Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Winter Formal

Thor's POV

I decided to take Jane Foster as my date to this mortal event. She doesn't go to my school, but we met on a mission in New Mexico and we've been in contact since my father had us here permanently. All of my friends have dates expect for Wanda, Vision, and Rhodes. Even my brother Loki, but I'm not even sure if he is even interested in anyone here.

"BROHTER!" I yelled from our living room and Loki walked in wearing sweat pants and a black shirt. Mortal clothes do not suit him very well.

"What?" he asked a bit harsh.

"Are you going to the mortal event tonight?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I suppose, why?" he asked and I grinned.

"I found you a date," I said and he looked at me wide eyed.

"Brother, I am not going with a date!" he exclaimed and ran his hands down his face. Here I am thinking I'm doing him a favor!

"Nonsense Loki, you are a fine young man. Anyone would be lucky to go with you," I said and he frowned and looked at the wall.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"She is Jane's friend, Darcy,"

Steve's POV

"Stupid tie," I've been at this for 10 minutes already, look at me Captain America struggling to tie a tie.

Everyone is meeting here so we can all go together, and Tony got us a limo which we were all happy to hear about. But I'm nervous because this is the first dance I've been to since my parents passed, and I want it to be perfect. I got Bucky a corsage, I hope he likes it.

"Sir, Mr. Stark asks for you downstairs," JARVIS said and I finally tied it and fixed my collar and sleeves.

I made my way downstairs to see Tony, Sam, Clint, and Rhodes plus his date downstairs.

"Damn Rogers, lookin good,"

"Thanks Sam, no date?" I asked.

"She's in the bathroom with Nat," he said and I nodded. The doorbell rang and I went to get it.

Wanda, Scott, Thor plus his date, Vision, and Bucky all greeted me with smiles and hello's and I looked wide eyed at Bucky. He looked hot.

"Hey Stevie," he said and I choked on air.

I just stood there. Bucky is the only one on this earth that could leave me speechless.

"Steve, this is where you use words," Tony said patting my back and I glared at him.

"You look great, amazing, stunning,-

"We get it," Clint said and Nat smacked his arm.

"Steve's right, but we all know I look the best," Tony said and I rolled my eyes and handed Bucky the corsage I got him.

"Thanks," he grinned and I kissed his cheek.

We all got into the limo and drove to the dance.


I met Sam's date Susan Storm aka the Invisible Woman and Rhodes' date Emily who works with the younger mutants. Wade showed up with Peter, and I couldn't be more proud. Everyone is having a great time so far, dancing, eating, and just overall having fun. I noticed Wanda and Vision dancing, then I got confused.

"Since when are Vision and Wanda a thing?" I asked at the table we were sitting at.

"Since my brother helped them get together," Thor said stuffing his face with food while Jane giggled at how much he was digesting.

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