Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Karaoke

Tony's POV

This is the last time I leave the God of Mischief in charge of my home. Then come to find out it was Clint that invited more people!

"Tony, just ask them to leave," Steve said and I sighed.

"No, I'm going to enjoy this,"

I went to the backyard where mostly everyone was, and got up on the stage my parents had when they would have benefits here.

"Hello! Tony Stark here, I just want to say thank you to everyone who came out tonight in honor of Bucky's safe return home, and I'm sure half of you only came for the free food," I smirked.

Hell yeah!

I looked through the crowd and saw Wade stuffing his face with chips, and Peter laughed at how much of a mess his boyfriend is.

"Anyway, I thought since there are so many of you why not do a bit of karaoke?" I said and everyone cheered.

"I have to warn you, I'm pretty good," I laughed.

I had JARVIS turn on the speakers and mics, and Wade was the first one to volunteer.

"Before Wade blesses us with his beautiful voice, has anyone seen Bruce? He's my boyfriend if anyone didn't know that...about my height, brown hair, nice ass?" I asked and everyone looked around.

Why isn't he here?

"Never mind, go ahead Wade," I said and handed him the mic.

As I was walking away, my ears rang at the sound of Wade's 'unique' voice singing Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. Jesus.

I spotted Nat and Clint dancing, and I went up to them but was stopped by Bruce.

"Oh hey, I was looking for you," I said and he smiled.

"I heard, nice ass? Really?" he asked and I blushed.

"Well I had to give a good description, sue me,"

We laughed and heard everyone outside shouting at Wade to get off the stage, and I turned and saw Peter trying to pull him off the stage.

"What the hell," I pushed through the crowd with Nat, Clint, and Bruce behind me.

"Stark! Tell Wade that we don't want to hear another word of Who Let The Dogs Out!" Sam exclaimed with Steve and Bucky beside him.

I walked up the stage and grabbed the mic from Wade's hand. Everyone cheered and I laughed while having Sam come up and sing Marvin Gaye's 'Let's get it on'. A crowd pleaser.

Steve's POV

I had no clue Sam could sing, but what shocked me even more was the song he was singing. Not the type I would sing, but everyone has their interests. Once he was done, Bucky volunteered to go next.

"Back from the dead, we have Bucky Barnes!" Tony yelled and we all cheered.

"Yeah Bucky!" I shouted and he smiled and took the mic from Tony's hand.

"I'm gonna kick it old school, and I dedicate this song to my boyfriend Steve, love you babe," he said and I blushed and Scott appeared next to me with a video camera. This kid I swear.

Do you have the time

To listen to me whine

About nothing and everything

All at once

"Woo! Yes Bucky!" I heard Wade and saw Scott filming everyone's reaction.

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