Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Strawberry Kisses

Wanda's POV

Boys are so strange. Especially ones that have no clue you're interested in them. I've been flirting with Vision since the beginning of the year, and we're in November right now, and I'm not sure why he can't see that I'm interested in him. I've read his mind, and nothing!

"Hey Wanda!" I heard Natasha from the hallway and turned around.

"Hey Nat, what's up?" I asked opening my locker.

"I was wondering if you had a date to the winter formal," she said smirking.

I can never understand why she thinks she can hide things from me when I can read her mind. But I don't bother reminding her sometimes.

"I don't, but if this is another attempt at matchmaking I'm not interested," I said and shut my locker and was about to leave for my training class when I bumped right into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorr-Vision?"

"Hi Wanda," he smiled and I grinned.

The things I like about Vision, are his eyes. They are blue, but look like little machines that are working his mind. He's very polite, and handsome even though he's not human. But that's what makes him unique.

"I was just on my way to training, but I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to ask you about the winter formal," I said. I felt my face getting hot, and I had to keep it together if I was going to ask him to be my date.

"Ah yes, all our friends are brining...what's the human term?" he asked and I giggled.

"Dates, Vis," I said.

"Right, well I'm sorry to cut this conversation short but I must meet Mr. Banner in the lab," he said and I nodded and watched his walk away through the walls.

"WOW," I jumped and turned around and saw Loki.

"Loki you scared me! Were you spying on me?" I asked and he laughed loudly.

"Yes, it's quite interesting how he's the only male synthezoid in this establishment caught your eye," he smirked and I shoved him but he barely moved from his spot.

"Well he did, and that's none of your business," I said and he grinned. I tried reading his mind, but he was blocking it somehow.

"Nice try witch, but one of my powers is to block any sort of mind games," he said and I huffed and walked off to my training class.

Loki's POV

Humans are so stupid. I don't understand why father had me join this 'school' with my big oaf brother Thor. But of course, I have to do everything he does! Oh Loki, you should be more like your brother!

I hate being in his shadow, which is why I mess with him and his group of misfits! Wanda's situation is particularly amusing, so I'm going to help her. Yes, I'm going to help. I'm tired of the glares I get from everyone in this school, and I want friends. But I just need that magic marker Vision to get his head out of the clouds and look to see an attractive woman is interested! This is going to be fun...

After talking with Wanda, I followed to the lab I heard Vision was going to meet Banner. I remember the last time I was with Banner, he was the hulk and smashing me to the floor when I called Tony a name that I don't want to repeat.

I waited outside the lab, and Vision appeared and saw me instantly.

"Loki," he said with no emotion. Expected.

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