Chap 4 "Concert"

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Morgan's POV
I pulled into my driveway about three am after cruising around for awhile. My phone vibrated and I looked at it. "Okay," I sighed. I went to go pick up Tiffany and we went to the BAU. We walked into the conference room. "Hotch, it's three am."
"I understand everyone has something to do," Hotch nodded.
"Yeah, we're all going to Tiffany's boyfriend's concert later in the day," JJ nodded. "Why drag us out this early? Or is it late?"
Poor Tiffany must be very exhausted. "Rossi, can I have some of your coffee?" she asked.
"Uhm, sure, but it's black," Rossi sighed.
"I don't care," Tiffany nodded. Rossi shrugged and let her take a sip. "Ugh...I think I'm good now."
"You awake?" Hotch asked.
"Yeah, fully now," Tiffany nodded as Reid walked in with his crutches.
"Good, because this pertains to you," Hotch replied. "In a week, you will no longer be part of this team. In a week, I will no longer be your unit chief. In a week, you-"
"Am I being fired?" Tiffany asked. "I'll rather quit than be fired."
"No, you're not being fired," Hotch nodded. "Another team has requested that you be part of their team."
We all started protesting. "Hotch, come on," I stated. "She's the best." We all kept talking. "We can't lose her."
"Hey!" Hotch got us to quiet down. "It was sent to Section Chief Agent Strauss." We looked at him. "I don't have a choice."
"We all have a choice," I looked at Hotch. "Why couldn't you have fought for her like you did for this team?"
"Believe me, I wanted to," Hotch sighed.
"Then, why didn't you?" JJ asked.
"Because I know the team that requested her could use her a lot more than we can," Hotch nodded. Three guys and two women walked in. "The International BAU could use her hell. Especially with her being fluent in five other languages other than English."
"Hotch has told me a lot of great things about the youngest agent of the team," a guy nodded. "I'm Jack Garrett (Garrett), the unit chief of the international team. This is Matthew Simmons (Matt) , Clara Segar (Segar), Mae Jarvis (Mae), and Russ Montgomery (Monty)." I nodded. "Monty is our tech guy for the team."
"When is my transfer date?" Tiffany asked.
"Effective a week from today," Hotch sighed.
"And this couldn't have waited till this afternoon?" I asked. "Hotch, we gotta get some sleep for tonight's concert."
"You guys can sleep on the couches here," Hotch nodded.
"I call the floor behind my desk!" Tiffany exclaimed as she left the room.
"She does know there a couch in your office, right?" JJ asked.
"No," I sighed. I walked to find Tiffany laying on a pallet she made on the floor. She had a pillow and an extra blanket. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Going to sleep," Tiffany replied.
"There is a perfectly nice couch in my office you could sleep on," I looked at her.
"No thank you," Tiffany replied. "I'll be perfectly fine right here."
"Okay, suit yourself," I sighed as I grabbed her chair and sat in it.
"What do you think you're doing?" she asked.
"I am going to stay right here and watch you sleep," I replied. "Just to make sure no one bothers you."
"You creep me out already," she nodded. "Just, at least try to get some sleep." I eventually did does off. I woke up and Tiffany was standing at her desk taking out a French braid. "Did you sleep alright?"

 "Did you sleep alright?"

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"Yeah," I sighed. "What are you wearing?"
"Something that I had in my go bag," Tiffany replied. "Now, you might wanna get up if we don't wanna be late."
"We're not going to be late," JJ smiled.
"You've never been to a concert," Tiffany responded as she looked at JJ. "Especially one of theirs." I got ready. "You ready?"
Tiffany put her gun in her boot and clipped her badge to the bottom of the belt on her right side. "Not really," she nodded.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"What am I supposed to tell my brother about this transfer?" Tiffany asked. "He already hated the idea of me joining the FBI and travelling the country."
"But?" I asked.
"Do you know how furious he's going to be when I tell him that I have to transfer to the international team which is basically cases out of the country?" Tiffany asked. "I'm not ready for him to get angry again. And frankly, I want to fix my relationship with Blake. I think after last night, our relationship went from happiness to really complicated."
"You'll be okay," I sighed as I gave her a hug. "Let's just go to this concert and we'll figure something out, okay?"
Tiffany nodded. "Okay," she sighed. "Okay. Let's go." Tiffany decided to take her own car and we took the thirty minute drive to DC. Maybe a bit more just to look for the mall itself. We walked into the mall and stayed thirty feet away from the screaming girls. "Welcome to the After Romeo concert."
"You were right," JJ nodded.
"OMG!" exclaimed a girl as she pointed at Tiffany. "It's Jayk's sister!"
"Oh boy," I nodded. The fangirls crowded around Tiffany and she took pictures with them. She didn't mind being around a big crowd. "Does she seem relaxed to you?"
"Well, they are the boys fans and I'm pretty sure they love Tiffany too," JJ replied. "We'll see what happens through the rest of the day." Tiffany signed a few autographs and took a few pictures. The boys were around to come out so the fans turned their attention to the stage. Tiffany walked over to us. "You looked like you had fun."
"Pretty much used to it," Tiffany nodded. The boys came out onstage. "There they are."
"Okay, hey Tiffany," Jayk sighed. "We can use your friends."
"Come on," Tiffany replied. We got onstage. "I couldn't bring Reid because he's got a leg injury. So I only got Morgan, JJ, Prentiss, Hotch, and Rossi with me."
"We could use the barricades pushed at least a foot away from the stage," Drew replied. "Three at the front and one on each side."
"Tiff, you stay onstage," Jayk nodded.
"Just like old times," Tiffany smiled. "Just do as they say." I got center stage and got off the front of the stage between the barricades and the stage. "Go ahead." JJ stood five feet to my right and Prentiss five feet to my left. Hotch and Rossi on the side. I looked at Tiffany and nodded. She grabbed a microphone. "Alright, guys, listen up. The guys aren't going to start performing until you move far back from the barricades so they can push them back." I nodded as the girls took a few steps back. I couldn't go anymore. "It has to be at least a foot away for them to do their surprise." No movement at all. "Look, if you don't cooperate, they can just cancel this whole show and you guys would've shows up for nothing."
"Why are you telling us what to do?" a voice from the crowd asked.
"The people trying to fix the barricades are FBI agents and have been asked to remove anyone from the premises," Tiffany replied. "I ask that you do as we say and the boys can put on an amazing show for you guys, okay? Come on."
We finally got them to move a feet back. "Thank you," I sighed.
"Alright, let's have an amazing show," Tiffany smiled.
The show ended and Tiffany was really happy. Us agents were actually watching the show. "We have at least two more songs to sing," Jayk nodded. "But first, we would like to invite FBI agent Tiffany Purdy-James onto the stage to assist us."
Gasps and murmurs were heard. "Guess they didn't expect that one," I smirked.
A guy handed Tiffany and mic and she smiled. "You feeling okay?" Jayk asked.
"Considering I probably didn't any sleep until 4am and I slept at the office, I should be true but in feeling alive, I guess," Tiffany nodded. "It comes with the territory and it's what I signed up for. So, uhm, what two songs are we going to sing here, big brother?"
"Anything," I nodded. "She'll do great."

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