Chap 3 "It's Not Over"

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Tiffany's POV
"Blake, what song?" I asked.
"I want to hear Someone Else's Star by Bryan White," Blake smiled.
"Okay," I nodded. I cleared my throat. "Alone again tonight, without someone to love. The stars are shining bright. So, one more wish goes up." Blake smiled at me. "Oh, I wish I may and I wish with all my might, for the love I'm dreaming of and missing in my life. You'd think that I could find a true love of my own. It happens all the time to people that I know." I smiled at Blake. "Their wishes all come true. So I've got to believe there's still someone out there who is meant for only me." I took a deep breath. "I guess I must be wishing on someone else's star. It seems like someone else keeps getting what I'm wishing for. Why can't I be as lucky as those other people are? I guess I must be wishing on someone else's star..."
"Beautiful," Blake smiled.
"You're turn," I nodded. "Where You Are by you and you boys."
"That's perfect," Blake smiled as he put his phone down. I can still see him. He started playing the keyboard. "Shattered mirror on the ground. Put my heart in lost and found, love. Guess it's over now." I smiled hearing his beautiful voice. "Scratches from your finger tips. Wish I could feel better here now. 'Cause is over now." Blake smiled at me. "The beauty of it covered up the shadows underneath. You painted pictures that washed away. I guess I couldn't see. But I believe it's obvious a part of you still cares. So maybe if your a bit somewhere."
I started singing with him. "This one's for somebody. You know who you are," I smiled as I sang the chorus with Blake. "To afraid to admit it, what you got in your heart. So if you have been listening somewhere in your car. Then, tonight let me know where you are."
"Swear my number's still the same. I just have to hear you say it out. That it's over now," Blake smiled. "'Cause I keep hanging by a thread. I can't put my heart to rest. How? Is it over now?"
Blake pointed at me. "You ripped the pages from the story I wasn't supposed to see," I sang. "You hid the facts in broad daylight. They're right in front of me. I know our love was real enough to know that you still care." I smiled. "So, maybe if you're a bit somewhere."
"This one's for somebody. You know who you are," Blake joined me. "To afraid to admit it, what you got in your heart. So if you have been listening somewhere in your car." Blake stopped playing the chords. "Then, tonight let me know where you are."
"I love you, Tiffany," Blake smiled.
"I love you too, Blake," I smiled. Someone started banging on the door. Morgan shot straight up. "Uhm, Morgan?"
"I got it," Morgan replied as he grabbed his gun. He went to the door and opened it. The whole team walked in. "We were about to head to bed."
"The case isn't over," Hotch stated as he looked at me.
"Welcome to your first sleepless night," JJ sighed.
"Blake, I gotta go," I replied. "I'll talk to you later." I hung up and stood up. "What do you mean the case isn't over? We caught the unsub right?"
"He has a partner," Hotch replied. "The seventh body just turned up. This time, it was right outside Council Hall."
"Why change dumping grounds now?" I asked.
"Maybe he's figured out we have his partner," Prentiss replied.
"Markell Williams," Hotch looked at his phone. "I got an address. Let's go."
"Do I have time to get dressed?" I asked.
"Not in this job you don't," Prentiss nodded. "Let's go."
"Ugh," I groaned as I slipped on my tennis shoes. I caught up to the team, feeling well underdressed since I was in yoga pants, a sports bra, and a blue t-shirt. Morgan handed me a bullet-proof vest. "Thank you." I slipped it on and clipped my badge and gun to the hem of my pants. "Great." Morgan got into the SUV and started driving. "No sirens or lights, guys. We can't scare him off." We got to a farm. "Alright, let's split up."
"That's not a good idea, baby girl," Morgan replied.
"We gotta be able to hit him from every corner," I nodded. Guns started firing from the house. We had to take cover. I was kneeling in front of the SUV door to get a better shot. "Come on." I started shooting. "Dammit."
"Tiffany!" Reid yelled as he got in front of me.
Reid went down. "Spence," I nodded. I holstered my weapon. "No, no, no." I grabbed him and pulled him behind the SUV. I sat him up. "Reid? You can't sleep." I grabbed his hand and put it over the wound on his leg. "Keep pressure on that."
"I'm going in!" Morgan exclaimed.
"Morgan, don't!" I yelled. He started running. "I'll be back." I grabbed my gun and ran after Morgan as soon as the shooting died down. "JJ, watch Reid!" I caught up to Morgan. Two shots were heard. Morgan fell back and dropped his gun. "Morgan!" I shot the guy and he went down. "Morgan?" I holstered my weapon and knelt down. He groaned. "Where are you hit?"
"I was shot with my bulletproof vest on," Morgan groaned.
"Alright, come on," I sighed as I got up. I helped Morgan up and grabbed his gun. "Here." Morgan put his arm around me for support. I tried to keep him level, but with my small frame, it just looked weird. I sat him on the trunk of the SUV. "Can you promise me you'll get that looked at?"
"It's probably just a bruised rib," Morgan groaned. I looked at him. "Fine, baby girl. I'll get it looked out."
"Thank you," I smiled and went to the ambulance. " How is he?"
