Chap 9 "Breaking Out"

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Tiffany's POV
I was in a room, locked in a cabin somewhere. My hands were chained to the nightstand beside the bed. A man and a woman walked in. She looked exactly like me but with grey eyes. "My friends will figure it out that you aren't me," I replied. "They know me fairly well."
"Really?" the girl who looks like me asked. "I'm Hillary, but out there, they think I'm you. Your friends even think I'm you."
"I highly doubt that Agent Morgan will think you're me," I replied.
"Oh, you mean Derek?" Hillary asked. "He suggested I stay with Reid."

"Big mistake," I smiled

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"Big mistake," I smiled. "My old team is already onto you."
"Old team?" Hillary asked. "Ronnie, you said she works for the BAU."
"She does," the guy replied.
"You gotta remember," I smirked. "We're the Bureau."
"Which team do you work for?" Hillary asked.
"I'm never telling you," I pursed my lips. She slapped me and they both walked out, locking the door behind them. "Okay." I managed to slip my phone put of my back pocket. "No service. Shit." I pushed a button on my bracelet and a laser shot from it. I managed to cut the chains from the nightstand. I picked the lock on the cuffs and got them off. I put my phone back into my pocket. "Alright, let's see." I searched the room but the only access was through the window, other than the door. I looked under the door and I counted two guards. "Okay." I walked over to the window. I clicked my heels together and a blade shot out the front of the shoe. "Okay." I carefully got the blade out of my shoe. I took off my bracelet and connected the blade and the bracelet together. "Okay. I hope this works." I managed to get the window unstuck and opened it. I put my bracelet back on and the blade back into my shoe. "I need to get out." I heard voices on the other side of the door. "Shit." I quickly climbed out the window and shut it. I quietly but quickly made my way around the woods until I realized I had no idea where I was going. I stopped and hid behind a tree. I got my phone out and I still have no service. "Dammit." The only thing that I could think of was we were in the middle of the woods. I heard a car coming and I looked around. I saw a 1967 black Chevy Impala slowly driving down to what seem to be a dirt road. I quickly made my way to the dirt road just a few feet in front of the Impala. I stopped them. The guy in the passenger seat rolled down his window. "Can you help me?"
"What do you need?" he asked. "I'm Sam and this is my brother, Dean."
"Can tell me where I am?" I asked.
"You're at Mason Neck State Park," Sam looked at me. I was confused. "Lorton, Virginia?"
"Oh, that's great," I sighed. "It's 30 to 45 minutes where I need to be." I looked at them. "Do you think you can give me a ride?"
"I'm not a taxi," Dean nodded.
"Maybe you didn't hear me," I replied. I showed them my badge. "I'm SSA Tiffany Purdy-Jacobs with the FBI." I put my badge back. "Now, are you willing to give me a ride?"
"Get in," Dean groaned. I did and he started driving. "Where do you need to go?"
"The FBI Academy," I replied.
"How'd you end up all the way out here?"
Sam asked.
"I was kidnapped," I stated. "I need to head back to the office and put this case in so we can find out who kidnapped me. It was really risky move for them to kidnap me right in front of another federal agent and in front of my brother's home." Dean looked at me in the rearview mirror. "Today was supposed to be a good day for me. My coworker, the other federal agent, he was helping me move into his place because I refuse to stay with my brother any longer. Plus, him and his friends are moving to LA anyways." I looked out the window. "The only things that I hope they figure out is that there is something wrong with the girl they sent to the office that's pretending to be me. The only thing different about her comma she just has a different color. Well, she also call my coworker Derek but he knows I don't call him that unless he's in trouble. I always call him Morgan and Dr. Spencer Reid, I always call Spence. I never call him Reid."
"Well, this girl that's pretending to be you," Dean replied. "She looks like you in every way?"
"Yeah, except for her eyes," I nodded. "They're always grey."
"Okay," Dean sighed. The rest of the ride was silent. He pulled up to the FBI and I got it. "Try not to get kidnapped again."
"Well, that's a promise I can't keep," I replied. I walked into the office and walked into the conference room. A gun was pointed at me and I put my hands up. I looked at who it was. "JJ, it's me."
"Are you sure?" JJ asked. "Because you seem to be a but off lately and you are also sitting on the couch."
I looked at the couch to my right and Hillary was sitting there. "Dammit," I cursed under my breath. I sighed. "Quiz me. There are a very differences."
"Okay," Morgan replied as JJ kept her gun steady on me. "What team are you a part of and where was your first case?"
"The BAU and Russellville, Arkansas," Hillary replied.
I looked at her and raised a brow. I crossed my arms. "I'm SSA Tiffany Purdy-Jacobs and I'm part of the International BAU. My first case was in Stockholm, Sweden." I smirked. "Gotcha!"

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