Chap 12 "Tyler's Side Job"

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Morgan's POV
I did the dishes after Jayk and Tyler left. The next morning I woke up and got dressed
I walked downstairs and sat Tyler giving Tiffany money as she closed the door. "What was that?" I asked.
"Tyler thinks I'm still in college," Tiffany sighed as she held up the money. "Now, he just made an important call before handing me this money. I'm going to see what he's up to. Max." He ran inside the house. "Do you wanna come?"
"I'm needed at the office," I nodded. "You go ahead."
"Suit yourself," she smiled as she put on her helmet and grabbed her bike. She opened the door and let Max out as she followed. "I'll see you later."
"Bye and be safe, baby girl," I nodded. She let Max sniff the money and he started running. She road after him. "Alright. Time to get coffee and head to the office." I grabbed a cup of coffee and drove to the office. I walked to my desk and sat down. "Okay."
"You look like you're having a blast," JJ smiled as she sat next to me.
"Between Tiffany on personal leave and Max barking almost all night, I think I'm holding up," I sighed. "I love that she's happy now and she has a part of Kyle with her. Although, I can see that not having a job, she has no idea what to do."
"Just give her some time," JJ nodded. "She'll eventually come around."
"She has Max sleeping in her room," I replied. "I can't even go in there just to wake her up without him barking at me. The dog is protective." JJ looked at me. "He is a well trained Marine. I respect that but I feel that the MWD's gonna hurt me."

Tiffany's POV
I followed Max down and couple blocks and he stopped. "What happened, boy?" I asked as I stopped. "Did you lose him?" Max dated down the dirt road. I smiled and followed him. We stopped in the middle of the woods. I got off my helmet and my bike. "Okay." Max and I hid to see what was going on. I couldn't make out what they were saying but it's obvious that Tyler was involved. Send like be was selling weapons. Max was growling. "Hey, hey, hey." I put my hand over his mouth. "Shhh." I put my hand down and the guy grabbed a weapon. Max was wanting to go over there. "Hey." I pulled him back. The other dogs started barking. "Max, let's go." We went back to my bike. "Come on." I was about to grab my bike but a dog came at me. Max attacked the dog and started barking back. "Max." He looked at me. Another dog came from the other direction. Max looked at me. "Go." Max ran off. I grabbed my bike and started riding it. I hit a tree trunk, causing me to flip my bike. I managed to get up but one of the wheels on my bike was messed up. "Dammit." I just started running. I saw the main road. Max stopped me. "Max." I hugged him. "You scared me for a minute." We went to the road. "Let's see if we can catch a ride." I got one car to stop. It was a 1967 Impala and it was the two brothers. "Oh great."
"What kind of trouble are you in now?" Sam asked.
"My dog is hurt and we need a ride to the vet," I sighed.
"Get in," Dean replied.
"Thanks," I smiled. We got into the car. "You okay, Max?"
Dean started driving. "What kind of dog is he?" Dean asked.
"German Shepard, military war dog," I smiled. "I didn't want him being killed so I took him in." We got to the vet and I let them check Max. I went to the front desk as they brought Max out. "How much?"
"$450.47," said the nurse.
"$450 for a dog?" Dean asked.
"Max is okay," I sighed. "That's all that matters." I handed them my debit card and they ran it and handed it back. "Thank you." I walked over to Max. "I gotta find out what I'm going to tell my boyfriend."
"You're FBI," Sam replied. "Should be easy."
"He's been FBI a bit longer," I sighed. "It's not going to be good. I mean, look at my clothes." They gave me a ride to my place. "Thank you." I took Max to be chained outside and I walked inside the dining room. "Morgan?"
Tyler and the sheriff that was in the woods was there. "Great," I sighed.
"Tiffany, what have you done?" Morgan asked.
"Done?" I asked. "I just went for a ride, Morgan. There's no crime in that." I shrugged. "Just trust me."

Morgan's POV
"Just tell the truth," I sighed.
"If I may," the sheriff stated. "I just had a few off duty business with my buddy, Tyler, here. And wham, my dog didn't know what hit him." He showed his bandaged hand. "Got me pretty good too. That's assault. I'm willing to drop all charges if you go ahead and put him down yourself."
"Wait, Max wasn't anywhere near you or your dog," she replied.
"Found this out near my place," the sheriff carried my bike in from the kitchen. "It's your bike, ain't it?"
"How about me and you have a few words in private?" Tyler asked.
"Morgan," Tiffany looked at me.
"I know Tiffany," I sighed. "I know she wouldn't lie. I'm an FBI agent for christ sakes." I looked at them. "I know how she is and if you wanna have a talk with her, you can have it here."
"Morgan, just let me handle this," Tiffany replied. "You know I can. Remember what you taught me?"
"Okay," I sighed. Tiffany walked with Tyler to the living room. "I don't know what happened. She was fine this morning before I left to go to work."

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