Chap 11 "US Marine KIA"

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Tiffany's POV
Morgan had taken Jayk to the airport the next morning while I got ready for the day. Morgan walked through the front door. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah," Morgan nodded. *I'm going to go to the back and work on grilling some burgers. The team should be over soon."
"Okay, I'll be in here getting dishes ready and washing the breakfast dishes," I smiled. Morgan gave me a kiss on the cheek and went outside with the items. "Okay." Just as soon as I finished drying the last plate, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and there stood two Marine officers. "Yes, how can I help you?"
"I'm looking for Kyle Wincott's brother and sister," said the taller officer.
"I'm his sister," I replied. "My brother flew out to Vegas is morning."
"Miss Purdy-James," he sighed. "Kyle has been KIA, killed -"
"In-action," I nodded. "I understand." I started crying. I felt Morgan put his arm around me. I hugged him and cried into his chest. Morgan closed the door. "Kyle's gone. They're having his service today." Morgan sat me on the couch as he went to go and get his suit on. We went to the church. Jayk, Mom, and Dad were there. I sat on the end, next to Jayk, and Morgan sat behind me. A dog ran up to the casket and laid right down next to it. It was Max, Kyle's military dog. "Awh." The end of the ceremony, the dog refused to go with the Marines. Max walked up to me and sniffed me. "Hey Max."
"Excuse me," he sighed. "Who might you be?"
"I'm Tiffany," I replied. "Kyle's sister. I was always the closest to Kyle for three months after he shipped." I looked at him. "I wanted to help people just like Kyle." Jayk put a hand on my shoulder. "That's why I joined the Bureau."
"I think Max figured you're Kyle's sister," he nodded. "You want to help us get him back to the van? Make it a whole lot easier if you did."
"Yeah," I nodded. I walked with them and the dog. The muzzled him and drove away. Morgan walked up beside me. "Let's go home." We got into the SUV. Morgan drove us home and the whole team was waiting on the front lawn. We walked inside and I sat on the couch. JJ sat next to me rubbing my back. "I'll be okay, JJ." The doorbell rang. Morgan opened it and Jayk walked in. "Jayk."
"They're gonna kill Max," Jayk replied.
"No," I nodded. Morgan, Jayk, and I went to the military pound. "Officer Reyes."
We shook hands. "He bounded so closely with Kyle that he won't cooperate," Reyes replied.
"The Purdy family takes care of its own," I smiled. "I'd like to take him home."
"Okay," Reyes sighed. "You sure you want to do this?"
"Yeah," I nodded. Morgan, Jayk, and I took Max home. Morgan chained him outside but Max only let me touch him. "Maybe I'll take care of him." Jayk had to go before he missed his flight. As night came, I tried to sleep but Max kept barking. "Ugh."
"Tiffany," Morgan sighed as he opened my door.
"I'm on it," I nodded. I grabbed his favorite toy. I also grabbed a pillow and blanket. I walked out to the back and threw Max the toy. I got a chair and sat it next to Max. "I'm sleeping out here with you tonight." I got into the chair and got comfortable. I was about to doze off. "Goodnight, Max."
I fell asleep. "Tiffany?" Morgan woke me up. I sat up. "Hey, baby girl."
"Hey," I sighed. "I'll be back, Max." I got dressed and set out a bowl of dog food for him. "I'll see you soon."

"Hey," Morgan walked outside

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"Hey," Morgan walked outside. "I wanna show you something." Market and I got into the SUV and he told me to a bike trail in the middle of the woods. Young adults where they are hanging out on their bikes. I saw Jayk. "Oh boy."
"Jayk," I walked up to him. "I thought you'd be in LA."
"Yeah, I was supposed to but my manager gave me some time off," Jayk nodded. "He gave it to me because of Kyle's death."
"Mhmm," I sighed.
"Justin, this is my sister Tiffany," Jayk nodded.
Justin was looking at me. "Why you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Think I should look like the maid? Should I be wearing an apron? Or no, maybe overalls would be better, huh?"
"Derek, you should ride with us," Justin nodded.
"He can't," I replied. "We gotta go take care of the MWD."
"Your girl calling the shots now?" Justin asked.
"He better listen," I replied. "Or he'll lose a finger."
"This girl is a federal agent just like me," Morgan nodded. "I think I'll listen to her than taking my chances on losing or breaking anything."
"Let's go," I replied. We went back home and Jayk showed up. "Hey." We cooked dinner and got the table set. The doorbell rang. "Oh, I got it." I got up and opened the door. "Tyler, right?"
"Well, look at you all grown up," Tyler smiled. I nodded. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah," I nodded and let Tyler in. "Why are you back?"
"I have a few piece of shrapnel up and down my back," Tyler nodded. "Lodged in my spine a couple places."
"There someone I know who'd like to meet you," I smiled. We walked to the back. Max got out of his chain and charged at Tyler. "Max! Stop! Stay! Easy Max." I stopped him as Tyler, Morgan, and Jayk walked inside. "Stop." I chained him back up and went inside. "I think I am going to let him sleep inside after a few nights out there." I looked at Tyler. "I'm turning in early tonight. I'll see you in the morning, Morgan. Don't stay up too late."

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