Chap 14 "Being A Hero"

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Morgan's POV
"He's not going to do what I think he's going to do," I sighed. Max started swimming across the river. Everyone looked at me. "Why look at me? Look at the dog." We got into the river. "Whoa, this water is cold."
"I've never heard you whine so much," Tiffany replied. Reid went under. We got him and went to shore. "It's alright Max."
We made it across. "We are not going back for Reid's bike," JJ nodded. "This is a bad idea."
"You think?" I asked. Max barked. "Oh, come on."
"Let's keep going," Tiffany smiled. We followed Max. We saw Jayk, Tyler, the sheriff, and a Hispanic guy. "Who's that guy?"
"My distance cousin Amillio," Reid replied.
Max started growling. "Shh," Tiffany stopped Max. "Okay. There's a highway, the bad guys are in the truck with my brother, and Amillio is down there."
"We need to get to that highway and get help," JJ replied.
"How about a bunch of Navy Seals?" Morgan asked.
"I'm not leaving here without my brother," Tiffany replied. "I'll stay here with Reid and Morgan. JJ, you go get help." JJ left. My phone starting going off and I quickly hit the off button. "Dammit Morgan."
We heard barking. "Tiff, what's that?" I asked.
Max started barking. I saw the dog and so did Tiffany. "Ready for round two?" she asked. Max went for it. The dog had Max pinned down. I took my bike and hit the other dog. "Fight smart, Max." Max ran off and the dog followed him. "Let's go." Reid, Morgan, and I hid along the trail. I saw Max and the dog fighting near the water. I saw Reid in trouble. "Dammit." I rode my bike and hit Amillio. He rolled down the hill. "Go Tiffany." She got on her bike and road off. "Be careful."

Tiffany's POV
I rode by bike to Jayk and Max. "Jayk," I sighed. I got off my bike and hugged him. "I'm fine."
"Did you bring anyone with you?" Jayk asked.
"Besides Max, just Morgan, Reid, and JJ," I nodded. "They're fine. Oh, Tyler's right behind me and he's coming up fast. We should take the truck."
"Tyler took the keys," Jayk nodded. "We can slow them down." He shot the truck a couple times. "Let's go." We started walking. "Tiffany, wait. I'm just slowing you guys down. So much for taking that truck out." I looked at him. "You and Max just go onto the highway. I'll keep them off of you as long as I can." Morgan road up to us. "Go."
"Anytime I'm in trouble, Max had taken the fight away to keep me safe," I replied. "Wouldn't it be right if I did the same for my own brother?" Max, Morgan, and I road on the opposite direction. "I protect family far more than myself." The truck was following but Max guided us. We stopped. I saw Tyler and we kept going. I hid my bike and Morgan got me to ride with him. I saw a break up ahead. "Come on." We jumped. Max landed on a ledge in the hole. Morgan and I landed near the track but we lost the bike. "Max." I looked down. "Max, it'll be alright."
"Tiffany," Morgan got me up. "Let's go." We started making out way down the track away from Tyler. "Come on." An explosion went off and I hit the ground. Morgan got on top of me to shield me. "Ambush!" Gunshots started going off and we stayed down. It stopped for a while, then grenades started going off. That stopped. Morgan got up and helped me up. "You hit?"
"No, I'm good," I nodded. We saw Tyler get up. "Keep going." We walked a few steps but stopped. "Can't. Hole."
"Tyler! Don't you hurt my sister!" Jayk yelled.
I got Morgan behind me because I could take Tyler. "This never had to happen," Tyler said as he stopped in front of us. He hit me causing me to fall. Morgan knelt down next to me. "What am I supposed to do with you now?!"
"Surprise," I smiled. Max barked and Tyler turned around. I smiled. Max came at us as Tyler held out his gun. I kicked him behind the right knee and there was a gunshot. Morgan rolled me over to the right. Max tackled Tyler down the hole. "Max." I looked and Max was going to be just fine. "Okay." JJ came with the cops. We got up and gave her a hug. "We did it."
"Yeah, shut down a big drug and weapons cartel," JJ nodded.
We went home and had a home vet come and visit Max. Max was going to be just fine. "Max," I smiled. "I miss my big brother."

Morgan's POV
I sighed. Jayk left without a notice or anything. "Hey, your family is here now," I smiled.
"Yeah," Tiffany smiled. "I do." She looked at Max. "We're going to give you a bath and then I can shower." We laughed. "Come on Max."
They went upstairs. "That's how I like seeing her," I smiled. "Happy and worried free."
"You really love her, huh?" JJ asked.
"With my life," I nodded.
"Maybe this will make you happy," JJ smiled as she handed me a file. "See you tomorrow."
"Bye," I nodded as her and Reid left. I opened the file and Agent Eric Strauss has approved Tiffany's transfer back to the original BAU team she was assigned to. With a few strings being pulled, Max has also became a member of the BAU. "Yes." I walked to Tiffany's room and knocked. "Tiffany?"
"Come in," she replied. I did. She was already showered and ready for bed, along with Max. "Hey, what's up?"
"Guess who gets to go back to work tomorrow," I smiled.
"Seriously?" she smiled. She hugged me. "What about Max?"
"He's been approved," I smiled. "Max gets to work alongside you as your personal guard dog."

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