Chapter Five-Nightmares and Reality

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"Molly! Molly!"

I felt rough hands violently shaking me. "Get off!" I screamed trying to pry his hands off of me. My eyes remained shut tight closing me off from seeing my attacker. Fear took over my body causing me to viciously struggle against my attacker's strength. I clawed at his arms, spit in his face, but nothing seemed to work. He was so strong.

"What's wrong with her!"

I screamed feeling the cold sheets of the bed touch my bare back, making me shiver. I could hear his cackles and see his pearly white smile as he hovered over me. His bare chest glistening in the light.

"No, please! Let go of me!" I screamed tears trailing down my cheeks as husky breathing filled my ear. I whimpered as my attacker's hand freely roamed my body. He grinned my breast tight digging his fingernails into the tender flesh.

"Stop!" I screamed, but he wouldn't listen. I broke down in tears as the smell of sweat floated in the air, as started moving inside me. "Nooooo!"

"Molly wake up!"

I was hit by bright lights as my eyes snapped open. "Get off of me!" I yelled struggling.

"It's okay. You're safe now." A familiar voice cooed. I stopped looking to see that I was in Adam's arms. Fear traveled throughout my body. A worried look crossed his face, I felt my heart tug as it began to reach out to him but I snatched it away. I couldn't get too close. In my life too close was fatal.

I looked around the room and saw Tim leaning against the door frame a blank look was written on his face. It made me shiver to see my brother in that state of mind. His eyes flicked to me as if he was seeing me for the first time. His eyes held sadness and regret, it was like looking in a mirror.

"Are you okay?" Adam said stroking my hair. I began to nod thinking he was done until he cut me off. "Or do you like being topless in my arms?" Adam grinned evily at me, his grin spreading from ear to ear. A look of horror spread on my face and I found myself squirming out of his arms.

I was sure his comment added some color to my face making me crawl away faster. I gasped when Adam reached out grabbing my wrist, I felt my eyes grow wide. When he got my attention he placed his free hand on the left side of his chest. The side where my attacker's initials laid.

"One day at a time." I mouthed. His eyebrows furrowed together but he eventually nodded. I felt my body relax in relief.

I noticed he was still holding my wrist his body heat traveling up my arms sending butterflies flying in my stomach. My eyes connected with his bright purple ones sending bolts of electricity through the air. "I-"

Tim stomped over where Adam and I were. Adam was snatched away from me by Tim with so much force that I slid across the floor. I winced in pain as a sharp pain cut through my arm. I slowly lifted my arm and revealed a long, deep cut that ran along my biceps from my elbow to my shoulder. I pulled out the glass twisting it this way and that, watching it glimmer in the light with blood along its edges. I looked at my cut watching the blood slowly ooze out taking me into a pleasure filled trance. All I could think about was more pain. More pain to take the pain away. A smile tugged at the edge of my lips as I sat the broken shard of glass on my wrist.

"Molly." Adams smooth yet manly voice brought me back as he stood chest to chest with Tim. Both of their muscles bulged out, Adam looked past Tim and straight into my eyes, striking my soul and mouthed, "Please, don't cut."

I looked from him to the shard before shakily sitting it on the ground. I looked back at Adam he smiled at me before he stiffly turned walking out of my bedroom, his hands in tight fist at his sides. I found my shirt and slid it over my head before standing up. I jumped as arms wrapped tight around me bringing me into a hug.

"I'm sorry Molly. I'm so sorry." Tim whispered into my hair. My arms hung loosely at my sides. "It's okay." I whispered more to myself than to Tim. He cried into my hair while I awkwardly stood in his arms. My blood staining his shirt.

" What the hell happened in here!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin as the deep authorative voice of my Dad echoed through the room. I looked and saw him take in my mess of a room. My mother rushed to his side gasping as she looked at me. Her eyes locked with mine, I saw her mouth open and I looked away turning my back on them and walking to the window where the cold air nipped at my face.

"Molly you're bleeding!" My mom cried from behind me. I was suddenly pulled away from the window. Mom examined my arm I watched her travel further down, "Well your going to need stitches," waiting for the gasp that came soon after.

She looked at me with wide scared eyes that I turned away from. If I looked at her any longer I was afraid that I would burst out in tears. I held my breath as I felt her thumb trace over each letter. M. Y. F. A. U. L. T.

"Come on. Let's get you to the hospital."

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