Pain (3/3)

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When I was eventually discharged, Q drove me home, after staying at my side for as much of the five days I spent in hospital that he could, only leaving in the day to work, shower, and eat. Sal, Murr, and Joe also stayed with me for the majority of the time, but they had families and lives at home. I was so grateful to have such good friends with me. Although Q and the guys did film a little whilst I was in hospital (I refused to let it get in the way of his job) Q was given time off to look after me on my return home, which I was thankful for, as my movement was limited.

Q walked me into the house and set me down on the sofa, and went to put on the kettle.
"I can walk Q" I said.
"I know, but I don't want you to have to" He replied.
"You crack me up" I giggled.
"I'm taking care of you babygirl, like it or not" Q insisted.
"I love you Q"
"I love you more" He replied.
I shook my head, laughing.
"Have you let the others know I'm out?" I asked.
"Yeah, they want to come around, so I suggested they pop by tomorrow to check on you, is that alright?" he asked.
"Sounds good!"

Q wrapped a blanket over me and kept me fueled with a constant supply of soup and tea, as I wasn't quite ready to risk solids yet. When Q had finished cooking and cleaning, he lifted part of my blanket, and snuggled under next to me. He lifted up my feet and placed them over his lap. I smiled as he took my hand in his and kissed the inside of my palm lightly.
" I love you Q" I whispered.
"Love you more" he replied.
He offered a choice of film, to which I replied with,
"Your pick", not caring what was on as long as I was with him.
"Deadpool it is then" he said, as he turned it on.
We were about halfway through the film, and I had closed my eyes, being sleepy and tired from my ordeal. Q nudged me, not wanting to wake me, but wanting to see if I was properly asleep. I decided to let him think I was asleep just to see what He'd do.
Q scooped me up and began to carry me up to our room. I nestled my head into his shoulder, not letting on that I was awake.
Q laid me down on the bed, covering me with the duvet, and adjusting the pillow underneath my head. He then knelt beside me, first kissing my forehead, and then my hand. He then started to stroke my cheek and gently lift the hair from my face.
"I love you so much (y/n)" Q whispered, still thinking I was asleep. "I love you more than you'll ever know. I'll always love you (y/n), and I'll always protect you. No one will ever hurt you babygirl. I will do everything I can not to see you in pain ever again. I'm so sorry (y/n). I should've realised sooner. But I promise I'll be better. I'm growing everyday, learning, becoming a better person, and It's all because of you. And one day, I'll be the man you deserve. Until then, I'll love you more than anything, and I wont let anything hurt you. I'll treat you right babygirl. You're my everything. I love you (y/n)" He said quietly, silent tears falling down his face as he caressed my cheek and jaw.
"I love you more" I whispered, a smile forming on my lips as I heard Q bow his head.
"You seriously heard that?" He laughed.
"Every word" I giggled, opening my eyes. "And I couldn't love you more."

The next day I woke up in bed, with Q's arm wrapped around me, Q snoring softly. I got up to make us breakfast. My side ached, and the stitches just added to the soreness. Nevertheless, I gritted my teeth and headed downstairs. I made breakfast and tea for us both, but soon realised I wouldn't be able to bring it upstairs. I sighed, deciding to make two trips. First I brought our tea up, and then returned back downstairs for the breakfast itself. As I came back up with the food, I realised I was slightly winded. I set the food down on the bedside table, and sat on the edge of the bed. Getting my breath back. This woke Q, who rubbed his eyes and sat up.
"(Y/n) did you make breakfast?" He asked groggily.
"Yup" I signaled to his plate beside him.
"You shouldn't have! I'm supposed to be looking after you!" Q protested.
"I can make breakfast Q, I'm not bedridden" I grumbled.
"I know but I don't want you to hurt yourself is all" He explained.
"I know, and I love you for it. But seriously, I'm not incapable."
"Fine" he huffed. "Thanks for the food" He said, as he swallowed a mouthful.

After showering and getting dressed Q and I tidied the house a little before the others arrived. Q insisted in doing most of the cleaning and I let him, if only to keep him happy.
The jokers soon arrived, with Sal bringing enough ice cream to feed an army, Joe bringing a similar amount of assorted sweets and biscuits, and Murr bringing films and games. After they had established that I was still alive and well, we all settled down to watch a film.
"So what did the doctors say?" Sal asked.
"Well they said I was lucky, and that I have to go back in a couple of days to get the stitches out" I replied.
" you better not put us though that shit again (y/n)" Murr said. The jokers nodded.
"Scariest night of my life" Sal added.
"I think we all cried at one point that night" Joe said.
"Oh the other one's got bells on it!" I laughed rolling my eyes.
"No it's true" Murr nodded.
"Seriously?" I asked, bemused.
They all nodded.
"We thought we were gonna lose you" Sal said.
"You dummies, I don't know what I'd do without yous" I laughed, shaking my head.
"We don't know what we'd do without you" Joe replied.
"Hence the crying" Q added, earning a laugh from all of us.

Q and the boys continued to wrap me in cotton wool for a while, and Q kept reminding me how much he loves me. He would leave little presents around the house for me, or he would get my favourite foods from the supermarket, or he would get me cute little necklaces or bracelets. I kept telling him he didn't need to prove anything to me, that know he loves me, but he carried on regardless.
And everytime I get cramps or even something as small as a headache he freaks out, and I have to assure him that I'm ok. He still worries, and the boys tell me he feels guilty for not getting me to hospital quicker. But I tell him every time it's mentioned that it wasn't his fault.
He tells me he loves me first thing when we wake up, and last thing before we sleep. I couldn't be happier

A/n i hope you liked it!! Please comment if you did, and with any suggestions!! Thank you so much for reading 💕💕

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