Chap 2 "Hotel Situation"

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Morgan's POV
Tiffany seemed like a really great agent over all. We all headed to the jet and took off. "You okay?" I asked sitting across from her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Tiffany looked at the tablet. "It's not my first time on a plane but first time flying first class."
"You've managed a band but you guys flew coach?" I asked.
"Hey, not everyone has money to buy a private jet like the FBI," Tiffany looked at me. "Besides, the band wasn't has huge as they were back then and the music industry is frustrating."
"Okay," I smiled. "I'm glad you quit the frustrating music industry." I looked at her. "It looks like you have a gray hair there."
"I do not," Tiffany said as she turned toward JJ. "Do I?"
"No," JJ replied. "Morgan's messing with you?"
"Are you sure?" Tiffany asked. "Because stress can cause it too."
"Tiffany, you don't have any," JJ smiled at her. "Leave her alone, Morgan."
"Okay," I put my hands in surrender and went to go sit by Rossi. "How long till we land in Russellville?"
"Mhmm," Rossi hummed.
I looked at him. "What?" I asked.
"You like Jacobs," Rossi nodded towards Tiffany.
"Yeah, so what?" I asked.
"Why don't you ask her on a date?" Rossi asked. "I'll throw in a limo if you ask her before we land."
"That's a bust because she has a boyfriend," I sighed.
"It doesn't mean she's married," Rossi looked at me. "A free dinner at the beat restaurant in DC and a limo."
"I'm going to kill you if she plays the I have a boyfriend card," I sighed. I got up and sat across from her. I looked at JJ as she left. "Tiff, would you like to go to dinner with me when we get back in DC?"
"Sure," Tiffany replied.
"Alright, I was afraid you were going to -" I stopped and looked at her. She looked at me. "Wait, what did you say?"
"Sure, I'll have dinner with you when we get back to DC," she nodded.
"Just out of curiosity," I sighed. I was happy she said yes but I was wondering about her boyfriend. Even though I can literally break the guy. "What about -"
"Blake?" she cut me off. "They're on tour. He's hanging out with his friends and I'm hanging out with mine." She looked at me. "He can't kill you and frankly, neither can my brother. It won't hurt anybody for me to hang out with my friend."
"Okay," I nodded. I went back and sit with Rossi. "She said yes."
"I told you so," Rossi smiled. "You keep this girl close to you. There is no one out there like her or as dedicated as she is to go for what she wants."
"Gather around my fellow crime fighters," Garcia appeared on Hotch's tablet. "Okay, they found a sixth body, Miranda Harps. Pictures have been sent to your tablets."
"She looks no older than 18," Tiffany nodded.
"That's because she is 18," Garcia nodded. "She was reported missing for a day and a half."
"The unsub is escalading," I sighed.
"Alright," Hotch sighed. "Thanks Garcia." She disappeared. "Morgan and Tiffany, go to the recent crime scene, JJ and Reid go to the morgue, everyone else will help me set up at the station." I sighed. "Tiffany, I understand you're new but I hope you understand your role."
"I do," Tiffany nodded.
We landed. Tiffany got into an SUV with me. She was looking through the victims pictures. "Are you alright?" I asked.
"It's just, these girls had a full life ahead of them," Tiffany nodded. "This shouldn't have happened to them." We got to the crime scene and got out of the SUV. Tiffany put on her sunglasses as well as I. We walked to the scene. "She's fully clothed. I highly doubt the unsub would rape and murder her out here. There's not even a drop of blood on the ground or a pool for that matter."
"Yeah, you're right there but wouldn't somebody noticed someone carrying a body?" I asked.
"He must've dumped them at night," Tiffany sighed. She looked at the photos on her tablet. "Morgan, do you see the resemblance with all the victims?"
"They're all female?" I asked.
"Yes, but look," Tiffany nodded. She showed me the pictures. "They're all brunettes and green eyes, Morgan." She enlarged the hands in each victims picture. "And they're all nurses."
"Why are they all in something skimpy?" I asked. I got out my phone and put it on speaker. "Let's see if Garcia knows anything."
"How can I help you my chocolate thunder?" Garcia asked.
"You're on speaker, mama," I sighed.
"Garcia, check to see if the Vic's have been clubbing the night before they're grabbed," Tiffany replied.
"I did that and they were," Garcia sighed. "Now, if he's escalading like you said he should be grabbing the next victim tonight."
"Thanks, baby girl," I sighed and hung up.
"We gotta go tell Hotch," we said at the same time.
"Let's just ignore that and go," Tiffany nodded. We got into the SUV and I drove us to the police department. We walked inside. "Hotch."
"You have something?" Hotch asked.
"The unsub is most likely a white male, early thirties," Tiffany replied. "He's going to make a grab tonight at the only club here in Russellville."
"We don't have enough time to find someone to go undercover," JJ replied. "We don't even have a type."
"He's been mostly targeting brunettes with green eyes and is about twenty one," Tiffany sighed. "We only have one person qualified under that description."
"Who?" Prentiss asked.
I looked at everyone with fear in my eyes. "No," I nodded. "No, you're not going under for this. No way."
"You got a better idea?" Tiffany asked.
"She can do it," Hotch replied.
"Hotch, you can't be serious," I looked at him, with worries in my eyes. "She could get killed."
"If we wanna catch the unsub, we have to do this," Hotch replied. "JJ and Emily, get her ready."
"Right, because we know exactly what were doing," JJ sarcastically replies.
Rossi grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. "What exactly do you think you're doing?" Rossi asked.
"Trying to keep her from being killed," I replied. "What else am I supposed to do?"
"We risk our lives every day to protect and save the innocent," Rossi looked at me. "But if you can't put your feelings aside for one night and let a fellow agent help save a couple innocent lives, then maybe this career isn't meant for you."
"You're right," I nodded.
"Hotch, is this alright?" Tiffany asked as she smoothed out the front of her dress. We put on our bulletproof vest (but Tiffany) and our earpiece and went to the club. "How am I looking over here at the bar guys?" Tiffany pretended to talk on her phone. "Hello?"

