Chapter 16: James's Broken Heart

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Why does it seem like every girl i deal with has something wrong with them. There was the girl i dated all through high school she was my first love. I was visiting her at her house one day when her mom says, "sorry about the baby James." I had a blank look on my face and my ex had a look on her face that stated "oh shit im busted."
"What baby?" I asked. Her mom look confused and actually got mad.
"The fuckin baby she had to abort while you were in Hawaii dont act like you dont know." Her mom snapped. Turns out she got an abortion behind my back. I was never in Hawaii that year. The reason she hid her pregnancy from me you ask? Because it wasnt my baby. I never had unprotected sex with her. She got pregnant by another boy. She wouldnt tell me or her mom who the father was. I suspected her step father. She always told me how much she hated him and how much of a creep he was. I never saw him be anything but nice to her thats why I thought it was weird. I ended up breaking up with her because she didnt tell me who got her pregnant. It damn sure wasnt me, and i didnt want to deal with a dishonest girl like her. She ended up taking her own life two weeks after that. Leaving a detailed letter why she did it. My hunch about her step father was correct. All she had to do was tell me and i would have been by her side. Ive blaimed myself for her suicide since it happened. Ive dated a few girls here and there but nothing like the way i was with her until i met Larissa. The reason I didnt flash at the fact of what she was doing is because Larissa reminds me so much of my ex. Its like God is giving me another chance to help somebody and get some love in return. It was obvious she was scared of this Rick dude. I didnt want him to intimidate her out of her decision. Im going to be honest im very disgusted with Larissa. Im willing to forgive her and move past this because she was 100% honest with me. She told me some shit that im sure she should not be telling anybody. Above everything else my 21st birthday was coming up. I wanted her to be right by my side. If im still disgusted and pissed off that was not going to be possible. Larissa had been calling me but i havnt been answering her calls. It was time to pay her a visit. As i drove to her house i thought about everything i wanted to say to her. I also thought about spending my life with her, making her life better, and putting her through school thats what i wanted to do. My friends would call me stupid and say im a sucka. I dont care what anyone thinks besides i had absolutely no intention of telling a soul about Larissa. The only reason  i found out about her is because this nasty ass business partner of mine figured i was into that sick shit and gave me MY OWN girlfriend's number. When i saw Larissa's phone number on that piece of paper i almost threw up in my mouth. Thinking about that is taking me to the place i was in where i wanted to beat her ass and leave her. I didnt want to be in that place so i thought about all the good things. I thought about the amazing sex we always had. Even though she was a prostitute i damn sure couldnt tell because her pussy didnt feel loose how a ho's should feel. Then again i dont go around fucking prostitutes so how the fuck should i know. When i got to Larissa's house and she answered the door that poor girl looked a mess. I can tell she hasnt went anywhere or done anything. She didnt even look like she has showered. When she saw me her face lit up. I didnt show her but i was happy to see her. When i walked in her house it looked like she was trying to bring back the dead. There were no lights on and she had a bunch of candles lit.
"Girl what the fuck are you doing?" I asked her.
"Nothing im just relaxing." She said
"Relaxing in the dark you crack head?" She started laughing but i was dead ass serious. I started turning on lights.
"Go take a fucking shower you look a mess." I snapped. Shes fucking rediculous. I should be the one all depressed. I just found out the girl ive been fucking with NO condom is a prostitute. Im not letting this bitch be depressed  about shit. She looked at me crazy like i was out of line. Im about to milk her guilty ass since she lied to me for so long this should be fun. When she got out the shower i was laying in her bed. She once again looked confused.
"Larissa im hungry." I said to her.
"Well what do you want me to cook?" I smiled big and told her to surprise me. If she wanted me to forgive her she had to earn it. She can start by making a nigga something to eat. I didnt know what she was cooking but it smelled real good. It seemed like she had been cooking for hours because i was so hungry. This girl brought me a plate with steak, a baked potatoe, salad and shrimp. Thats what the fuck im talking about. Maybe i should catch her doing bad shit more often. She looked like she hadnt slept or ate in days. I know the death of her mom was really fucking with her. I didnt want to add on to her problems but at the same time i wanted to know how sorry she was. That in itself was wrong. I could either forgive her or not forgive her. Not punish her because thats not right. I quickly brushed that thought off a woman is supposed to cook for her man. She didnt get in the bed with me she went into her living room. I thought nothing of it and continued to eat the delicious meal she had just prepared for me. After about an hour of aimlessly flipping through channels i got lonely. I walked into the living room to see Larissa asleep on her couch. She looked so peaceful. She was willing to sleep on her own couch to give me my space she thought i needed. Little did she know i wanted her in my arms where she belonged. I couldnt believe how easy it was for me to love her despite her faults. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I layed her down softly. She never woke up or noticed that i moved her. A few minutes later there was a knock on Larissa's door. I looked out the peep hole to see who it was. Some dark skinned nigga. If this is one of her tricks im going to go the fuck off. I answered the door preparing to slap a nigga. When i answered the door the dude looked me up and down.
"You must be James im Rick." He said holding his hand out. I didnt want to shake this crazy nigga's hand. First of all this fool knows Larissa has a man and had her out there selling her pussy. Second of all he was a cold blooded ass killer that automatically makes me not want to be in his presence. I held my hand out and shook his anyway. I stepped aside so he could walk in the house.
"I dont mean to barge in on yall is Larissa available?" For the type of dude he was he sure was polite. I wonder if its because of Larissa that hes being so nice to me.
"Actually shes sleep she looks like she aint slept in days so i wouldnt bother her." I told him.
"Well tell her im leaving town i just wanted to tell her bye." He said. I know how much Larissa probably cared about this guy but the fact of the matter is I just wanted him gone he didnt need to say goodbye to my girl he caused enough problems already.
"Ight man ill let her know you have a safe trip." I said. In all honesty i didnt give a fuck about his trip. If hes driving i hope he crashes. If hes flying i hope the plane goes down. If hes taking a train i hope that motherfucker derails into the ocean some damn where. When he finally left I went and got back in the bed with Larissa. I continued to watch T.V until i eventually fell asleep myself. By the time i woke up it was about 10 am. Larissa was still asleep so i decided to go to Mcdonalds and get her some sausage burritos. They were her favorite. When i walked outside i saw Rick sitting in his car. It looked like he was waiting for me. What the fuck was he doing? He got out of his car and approached me.
"Look here nigga i dont appreciate how you went about shit last night. The only reason i didnt call you out is cuz of Larissa but i dont give a fuck about you homeboy!" This nigga Rick is out of his mind.
"Check this out im a business man i dont have time for your drama i dont give a fuck about you either all im worried about is MY girl and getting her life back on track a life YOU helped fuck up." When i said that he really had nothing else to say because i was absolutely right.
"Look ima go say bye to her weather you want me to or not so step the fuck off." I dont know why this nigga seems to think hes the god father. I dipped out and let him say his goodbyes. He may think hes winning but in the end I get the girl and the good life, and gets to live a of life always looking over his shoulder and watching his back. Looks to me like im the winner.

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