Chapter 15: The Revelation

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My mom was continuing to get worse i spent every single day at the hospital. The doctors now had her on a Morphine drip. It was only a matter of time before she passed i wanted to be there when she did. We never got to make ammends when she was alive and well. She was sick in the head but in a way i kind of thank her. If she hadnt forced me out of the house i would have never had the mentality to go out and do shit for myself. You dont ever want to get stuck needing other people for shit. I had been thinking long and hard about everything. James and I were really getting serious. He asked me to move in with him and he would put me through school. That sounded like a plan. Even though I could put myself through school its nice to have someone to take care of me. If we were going to get serious i had to come clean about my lifestyle if he really loved me he would not judge me. I hadnt even told James that i had been raped. I wanted him to think we were from the same background. He came from money so i wanted him to think i did as well. Now i realize it shouldnt matter what kind of background i came from he should love me no matter what. No two people are the same. This whole entire year seems like it was about me growing up. I do feel like I have grown up and matured a lot. My mom ended up passing at about 2am that morning. Surprisingly i was okay with it. In her heart she lived her life how she wanted to live it and thats all anyone could ask for. My dad got her body creamated and sent the urn to my grandparents. He didnt have any type of funeral or memorial for her. That pissed me off because he didnt even consider my feelings he was definately selfish. I was pissed off but decided it was not in my best interest to hold a grudge against my father because life was too short. I called myself hating my mom now shes an ornament on my grandma's coffee table. Sleep had been a hard thing to get over the next week. I had been beating myself up over how i was going to tell James about myself. Even more so Rick. Rick was going to flip the fuck out when i tell him i wanted out. Weather James accepted me or not i was quitting this lifestyle and putting myself through law school. One thing was certain was that i wanted to make a little more money so I was going to continue to work during the week. I recieved a call from a new number later that night. It was a business man named George. He told me that a colleague of his referred me to him and that he could really use my company. He also said he was willing to pay top dollar. I was excited because i needed those top dollar type of men right now. We arranged to meet to at the Hilton Hotel near the mall room 614. That room number really killed me because that was James and my anniversary. It almost made me not want to go. I needed to make all the money i can because the more money I had saved the easier it was going to be to live. I made sure i made myself look real good. The impression i left on this guy was going to determine how much money he was willing to spend. When i got to room 614 my stomach began to turn. This was so wrong, but needed to be done. I knocked on the door. When James answered the door i almost passed out. Im sure i would have died from choking on my own vomit. He had a look of utter disgust on his face.
"Well are you going to come in?" He asked me sounding very angry. I walked in the room praying that he didnt hit me. To my surprise he didnt.
"Ive introduced you to my parents and family Larissa how could you betray my trust like this?" His calm attitude put me at ease. It would be much easier to explain things to him. I began to tell him everything. About the rape Rick, Jeremiah, and even about the killings. He sat there staring at me for a little bit he looked like he had just swallowed a toad. We sat in silence for a while. To my surprise he took me into his arms. I started to cry. Im such a selfish bitch. Im doing the unthinkable for money not thinking about how this would effect my babe.
"You need to go straight to that Rick muthafucka and tell him you aint fuckin with this Ho shit no more." He looked so serious in the face.
"I dont know how hes going to react." I said.
"If he gets out of line ill kill that nigga my fucking self you let him know you got a man to take care of you. If you cant leave this life alone then we dont need to be together." He made it very clear it was either Rick or him.
"So whats going to happen with us babe?" I asked. Im in shock that hes not kicking my ass. Its pretty obvious im used to dealing with niggas who dont know how to treat a lady.
"I dont trust your ass thats for sure we definately going to have to work through because im disgusted." Damn my own boyfriend is disgusted by me. He stood up to leave.
"Where are you going James?" I cried.
"The room is paid for do with it what you want." He said very coldly and left. I sat there on the bed crying my eyes out. I could barely breathe because of all the snot building up in my nose. I grabbed my keys and headed to Rick's place. I didnt want to stay in that hotel because it was a reminder of how fucked up i was. When i got to Rick's house I saw him talking to 2 police officers in front of his front door. Oh shit did somebody snitch on him? I wonder if Lashay had been found or maybe Lamar. Either way its going to look fishy that two people he was affiliated with turned up dead. I was scared. I sat and waited in my car to see if they were going to arrest him. They talked to him for about 15 more minutes and then left. I waited for a few minutes after they left to go to Rick's door. When he answered the door he looked really pissed off. I really had messed up timing to be laying this shit on him.
"Whats the matter?" I asked him pretending like i didnt just see the two cops leave his house.
"I wish i could kill that dumb ass bitch Lashay again!" He screamed.
"Why what did she do?"
"That stupid bitch called in an anonymous tip and told them the story of how he beat you up and told them you had me kill him. He said. Wow that stupid ass hater ass bitch! I could get charged with conspiracy to commit murder. I started freaking out i didnt want to go to jail. Or better yet prison what was i going to do? The cold part about the situation is I didnt know that Rick was going to kill Jeremiah. If Rick goes down im going to play like i didnt even know who killed Jeremiah.
"Its okay Rissa there were no witnesses and they have zero evidence that I did it when they come to question you just play it cool dont say anything besides you were in the hospital." He explained. I nodded my head thats what I planned to do anyway. Rick asked me what i needed to talk to him about. I explained everything that happened with James and the ultimatum he gave me. I started to cry again because this was so stressful. I also  just lost my mom so everything seems harder than it needs to be. He sat there and stared at me. He did not look upset at all.
"Yeah its about time for you to get out this fucked up life style if you got a nigga that can give you a better life take it." I was shocked by his answer hes not mad at me at all. He WANTS A better life for me. If he flipped out on me because i didnt want to be a ho anymore he didnt really care about me to begin with. I was delighted by his answer. I gave him a big hug.
"I got mad love for you girl you get out there and do your thang. Im sorry i got you into this bullshit." He said.
"Its all good hun." I said with a big smile on my face. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and headed back to my place. I thought hard about how i was going to get James to trust me again. Im greatful that he didnt kick me to the curb but I just know that in the back of his mind he hes always going to be wondering what im doing and who im doing it with. I dont know how he found out in the first place thats whats really bothering me. Now i have to deal with these fucking cops being all in my business. When i pulled up to my house i saw the same two cops that were at Rick's house sitting in front of my door. How long were these nosy ass fools going to sit here for? What if I decided not to come home? Dumb ass cops get on my nerves.
"Excuse me are you Larissa Watters?" Asked the hillbilly looking white man.
"Yes i am is there a problem?" I asked.
"We need to ask you some questions." He said while holding up his badge. These fucking pigs were going to really work my nerves today was not the day. I invited them in and prepared to listen to their bullshit questions.
"Ms. Watters is it true that you were involved romantically with this guy?" He held up Jeremiah's senior picture. He looked so  cute. I started to feel like shit but I wasnt going to let these bastards see me sweat.
"Yes." I said. They started asking me a bunch of questions about where i was the night Jeremiah was killed. I explained how i was in the hospital where he put me. They kept asking me the same questions but re wording them trying to get me to change my story. I wasnt dumb there was nothing that i could tell them. I asked them to leave because they were not doing anything but getting on my nerves. After they left i Took a nice hot bubble bath. Hopefully tomorrow was a better day.

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