Chap 13 "Keep Quiet"

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Tiffany's POV
I walked into the living room with my arms crossed as Tyler looked at me. "What do you want from me?" I asked.
"You know what this is?" Tyler asked as he got out a gun.
It took everything in me to not pull mine as a self-defense mechanism. "It's a grand M9. Built in laser socket works. Do you know how much it's worth?"
"About six hundred here," I sighed. "Over the boarder is a bit over three grand."
"See, we're a lot more alike than you and your brother were," Tyler looked at me.
"Why not just leave Max out of it?"
"If it were up to me, believe me I would. But that man down there, he wouldn't. He's a bad man. And the cartel dudes were in business with are even worse. Do you want a front row seat to a couple more family funerals? Just do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut."
"Did Kyle know about your business?"
"My business? Kyle always wanted to be a hero. Look where it got him. I'm a realist. I know the way the world turns. Which one are you going to be?" I looked at him. "I know about you and the FBI agent down there. What surprises me was that you're one yourself. Now, do you really want to lose the only career you feel passionate about?" I looked at him. "There's that same twinkle in your eyes that I saw before I left six years ago. The same twinkle that made me fall in love with you."
"Stop it," I nodded. "You are not capable of love."
"I'm not capable of a lot of things," Tyler nodded. "But love, that's something I do know." I sighed. "I really thought you'd be the girl I marry when I got back. Evidently, I was mistaken. You decided to be with someone in the FBI rather than someone who fought for our country. So, what is your choice now?"
"Fine," I sighed. They brought a van and I put Max in it. "Hey." Max looked at me. "You don't deserve this. I know. I don't have a choice." I gave Max one last kiss and they closed the van doors. They drove away. "Goodbye, Max." Morgan walked up to me and gave me a hug. "No, stop." I walked up beside Tyler and looked at him. I nodded and walked to the backyard. I was trying to fix the spokes on my bike. I got my finger with the wire clippers really good. "Ah! Dammit!" I walked inside and rinsed my hand under cold water. Morgan walked in and I turned off the water. "Hey."
"Wanna tell me what's going on?" Morgan asked.
"No," I sighed. Hours passed and I was sitting in the living room watching TV. Reid, JJ, and Jayk walked in. "Seriously?" Morgan looked at me. "I'm fine! Dammit. I'm going to bed. It's late." I went up to my room and closed the door. I got in bed and the door opened. "What, Jayk?"
"Wanna tell me about what happened today?" Jayk asked.
"I'm just not a hero like you and Kyle. It's just the way the world turns," I sighed. "I'm sorry, Jayk. I just can't do this."
"A hero always tells the truth no matter what people think about him or what the consequences are," Jayk sat next to me on my bed. "And you've always been that way. So if there's anything different that happened today from what Tyler and that sheriff are saying, I need you to tell me about it, sis."
"I just can't lose my job," I replied. "I am going to go to sleep now." Jayk left my room and I turned out my light. I laid down. "I'm so done with this."
"Tiffany," Morgan called. "Tiffany, hurry please."
I walked downstairs, almost half asleep. "What?" I asked.
"What did you and your brother talk about?" Morgan asked.
"Nothing," I replied.
"When you guys talked about nothing, he left the house without a word, and he just called to say he was spending the night at the Purdy hunting cabin," Morgan replied. "And also, not to worry."
"You have a hunting cabin?" JJ asked.
"No," I replied. "We do not." We heard barking in the backyard. I ran to the back and opened the door. "Max." I ran up to him. "Max." He started licking me. "Hey. How'd you get home?" I smiled as I knelt down. "I love you so much." I walked Max inside to JJ, Reid, and Morgan. "Look who showed up." I looked at them. "Okay, so, my brother is MIA right now and acting really weird."
"Did you call the cops?" JJ asked.
"They won't do anything until he's gone a lot longer than two hours. But, look. I need a bike," I sighed. "I can find my brother if I get a five minute head start." We walked to the backyard and Morgan opened the shed and pulled a sheet off of four bikes. "Whoa."
"Let's do this," JJ smiled as she grabbed her bike.
"No, no," I nodded. "This doesn't involve you, okay?"
"Are you going to waste your time on an argument you're going to lose?" JJ asked. "Are you going to get up on that bike?"
Morgan pushed out a bike in front of me. "Is this what I think it is?" I asked.

"It's the yeti cycles SB6 carbon XTR complete mountain bike," Morgan replied

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"It's the yeti cycles SB6 carbon XTR complete mountain bike," Morgan replied. "I was going to give it to you for Christmas but your brother is more important. This cost me $10,600 plus tax." I looked at him. "Mess this one up, I'm not getting you another mountain bike."
"I promise," I smiled. Reid and Morgan got onto a bike. "Just try to keep up." We started riding together. We went to Jayk's old house and I checked the shed. I found Jayk's phone case. "Max." I held out the phone case and he sniffed it. "Go search." He ran off. "Let's go."
We got on our bikes and started following. "That dog is fast," Morgan replied.
"Then pedal faster," JJ came back.
We got to the woods and I found Jayk's car. "Jayk?" I called. Max started running deeper into the woods. "Having second thoughts?"
"My second thoughts are having second thoughts," Morgan replied.
"That's not possible," Reid nodded.
"Let's go," I smiled. We followed Max. The sun started coming up. We got to a river. "Okay." I looked at Max. "The trail doesn't stop here, does it?"

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