Chap 8 "Unexpected Abduction"

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Morgan's POV
"You're either here or in a different country," I nodded. "Considering you're part of the international team now."
"Yeah, don't remind me," Tiffany nodded. "Is Hotch still trying too?"
"He's trying," I sighed. "Erin is trying to swim out there with the hook in her."
"You take care of my little sister, alright?" Jayk looked at me.
"I'll take my life if it means she gets to live," I replied.
"I'm going to grab the rest of my bags," Tiffany stated. "Jayk, can you take the caddy down to the SUV?"
"Yeah," Jayk nodded.
"Thanks," Tiffany smiled. She opened the door to her room and we walked in. "This place hasn't changed since I was 16."

"What other bags do you need?" I asked

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"What other bags do you need?" I asked.
"Those," Tiffany pointed at the suitcases. "Jayk got those for me." I followed her and she showed me to the bathroom. "This is my bathroom. Or was my bathroom."

"I'm sorry," I replied

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"I'm sorry," I replied.
"For what?"
"This bathroom is better than the one I got you."
"Morgan, listen to me. I wouldn't stay here even if I could. Plus, the realtor already got the house." She picked up the backpack and duffle bag off the bed. "This is the rest of my stuff."
"What brand is that?"
"Michael Kors," she smiled. "TC got these for me."


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"Well, I'm going to go put these in the car and I'll come back and get those suitcases," Tiffany replied

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"Well, I'm going to go put these in the car and I'll come back and get those suitcases," Tiffany replied. "Looks like it's time to get ready to live with you."
"I'll get these for you," I smiled. "Let's get down to the car and get something to drink?"
"Sounds like a plan," Tiffany nodded.

 "Let's get down to the car and get something to drink?""Sounds like a plan," Tiffany nodded

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I grabbed the suitcases and followed Tiffany down to the SUV. Jayk had the trunk opened and already loaded the first of Tiffany's stuff. She put her backpack and duffle in the passenger seat as I loaded the suitcase in the trunk and closed it. She walked to the edge of the street. I saw a black van driving down the street.
"Is that normal?" I asked as I leaned back against the SUV and looked at her. "It seems very suspicious."
"Black, white, gray, pink, or navy blue vans drive down the street all the time," Tiffany turned and looked at me. "It's not everyday but it definitely has become something normal." The black van slowed down and the side door opened. "It's just this -" Some guys pulled her into the van. "Ahhh! Morgan!"
"Tiffany!" I replied as I pulled my gun. They drove off and I shot a couple rounds. I was only able to get a partial plate as the guys ran out of the house. "This can't be happening."
"What happened?" Jayk asked.
"Tiffany was just abducted," I nodded as I got in my car. "I'm going to the Bureau and finding her." I closed my door and sped to the Bureau. I quickly made my way into the conference room. "Hotch, Tiffany was just abducted a while ago."
"Garcia pull up surveillance cameras around the neighborhood," Hotch replied. "Were you able to get plates?"
"Partial," I replied. "8-2-1-Kilo-Alpha. Uhm, it's a black Ford van."
"Don't bother," said a voice at the door.
We turned and looked. "Tiffany?" I asked. Her clothes were torn and she was covered in dirt. "What happened to you?"
"I managed to slip my hands out in front of me and jump out of the van," Tiffany replied as she held out her hands. "Can you please cut these things off of me?"
"Yeah," I nodded. I cut the zip-tie from her hands and she sat down. I put a glass of water in front of her. "Can you tell us anything about your abductors?"
"Don't we have cases we should be confusing on rather than my own personal issues?" Tiffany asked.
"We?" JJ asked. "Honey, you're on the wrong team to be saying we."
"Yeah," Prentiss looked at Tiffany. "We should probably get you home and you get some rest to remember before coming back to work."
"She can't go back to her brother's since that's where she was taken and she definitely can't go to my place since that's probably where they'll go next," I replied. I looked at Reid and smiled. "Hey kid. Is it alright if Tiffany stays at your place?"
"She can," Reid nodded. "Let's go." I got Tiffany in the car with Reid. I put one of Tiffany's disguise outfits in my empty duffle and handed it to her. "All set?"
"Yeah, just take care of her," I nodded. Reid drove off and I walked back into he conference room. "Please tell me you guys know something is off about her."
"Doesn't she know she's not part of this team anymore?" Prentiss asked.
"Pull up a picture of her when she first joined the Bureau," I replied.

"Pull up a picture of her when she first joined the Bureau," I replied

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"Tiffany Purdy-Jacobs," Garcia replied. "You're typical brunette with golden eyes." I sighed trying to map out the cognitive map of Tiffany I just had before I sent her off with Reid. "Chocolate Thunder, you thinking about something?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "Pull up a picture of Tiffany a while ago."

"Does Tiffany wear contacts?" JJ asked

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"Does Tiffany wear contacts?" JJ asked.
"No, she doesn't," I nodded. "So, our job just got tougher. Tiffany isn't Tiffany."
"Then who did we just send with Reid?" Prentiss asked.
"I don't know but we need to figure it out fast," I nodded.
"Tiffany now has grey eyes," Hotch replied. "The Tiffany we know has brown -"
"Golden," I corrected. "She has golden eyes."
"Does she have amnesia?" Hotch asked.
"Amnesia messes with a person's mind," I replied. "Not their eye color. And I highly doubt she has amnesia since she came here but she doesn't know she's on a different team." I sighed as I sat back on my chair. "The Tiffany I know wouldn't forget a detail. No matter how big or small it is." I looked at the pictures. "Let's bring our original girl home."

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