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As I sat at our dining room table, hunched over my latest piece for work, I heard the low growl of a car pulling onto the driveway. I held my breath in anticipation, knowing that today had been a punishment day for Q. As expected, the door crashed open, as Q kicked off his shoes and shrugged off his jacket.
"How was it?" I ask
"Don't." He replies, gruffly
"Come on then, what did they do to you?"
"Promise you won't laugh?"
"Absolutely not"
"Ok fine" Q huffed, unzipping his hoodie and revealing a cartoon style cat.
"Thirty eight, lives alone,has three cats" I sniggered
"Oh stop, I told you not to laugh!" He pleaded
"It's cute actually, you could definitely go on the pull with that one" I laughed
"Oh yeah? Good thing I don't have to" Q smirked
"Good answer Mr Quinn" I whispered, wrapping my arms around his waist
"You can thank me later" He whispered, pulling me by the shoulders into a warm hug.
"look forward to it" I said with a wink.

"So what did the others say?" I asked
"Well, Sal and Murr were a bit preoccupied with their own works of art" Q chuckled
"Oh so you were all punished, that's harsh!" I gasped
"Yeah Joe really got us with this one" Q added
"So what happened with the others? What did they get?"
"Well, Murr got a skydiving ferret"
"Ooohh ouch that's embarrassing" i giggled
"Yeah, but Sal got Jaden Smith" Q explained, holding back a smile
"Oh god! Why though?" I questioned
"Who knows what goes through that mans head sometimes" said Q, shaking his head
"Wow so you got off easy then"
"Yeah I guess so, but I won't be 38 forever, and I don't even live alone!" Q whined
"yeah but at least it's not a ferret you jammy git" I teased
"yeah, yeah" Q mumbled, dragging me over to the sofa in the sitting room
"Q I'm making tea, the chicken'll burn!"
"Don't care" Q whispered, pulling my head onto his chest, wrapping an arm around me.
"Q!" I whined, trying to wiggle free
"stay with me" Q pleaded
"Fine" I said, "But you're ordering take out if it's too bad" I said, snuggling into the crook of his neck
"Sounds perfect" Q said, with one hand stroking my hair, and the other drawing circles on my hand, now laid on his thigh
"I love you ya know?" Q whispered
"I bloody hope so, otherwise we're both wasting our time"
Q sniggered slightly
"I love you too" I whispered, giving him a peck on the cheek before returning my head to the comfort of his shoulder.

A/N i know this is shit but i tried lil, also sorry its so but please tell me what you think!!!!!

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