"Not really enjoying this," I sighed as I took a sip of my drink from the far end of the bar

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"Not really enjoying this," I sighed as I took a sip of my drink from the far end of the bar.
"Out of all people, I thought you would enjoy this," Tiffany smiled as the bartender put a glass in front of her. "Thank you."
"Couldn't you have gotten a longer dress?" I asked.
"It was either this or a light blue one shoulder dress that stopped right after my butt," Tiffany stated. "I don't know about you but I sure don't want my ass hanging out everywhere I go."
"You sure got feisty," JJ chimed in.
"Unsub eight o'clock," Prentiss replied. I nodded. "Tiff, nine o'clock."
"I'll see you tomorrow then," Tiffany pretended to end her phone call.
"Friends ain't coming?" the guy asked.
"No, she couldn't make it because the ER got busy as soon as my shift ended," Tiffany replied. "I was supposed to celebrate her twenty first birthday with her here."
"Maybe I can keep you company," he held out his hand. "I'm Eden Harris. We can go back to my place and have some fun."
"As much as I would like that..." Tiffany stuck her hand on her bag. Before I knew it, she cuffed him. "Eden Harris, you're under arrest for the rape and murder of Miranda Harps and five other women."
"Morgan, get in there," Hotch stated.
"I got this, baby girl," I nodded as she let go of him.
"You can't do this," he nodded.
"Try can and will," Tiffany nodded as she got her badge out of her bag. "Oh, did I forget to mention I'm FBI? Whoops, must've slipped my mind." The officers came in and took him out. "Can we go to the hotel so I can change?"
"Yeah," Hotch nodded. "Let's get some sleep. We leave at nine tomorrow morning."
"Good," I sighed. Tiffany and I got into an SUV. I drove us to the hotel and we went up to our room. She got into the shower and changed and came back out. "Tiffany?"
"What?" she asked.
"One bed," I stated. "I'll take the couch."
"We're both adults, Morgan," she sighed. "I think we can share the bed."
"You sure?" I asked.
"Don't be stupid," Tiffany nodded. She phone started ringing. She accepted the call and held the phone up. "Hey Blake."
"Hey, where are you?" Blake asked. "Doesn't look like home."
"I'm in Russellville, Arkansas," she sighed. "I got a case on my first day."
"Can you tell me what happened?" he asked.
"That's -"
"Confidential," they both said at the same time.
"Would it make you feel better that I didn't get raped and murdered?" Tiffany asked
"Why would you say something like that?" Blake asked.
"Because she volunteered to play bait for the unsub," I explained.
"Who's that?" Blake asked.
Tiffany put the camera on me. "It's my partner," she replied. "Boss teamed us up together."
"In a one bedroom hotel?" Blake asked.
"He promised to stay on his side of the bed," Tiffany nodded. "Don't worry about it, babe." She looked at the time. "How's LA?"
"Without you?" Blake asked. "Lonely. I thought you'd be in bed by now but I guess you aren't because of the central time zone."
"Well, it's about ten," she nodded as she sat on the left side of the bed. "So, what song will it be tonight?"
"What do you mean song?" I asked.
"Blake and I usually sing a song to each other whenever we are apart," Tiffany explained to me. "Especially when one of us is about to head to bed." I looked at her. "One summer I had gotten really sick so I wasn't able to do their summer tour with them. Because of that, we face time each other and sing a song to one another." I nodded. "It just kinda became a normal thing for us." She looked at her phone. "I can only sing a verse and a chorus tonight."
"We got an early flight in the morning," I nodded.
"That's exactly why I told him that," Tiffany looked at me. "Just MYOB."
"MYOB?" I asked. "You're really going to tell a guy with a gun to mind his own business?"
"That didn't seem to bother you when you said I had grays," Tiffany nodded.
"Just get back with your boy and sing him to sleep," I replied. "We'll probably have another case in the morning, as far as I know."

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