Red Handed (2/3)

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A week had passed I hadn't spoken to Q. I couldn't bring myself to. I had been replaying that night over and over again in my head and I couldn't get his image out of my mind. How could he? Had this happened before?
Sal had been giving me daily updates, and Q didn't sound good. He hadn't been out of the house since he tried to speak to me at our house and refused to talk to anyone other than the jokers. I was in the park where Sal and I had chosen to meet. (Y/f/n) was beside me, as she'd arranged to meet her friend the same time I was meeting Sal. She'd been an angel through this, keeping me strong and helping me with whatever I needed.
"My friends here, is it ok if I go and meet them now?" she asked
"Sure no problem, Sal will be here in an hour"
"Ok cool, I'll see you back at home ok? Call me if you need anything" she said as she got up to leave.
"Ok, see you later" I replied.

"(Y/n)!" I heard from across the park.
I swung round and saw Bessy waving at me.
"Hi!" I said as I walked up to her, hugging her.
"How are you?" She asked, "Are you coping ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need a bit of time away from him" I assured her
"Yeah, joey said he's a real mess, they're really worried about him" she said.
"I'm planning on going over tonight, depending on how I feel" I said.
"Really? Thank God! He's a good guy you know? Deep down he really really cares about you" She said.
"I know. Anyway thank you, Ive got go, I'm meeting Sal soon!" I apologised
"No problem, I'll see you soon I hope?" She asked, hugging me.
"Oh no doubt" I assured her.

As I walked over to the cafe I was meeting Sal in, I got a text from Sal, it read:
Bad traffic, I'll be ten minutes.
cool I replied.
As I walked up to the counter, I saw a familiar face. I could tell that the girl recognised me too.
Then it hit me. That was her.
"Oh my god" The girl said. "Are you the girl from the club?" She asked, covering her mouth with her hand in shock.
"Yeah" I chuckled. "That's me"
"I am so sorry about what happened" The girl began "We were so drunk and I had no idea he-"
"It's fine, please, don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault. You weren't to know." I assured her.
"Oh god I've felt so guilty about that all week!" She confessed.
"You shouldn't. It was his fault not yours." I insisted.
"Thank you for being so good about this. I honestly had no idea and i'm so sorry" She gushed.
"It's honestly no problem. I'm just sorry you had to witness that" I laughed, hugging her.
"Well I have to go, I'll see you round" She said.
"I hope so" I replied.

I ordered my drink and sat down, waiting for Sal to appear. About five minutes later, Sal came in and sat down.
"Sorry, the traffic was a state." Sal apologised.
"Don't worry, how is he?" I asked.
"Not good (y/n), not good at all. He's barely gotten out if bed and he's been crying practically all day. I haven't seen him this bad in forever." Sal explained. "Please talk to him (y/n) he'll never forgive himself for this. Please just give him a chance, I know he's sorry and he'll never do anything like this again. He's heartbroken that he did that to you, and not seeing you is only making it worse."
"Look. I'll come over tonight. I'll talk to him. I can't promise to take him back but I'll at least talk to him. God I miss him Sal, you know I do. Its breaking my heart not seeing him but I just couldn't bring myself to you know? I want him back Sal, but I can't go through that again. I can't have my heart broken like that again." I explained.
Thank you (y/n) it means a lot. He's a great guy, and yeah he's made mistakes and he's been through a lot but he loves you more than anything (y/n). He's lost without you. It's killing him not knowing what you're thinking."
I nodded, "I'll talk to him tonight"
"Thank you" Sal said.
"I saw her you know? Just before you came, we recognised each other." I explained.
"Oh yeah, what was she like?" Sal asked.
"In a word? Apologetic. She said they were both drunk and she had no idea he was with me."
"Makes sense." Sal said."Q said he can't even remember half of what happened before hand, let alone her name."
"Well, that's something I guess".

A/n ive written part three, ill publish it tomorrow.please please tell me what you think!! I posted two parts in one day bc this chapter doesn't actually have q in it aha!! Thank you

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