Chap 10 "Redo Date"

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Morgan's POV
JJ put her gun on the other girl as I hugged Tiffany. "I thought I lost you," I sighed.
"You know, you pick up a few tricks when working for the FBI," Tiffany smiled. "Let's get out of here so I can take a shower and get dressed so we can have dinner."
"Okay," I smiled. We got into the SUV and I drove her to my place. We got her room set up and I watched as she figured out where to put everything as she decorated. "How'd you manage to get out?"
"What do you mean?" she asked as she put up a picture frame of her and her brother.
"Well, you said you were held hostage in Mason Neck State Park. How are you able to get to Quantico? A ride about 30 45 minutes and by watching that's probably about three hours."
"I was fortunate to find some guys to give me a lift. The older brother seemed to have been intimidated by me. I just managed to get out." Tiffany looked at me. "Can't you just be happy that I'm alive? I just had to get out of that place. I wasn't sure if you guys could detect that she was a fake."
"I knew, Tiffany. She didn't have the same eyes and she was acting pretty weird. Usually, if I send you on a ride weather Spencer, you would whine about it and say that you should stay with JJ instead."
"I'm glad," Tiffany smiled. "Well, everything is done. I'm going to shower and get dressed."
"I should go and get ready as well," I smiled. I walked to my room and took a quick shower. I got dressed in black slacks and a nice light blue button-up shirt with my black dress shoes. I walk down stairs as I was putting on my watch. "Hey, Tiffany! The limo's here to pick us up. Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah," Tiffany called. "Just a second." She walked down the stairs as I put on my black sports coat. "I was trying to find something not too casual or too fancy but I should've just worn a semi-formal dress."

"You look great," I smiled as I opened the door

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"You look great," I smiled as I opened the door. We walked outside to the limo and Rossi opened the door. "Rossi."
"Your diver cancelled so I'm here to take his place," Rossi nodded.
We got into the limo and Rossi started driving. Tiffany was on her phone for the first five minutes. "Morgan, can we stop by the recording studio for a second?" she asked. "Jayk texted me. I figured we could stop by since it's on the way to the restaurant."
"Yeah," I nodded. "Rossi, can we stop by the recording studio?"
"Is it the one with the white building?" Rossi asked.
"Yeah," Tiffany nodded. Rossi parked the limo. He got out and opened the door for us. We got out and walked inside. "Okay, you got me here. What do you need?"

"You were riding in a limo?" Jayk asked

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"You were riding in a limo?" Jayk asked.
"Not the point," Tiffany sighed. "What do you need?"
"This is one of the nicest studios I've ever been in," I looked around. "If you ever wanna become a famous popstar, let me know and I'll be your personal bodyguard."
"Not happening," Tiffany replied. "I was kidnapped on your watch and I freed myself." She looked at Jayk and the guys. "Now, what do you need me to do?"
"Sing this song with us," Drew handed her a piece of paper. "Just this one song. We need your vocals."
"Fine but this is the last song," Tiffany nodded. "After this, I'm not doing it anymore."
"And our older brother sent us a post card," Jayk replied. "So, Derek, is it alright if I stay at your place for a few days?"
"Yeah, that ain't a problem," I nodded. "I didn't know you had an older brother."
"His parents died," Jayk replied. "Our parents adopted him when he was just a baby so we didn't know until our parents told us." I nodded. "He's now known as Petty Officer Kyle Wincott serving for the US Marines alongside his best friend Petty Officer Tyler Harne."
"Marine Corp," I nodded. "I should meet your older brother one day."
"No, you don't," Tiffany nodded. "Trust me. Okay, let's get this song done." Tiffany sang the song and we went to the restaurant. "Sorry, I never told you about my older brother."
"It's okay," I smiled.
"It's been six years," she sighed. "He was 21 when he enlisted and shipped out. He's twenty seven now." We ate and now we were on desert. Tiffany got a cake and the server put it on front of her. On it was written will you be my girlfriend? She smiled as she looked at me. "Derek Morgan?"
"And I'm in trouble," I sighed.
"No, you're not," she reached over the table and held my hand. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled. "We should probably head home. It's getting pretty late."
"Yeah," I sighed. We got into the limo and the traffic was pretty heavy. "Man, it's going to be awhile."
"And I'm exhausted," Tiffany sighed.
"Really?" I asked. Tiffany nodded as she laid her head on my shoulder. By the time we got home, Tiffany was already out like a light. Rossi opened the door for me and I carried her. "Thanks for an awesome night, Rossi." I managed to get my keys out and opened the door. I carried her up to her room and put her in her bed. "Okay." I took off her heels and put the blanket over her. "Goodnight, baby girl." I walked downstairs just as the doorbell rang. I opened the door. "Hey Jayk."
"Hey, sorry I didn't call first," Jayk nodded.
"Don't worry," I sighed. "Your bedroom is the third door to the right." Jayk went to his room and I went to mine. "Just a few days."

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