Chap 1 "First Day"

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Tiffany's POV
I quietly walk the the front door of my brother's and his friends" apartment being careful not to wake them. I had a late night partying with my girls and stayed the night at Anita's, because I was in no condition to drive. What 21 year old doesn't party to celebrate before her first day of work, right? I closed the door and turned around. There was my brother, angry, with his arms crossed in front of him, standing at the bottom of the stairs. I was busted.
"Where were you?" Jayk asked. "And what are you wearing?"
"I got drunk and I was in no condition to drive," I replied as I put my heels near the front door. I ignored the second question from Jayk. "I slept at Anita's."
"I was worried sick about you," Jayk looked at me. "And I'm sure you don't want to be late for your first day."
"I'm not going to be late," I sighed. I walked up to my room. I showered and got dressed. I walked downstairs and made me a cup of coffee. "I'm going to head out without you guys!" The guys quickly made it down the stairs. I got into my black, two door Nissan Skyline and the guys got into their van. I drove to the BAU. I grabbed my bag from my trunk and the guys followed me to the glass doors of the BAU floor. "This is it."
"It doesn't look like much," Jayk replied as him and his friends followed me. I found my desk and put my bag on top of it. "Are you sure?"
"Jayk, what part of this is where I'm meant to be do you not understand?" I asked.
"I'll know you"ll do great," Blake nodded. "TC and I'll wait for the two of you in the van."
They left. Drew walked off too. "Jayk, I'll be fine here," I nodded. "Why can't you be like those three and accept he fact that this is my life now? Well, not sure about Drew but you know." Jayk looked at me. "Really? You're seriously trying to pull those puppy dog eyes with me? The only one who can do that is TC."
"Just take care, alright?" Jayk nodded. "And come home safely."
"I will," I nodded. Jayk gave me a kiss on the forehead and left. "Thank the Lord he's gone." I decided to put a little color on my desk. I put a picture of me and each one of the guys on my desk. "Seriously going to miss you goofy guys on tour."

Blake English

Drew Ryan Scott

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Drew Ryan Scott

Drew Ryan Scott

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TC Carter

TC Carter

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