"The bullet is logged in his leg," the medic nodded. "We gotta get him to the hospital."
"I'll ride with you guys," I sighed. We got to the hospital and I was asked to wait in the waiting room. After two hours, I saw the doctor. "Doctor, how is he?"
"We were able to remove the bullet and he is now stabled," the doctor replied. "You can wait in his room."
"Thank you," I nodded. I walked into his room and my phone started vibrating. I got it out and it was a face time call from Blake. I sat down in the chair and picked up. "Hey."
"You don't look so good," Blake replied. "Where are you?"
"Hospital," I sighed.
"Everything alright?" Blake asked.
"One of my co-workers took a bullet for me," I sighed. "If he hadn't, I'll be in that bed." I looked at Reid. "I just want to be the first one he sees when he wakes up. I want to thank him for saving my life. The way I was positioned, I could've died out there in the line of fire." I looked at Blake. "You need to get some sleep. I'll talk to you soon, okay? I love you."
"I love you too," Blake smiled.
I hung up and just laid back in the chair. "Thank you, Spence," I sighed. I eventually got extremely exhausted and dosed off. I heard groaning and I opened my eyes to see Reid slowly moving. "Spencer?" I walked up to his bedside as he slowly opened his eyes. "Oh, thank God."
"Tiffany?" Reid dryly whispered.
"Hey, I'm right here," I smiled as I grabbed his hand. "Thank you."
"You would've done the same for me," Reid nodded.
"Thank you," I nodded.
"Where's Morgan?" Reid asked. "Usually I would see Morgan when I wake up in a hospital."
"Hey kid," Morgan walked in. "How you feeling?"
"Like I've been shot," Reid sighed. "When can we get out of here?"
"You're not authorized to fly," Morgan nodded. "Because of that, Tiffany and I are going to be with you on the drive home."
We got Reid out of the hospital and into the SUV. Morgan was driving. "How long is this drive?" I asked.
"Fifteen hours and fifty four minutes from Quantico," Reid replied. I looked at him. "What?"
"Genius, just try not to talk facts," I nodded. "You should relax and enjoy the ride."
"I wouldn't talk like that if I were you," Reid replied.
"Why?" I asked.
"Do you know how Morgan drives on the freeway?" Reid asked.
"Good point," I sighed. I looked at Morgan. My phone rang and I picked up. "Yes?"
"Hey," Blake voice came through. "So guess what?"
"What?" I asked.
"Our first concert is tomorrow afternoon at four in DC," Blake responded. "Please tell me you'll be there."
"I should," I nodded. "I should be home between midnight to one. Maybe close to one." I sat back in the seat. "It just depends how fast Morgan drives."
"I thought you guys were flying," Blake sighed.
"We were but Dr. Spencer Reid can't fly with his injured leg," I added. "It was doctor's orders."
"Technically I can fly," Reid nodded.
"And who gave you that funny fact?" Morgan asked.
"I did. Technically, I am a doctor so it's a second opinion," Reid replied. "My opinions count too, right?"
"Kid, you got three BAs and three PhDs," Morgan replied. "Not one of them deal with the medical field."
"Is he a genius?" Blake asked.
"He is only 22 with an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words per minute," I replied. "What do you think, Blake?"
"He is?" Blake kinda questioned his response.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Look, I'll talk to you tomorrow, alright?"
"Alright," Blake sighed. "I gotta get to rehearsal anyways."
"Alright," I stated and he hung up. I looked at my phone. "Well, I love you too."
"We are still having dinner tomorrow, right?" Morgan asked.
"Oh, crap," I sighed. "Can we postpone that to Sunday? I just promised Blake I'll go to his concert tomorrow."
"Can I come?" Morgan asked.
"You all can," I nodded. "I'm sure the guys won't mind the extra security." The car ride went by like a breeze. We dropped Reid off and Morgan drove into the driveway. "Are you going to pick me up for the concert?"
"Why?" Morgan asked.
"My car is at the BAU," I nodded.
"Yeah, I'll pick you up," Morgan nodded. "We gotta go to the BAU before we head to DC for the concert."
"Alright," I smiled. "See you tomorrow." I got out of the car and walked into the house. I looked out the window and Morgan had pulled out of the driveway. I sighed. I walked into the living room and set my bag on the couch. Blake was asleep on the couch. "Blake?" I knelt down to come face to face with him. "Blake?" I shook him a bit. "Blake?"
"Hmm," Blake sighed as he opened his eyes. "Hey." He sat up. "You're home."
"Yeah," I nodded as he hugged me. "Why didn't you go to your room?"
"I was waiting for you," Blake sighed.
"But I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled.
"I wanted to see you before then," Blake nodded. He leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head. "I guess I'll see you in the morning."
I looked at Blake. "At the concert," I nodded. "Morgan's coming to get me in the morning." Blake walked to his room . I went up to my room and emptied my bag. I repacked it. "Mind as well be ready for anything. Never can tell now a days." I got in bed and turned off the light. I was about to doze up but my phone rang. I groaned and looked at it. "Another case? At this time in the morning? At three am?"

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