Chapter 1: The beginning

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"Girl Homecoming is going to be the shit this year!" I  exclaimed to my friend Camille."
"Im not all that stoked about it, shit lets face it aint nobody gonna ask me to go with them." Camille said in a low sad tone.
"Shut up bitch you sound dumb." I said as I slapped Camille's big round ass. My name is Larissa Watters I stand tall at 5"8 with long curly hair that flowed down my back. I'd give honey a run for its money with my smooth complexion. My friend Camille was short and dark, a little on the heavy side, with bad acne. The only thing guys noticed when they saw her was her abnormally large ass. My story begins in the long depressing hallways of the high school i once attended.
Jasmine Perkins approached Camille and I.
"So i heard Lamar is supposed to ask you to homecoming." She said.
"So what i dont care whats your point?" I snapped.
"Girl you know you care. But dont get too excited because thats my man he always comes back to this." Jasmine gently pushed passed Camille and I and walked away.
"I cant stand that stupid bitch!" Camille spat.
"Me either but what can you do?" I stated trying to be the bigger person in the situation.
In history class I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to a pimply faced nerd handing me a note. I sneered as i snatched the note out of the kids hand. When i opened it and read what it said. I instantly got a big koolaid smile on my face. The note read: hey beautiful i was wondering if you would go to homecoming with me. At the bottom of the note Lamar signed his name. I have the biggest crush on him. Sitting there with the note still open the smile on my face refused to go away.
"Do you have something you would like to share with the rest of the class Ms.Watters?" My ugly ass teacher snapped at me pulling me out of my thoughts.
"No Mrs. James." I protested.
"Well put that away!!" She yelled. I quickly wrote yes on the note and handed it back to the nerdy kid who gave it back to Lamar. Lamar stood 6'2 in height. He was caramel complected, he always wore fresh clothes and shoes. There wasnt a girl in that school he couldnt have. The fact that he chose me excited me. Everybody recognized him by the shiny gold grill he wore in his mouth. After class Lamar intercepted me at the door.
"What time should i pick you up tomorrow beautiful?"
"I hope you are taking me out to eat before hand so pick me up at 6 that should be plenty of time." I sounded cocky but if he wanted to take me out he had to earn it.
"Alright Ms. Lady." When i looked into his eyes i just melted on the inside. I cant believe after all this time of me daydreaming he was finally at my fingertips.
"Check this out, control that girl Jasmine you are gon' get her fucked up messing with me." I warned Lamar. He laughed and assured me he was going to take care of it. After school I met up with Camille and informed her of the great news she didnt seem too thrilled.
"Whats your problem?" I demanded.
"Well since you are going with Lamar that must mean we aint goin together no more."
"Well yeah but you know how long ive been liking this boy and for you to get mad because he asked me to homecoming is selfish." I said
"I know im happy for you its just hard for me because nobody asked me."
"Girl you dont need a boy to have fun at homecoming." I assured her. She put her head down and walked away. As selfish as it sounds i was not concerned with her self hate problems. God made her funny looking for a reason. She was going to have a successful career and i was going to be the wife of a rich celebrity thats just the way it is. When i got home my mom was on the couch with her glass of vodka.
"Mommy guess what!"
"What?" She said sounding uninterested.
"Lamar King asked me to homecoming."
"Thats nice dear keep your legs closed im too young to be a grandma." I was annoyed by her response she was so stupid when she had alcohol in her system. I was a proud virgin and i planned on staying that way.
"Can you get me a dress its tomorrow mom."
"Ask your fucking dad im not made of money." She snapped.
"You NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR ME!!" I yelled and stormed off to my room. Luckily for me my dad had money to blow. I called him and asked him for a dress he western unioned three hundred dollars to me just like that. I called Camille to see if she wanted to go to the mall with me. She blew me off and told me she would call me back. She was acting like an idiot now i had nobody to go to the mall with. My cell phone rang it was lamar.
"Hey beautiful what are you doing?"
"Im trying to find someone to go to the mall with me so i can get my dress."
"Well shit ill go with you im trying to match colors anyways so tell me where you live and ill come scoop you."
"I live in the Red Rock Creek apartments do you know where those are?" I asked.
"I know exactly where thats at ill call you when im outside." I told him okay and hung up. I went into the living room and told my mom i was leaving to the mall.
"How you paying for your little dress you gone whore for it?"
"Mom shut up! Dad gave me money."
"Well how much because i need money too raising your little hot ass aint cheap." I just ignored her she was the most ignorant individual in the world right now. I sat in my room and waited for Lamar to call I could not wait to be out of that house! When he called I darted out of the house so fast. At Western Union when i got my money Lamar's eyes got huge
"Damn big baller." He said. I smiled and said "Thats one of the perks of having a white daddy." He started cracking up laughing.
"You funny shawty."
"I try!" I said in a cocky tone of voice.

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