Chapter Seventeen-Life Works

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"Mr. Montgomery, you're late."

The teacher said when Jeremy walked in the class. It wasn't like Jeremy to be late, if anything he was early. Jeremy didn't say a word, he only signed the tardy log and walked to his seat. He sat two seats across from me, I looked over at him and I saw that he looked tired.

"Class we have finals in two more weeks all you ladies and gentlemen will pick a partner to study with."

Everyone rose from their seats and picked their partners. I slowly walked over to Jeremy pulling a chair behind me. He looked at me surprised before turning away. We sat there quietly, me trying to figure him out and Jeremy ignoring me.

"Jeremy, are you okay?" I asked.

He looked at me with sad eyes, "I heard you're going to the party."

I smiled at him a little, "Yeah, you're cousin convinced me."

He went stiff at the mention of Aiden. It was some days where I would see  Jeremy arguing in the hallway yelling while Aiden glared at him. I think Jeremy gets jealous of Aiden. Sometimes. I don't know why, at least Jeremy has a voice.

"I also heard what happened to you," Jeremy added.

It was my turn to look away, "Yeah, but that happened some time ago. It's time to move on." I said hoping I sounded more confident than I really was.

"I'm just saying, be cautious okay? Aiden isn't exactly the one for good advice." He said.

"What do you have against Aiden anyway? He's mute what could he possibly do."

He gave me a sad smile, "Yeah, mute. You underestimate him."

"I don't...let's just study." I grumbled. Jeremy laughed and pulled out his notes.

"Dude you're weird." I smiled.

"So I've been told." He brightened up a little bit and started writing. I watched him playing with my hands for a good minute, "You should come." I said.

He looked up at me completely shocked, "What?"

"I said you should come with us." He smiled at me, "Maybe, maybe not."

"Well it wasn't a no. Let's study."

The class went by fast, I joked with Jeremy and he really was a kind of interesting guy, when you got him warmed up. Before I knew it class was over.

I walked out of the class still laughing. "You should really show your fun side more." I laughed.

"Yeah, Molly you're a real cool person."

I shrugged, "I guess."

My phone binged in my pocket, I gave Jeremy an apologetic look.

Come and find me.

I smiled at the message, "Jeremy I have to go, see you tomorrow. At the party." He smiled and waved goodbye while I ran around the corner. Even though I totally fell when I crashed into a brick wall.

I groaned as arms lifted me from the ground. I gazed into those purple eyes fighting a smile, "You did that on purpose."

He laughed, "No YOU did that on purpose. I wanted you to run into my lips but you touched my chest like you wanted from the very start." Adam smirked. My jaw dropped and I smacked him on his chest.

"See what I'm talking about!" Adam said with a beautiful smile. I laughed and kissed him on his cheek. He sat me back on my feet and wrapped his arm around me as we walked out the school and home. We walked quietly letting the cold air hit my face and breathe in the autumn air.

"So do you still want to go?" Adam asked putting his hand in mine. I looked at him a bit confused, "To the party." I pinched my face together.

"I'm nervous." I said.

"Are you nervous or scared?" He asked.

"Scared." I admitted. He  stopped me and brought me into his chest. I snuggled into it trying to get all the mental support I would need for tomorrow. "I will be there for you every step of the way."

"I know that. It's just, what if something happens?" I asked scared. Would it really be worth it? Adam looked down at me as I battled with my thoughts.

"We are going to be with you. Protecting you." He whispered in my hair before putting his hand on my cheek, "Understand?"

I nodded and kissed him. Isn't it funny how we got here, me hating myself, cutting, depressed, all to end up here. It's funny how life works a cutter and a jumper.

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