Before I knew it Homecoming had arrived. I was so ecstatic it seemed like I spent hours on my hair and makeup. The whole time I was in the bathroom getting ready I hoped and prayed that my mother did not start drinking! When I stepped out of the restroom it was clear my prayers were not answered!
"Mom are you drunk?" I questioned!
"I'm fucking grown so don't question me about shit!" She snapped back at me.
"This is a big night for me I can't not believe you fucking ruined it!" I exclaimed as I gathered my things and prepared to wait for Lamar outside!when he pulled up he looked confused as to why I was sitting outside.
"Don't ask." I said as I entered his vehicle.
"Alright I won't then with your fine ass!" His smirk was enough to instantly make me feel better. Before going to the dance we went to Olive Garden where the waitress was very rude to us. I'm pretty sure she assumed that since we were teenagers we were not going to tip her. I almost wanted to leave but we really didn't have much time to find somewhere else to eat. I ended up ordering some seafood fettucini. Lamar ordered a pizza. A typical nigga move i was not impressed. I was however impressed at how he handled the bitchy waitress. When she brought our food she slammed it down on the table and prepared to walk away without even seeing if there was anything else we needed!
"Excuse me!" Lamar snapped at the waitress. She rolled her eyes and walked back over to us.
"Yes." She responded very dry like. He pulled out a stack of money and slammed it on the table!
"Is this what your stank ass is worried about? Cuz I got money keep acting like that and you won't get a dime now carry on with your fucked up ass night" he shooed her away like she wasn't shit! After our meal it was 7:30 and homecoming started in about thirty minutes. I couldn't wait to step on that dance floor and turn every possible head i could. During the car ride i asked him if his parents were rich. He let out a smug giggle. "Naw shawty i get my money in every way possible except for selling my dick!"
"Damn do you do illegal shit?" I challenged.
"Baby girl its only illegal if you are stupid enough to get caught. I said no more. I really didnt care as long as he kept the romance coming and all the bitches at the school. continued to hate on me. When we pulled up everybody that was standing in line to get into the school immediately shot their attention our way. Lamar's 1999 impala Was sitting pretty on 24 inch chrome rims. A sparkling Red candy paint on that car gave me a sweet tooth. Im so glad that im the girl sitting in the passenger seat. Just like a Gentlemen after he parked the car he got out and opened my door and held his hand out and helped me out the car. I felt like cinderella when she stepped out of her magic pumpkin.
"Oh Look At Ms. Princess thinking she's something special because shes here with the biggest man whore in the school." I looked up to see who made that rude but amusing comment. It was no other than Jasmine so I laughed it Off, but when i looked up and saw Camille standing with her I was hurt because she was supposed to be my best friend.
"Whats up with this Camille?" I asked her.
"I had to go to homecoming with somebody!"
"What the fuck you HATE Jasmine you said so yourself." I snapped.
She looked at me with an evil smirk and said, "Things change, and bitches do too, that includes YOU!" Before i could respond Lamar grabbed my hand. "Dont worry about this ugly black bitch beautiful her and Jasmine can be miserable together." I stormed off with my handsom date forcing myself not to cry. Then i looked up at Lamar his smooth skin glistened under the flashing strobe lights and i suddenly didn't care because i was undeniably the most envied girl in the building. The night progressed swiftly. I danced with Lamar all night long. I was having a blast. Suddenly the dj announced "Ok teeny boppers we are nearing the end of the night so im going to slow it down for all you lovebirds out there. Love In This Club part 2 by Usher and Beyonce started bumping over the loud speakers. Lamar was chit chatting with his friends Skip and Digs at the time. I anticipated him asking me to dance because i adore this song. To my surprise and disappointment he left me hanging like wet laundry in the middle of the dance floor. "Excuse me Larissa." I turned around to find my ex boyfriend Jeremiah standing behind me. "Damn girl you are looking fly ive been waiting for that nigga Lamar to cut you loose all night!" Jeremiah said in an excited tone of voice. I smelled liquor on his breath. "What can i help you with Jay.?"
"Well shit can a nigga get a dance rissa i Know this is your jam."
"Look Lamar wont like that too much and you and u...
He cut me off. "Look girl im just trying to dance with you and maybe warn your gullible ass but you are too stuck up to see the shit."
"Jeremiah what are you talking about warn me?"
"Bye Larissa if your feelings end up hurt i dont give a shit." He said it very coldly. I was once again alone on the dance floor. Why does everyone keep saying Lamar was going to hurt me? I sat down. I was a little annoyed that Lamar just ditched me at the time where we were supposed to be slow dancing. I sat slouched in one of the hard cold cafeteria booths. I prayed Jasmine and her goblins would not see me distressed. About 10 minutes later Lamar approached me.
"Hey girl i been looking for you."
"Oh really?" I asked him in my annoyed tone of voice.
"Yes baby girl i was just talking to my niggas and you disappeared on me."
"Well you found me!'' I said.
"Look Digs is having an after party you trying to go?" I looked at the devious smile on his face and politely declined.
"No Lamar just take me home im tired."
"Alright shawty im taking you home now because im about to just shoot over there." As we exited the buildig Digs and Skip were at the door.
"You coming to my party sweetheart?" Digs asked me.
"NO!" I Snapped back.
"She rude as a muthafucka dawg im glad you not bringing her." Digs protested. Lamar threw his hand up and shushed him and we left. The car ride home was a silent one. I had nothing to say to him and im sure he sensed that. As we approached my apartments he started running his fingers through my ponytail. "I had a good time with you love i wish you were down to party tonight but i guess you are too young minded." I smiled and said "I guess so." After he parked i got out the car as quickly as i can i didn't feel like swallowing his tongue tonight. As i walked to my door i thought, "That reverse psychology bullshit don't work on me!"

Fiksi UmumLarissa Watters was a normal innocent teenager, when at the tender age of 17 she was raped and that was all taken from her. When she learns she is pregnant by her rapist she was forced to abort the child by her parents who threatened to kick her out...