter is like the son I don't want, he's so messy and I made the mistake of letting him live with me while Steve was away. I couldn't leave him with his aunt, who was sick and in the hospital, so I let him stay here. There were webs all over the house, and he refused to clean up after himself, which means I had to be a mom and punish him. So I took his web shooters away for a month, and he was already cleaning up when he heard the boys were coming home early. I know he wants to make sure Wade feels welcome, but it's my house too so we compromised.

The doorbell rang, and he ran to the door and yelled.

"WADE!" I heard him and I covered my ears, then I smiled at how cute they are.

"Hey baby boy, Bucky," he said and I waved.

Then Steve walked in, and I swore time stopped. He looked me in the eyes, and I felt tears start the form in my eyes. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I couldn't help it.

"Hi Stevie," I said and he grinned.

He ran up to me and hugged me, then I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.

"I missed you so much Bucky," he whispered in my ear and I grinned and tears started falling down my face onto his suit.

"I missed you too, so much," I said and he looked me in the eyes and pulled me in for a kiss and I shoved my tongue in his mouth and kissed him greedily. I missed those lips.

Steve's POV

Seeing Bucky again is amazing, I thought about him every night and every time we won a battle against hydra. I was fighting for my country, but I felt I was fighting for my chance to go back home to see him. And I'm glad I won that battle. Wade was a nightmare the whole time, he kept staring at a photo of him and Peter before every mission, and he cried one night and we all couldn't sleep because he became hysterical crying.

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