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Q stood was perched on a park bench , elbows resting on his thighs, twiddling his thumbs, wating for his best friend of three years.
Today was the day.
Today was the day he finally asked out (y/n), after having feelings for her for over two years now.
Lately he'd been getting distant, unable to let himself get too attached in case his feelings weren't reciprocated.
But he couldn't take it anymore. He needed to know, he couldn't deal with just being friends any longer, he needed more.

(Y/n)'s POV
I rushed into the park, eyes scanning for Q. As soon as I saw him, I hurried over, unable to stop the worry creeping through and showing on my face. I'd gotten a text from Q that simply read:
"We need to talk, park 3:30"
Although I'd replied, he hadn't explained the texts or even been in contact with me. Naturally, my instinct was to fear the worst. Maybe Q was moving, or something bad had happened, or he was seriously ill? I was driving myself crazy with worry.
"Q oh my gosh what's wrong? Are you ok? Are you sick? Is one of the boys hurt?" I blurted to him as soon as we were within earshot.
"God no (y/n) everyone's fine, everything's fine don't worry" he assured me.
"Oh thank god!! You had me so scared!!" I sighed with relief.
Q chuckled.
"Wait so what did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Promise not to laugh, and promise not to judge me? I mean I know its unrealistic but-"
"Q" I stopped him." Will you just tell me?" I begged.
"The thing is (y/n) I like you. A lot. I really like you. I have for a long time. I'm sorry to chuck you in it like this but I couldn't hide it anymore. I understand if you don't like me like that, I mean why would you, you're beautiful and smart and funny and I'm just a big l-"
I pressed my lips against his, stopping his rant before he could start to put himself down, something that pained me every time I heard it. Besides, I'd been in love with him for two years, how could I miss this opportunity? My heart was beating out of my chest, my hands were shaking, but it didn't matter, because Q was returning the kiss,and even better, his hand was squeezing my shoulder, and the other was holding the back of my head.
As we pulled away, I felt Q sigh with relief, like the weight if the world has just been lifted from his shoulders.
"God you have no idea how long I've been waiting for that" He whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.
"Not half as long as me" I replied, a cheeky smile escaping my lips.

We headed over to a cafe opposite the park and ordered some drinks.
Q had such a cute skip in his walk and had barely let our hands part since the kiss. He kept looking over at me with a cheeky smirk, squeezing my hand when i returned the gesture.
"I can't believe this is real" Q said as we took our seats, a giddy smile spreading across his face.
"Me neither" I laughed.
"So we're doing this? Me and you, together. Properly?" Q asked.
"Looks like it, just one condition though" I added.
"Anything" Q insisted.
"We don't tell anyone until we both agree to" I almost begged.
"Sure, sure, no problem, but can I tell Sal?? He's the one who convinced to tell you how I feel" He asked.
"Yeah of course" I assured him.
"wow"Q sighed " I can't believe I can finally be with you"
I felt my cheeks begin to burn red as I looked down at my drink.
"It does feel good"I admitted.
Q leant over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.
"I couldn't be happier" He grinned.

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