Pain (1/3)

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I'd been in extreme pain all day, but thinking it was just bad cramp,I ignored it. I chose rather to stick on some leggings and a baggy jumper, grab a hot water bottle and some ice cream, and spend the day in. Q had been filming all day, so I had the house to myself. However, despite my best efforts to remain comfortable, the deep, piercing pain only increased as the day went on, and by the time Q was on his way home, I was almost in tears, curled up on the sofa, clenching my stomach in order to try and dull the pain.

"I'm back!" Q called as he opened the door. "And I got us some stuff for afternoon tea" He grinned.
"Thanks" I almost grunted, not being able to muster the strength for an adequate reply.
"You alright?" Q asked, worriedly.
"I'll be fine" I mumbled.
"Cramps?" Q asked, rushing over and kneeling beside the sofa.
"mmmhmm" I nodded.
"Jesus (y/n) I don't think I've ever seen you in this much pain, you should've called." Q said, placing a hand of comfort on my shoulder.
"No point. I'm fine" I insisted.
"You having a laugh? (Y/n) You can barely speak" Q said, exasperated.
"Q. I'll live." I said through gritted teeth.
"If you say so.... Is there anything I can do?" He asked.
I shook my head, just wanting to try and sleep it off.
"ok, just tell me if it gets worse" whispered Q, kissing my forehead as he rose to go into the kitchen.

Half an hour later, and I wasn't any better. The pain was so severe that I was struggling to sleep, and was unable to recall I time in which I had been in worse pain. I decided to go and put the kettle on, seeing if getting on my feet would help matters. As I rose, I felt a sharp, stabbing pain burst in my stomach, rendering my legs useless as I fell to the floor.
"Ahhh shit" I hissed loudly, crouched on my knees on the sitting room floor.
"What is it?" Q said as he ran downstairs, rushing to my side. "Did you fall?" He asked.
I shook my head, wincing in pain, my face distorted as I tried to answer. "My.Tummy." I gasped.
"Right that's it. Im taking you to A&E" Q announced.
I shook my head.
"No buts." Q insisted. "This isn't normal. We'll take my car" Q said as he scooped me off the floor, one arm under my knees and one wrapped closely around my shoulders.
He grabbed the keys off the telephone table and bent down to open the door with his hand, shifting the position he held me in to do so. When we got to the car, he gently placed me in the passenger seat, clicking my seatbelt into place as he assured me; "You're gonna be fine (y/n), Its all gonna be fine ok?"
I nodded as he hurried round to the drivers seat and switched on the engine. Q held my hand all the way, stopping only to switch gears and shake me softly, all the while assuring me that I would be fine. I drifted in and out of consciousness, and remember Q carrying me into hospital, and explaining my collapse to a nurse. I remember the prodding and the poking and the needles as they tried to figure out what the hell was wrong with me.

They said I brought her in just in time, but that she needed some pretty major surgery, and would be in a lot of pain. They said she had a burst appendix, and that they caught it quite late, but her chances were good. She'd gone up to surgery about an hour ago. I could only think of what would happen if I lost her. Why didn't I bring her in sooner? She never shows herself to be in pain, it should've been an immediate red light when she did. What if I lose her? I can't lose her. I'm nothing without her, my life revolves around her. She's all I care about.

At that moment, Sal burst in. He is one of (y/n)'s best friends and mine, so he was the one I called.
"Where is she?" He cried.
"Theatre" I said, biting bottom lip in a vain attempt to stop the tears from streaking down my face.
"Hey, hey, hey, she's gonna be fine" Sal said, putting an arm around me and pulling me closer. Sal was staying strong for me, when really, he wanted to break down as much as I did. I appreciated that.
"If I know anything about (y/n) it's that she's a fighter, ok? She wouldn't give up on us this easy" he chuckled.
"I can't do this without her" I whispered, my voice hoarse from crying.
"You won't have to buddy." Sal affirmed. "I promise. You gotta be strong for her man. Because she'll need you when she gets out"
"You're right" I said, wiping away my tears with the back of my wrist. "You're right, I gotta be there for her."

"Mr Quinn?" A nurse called, pushing the door open.
"That's me" I said as I lept up from the seat. "Is she gonna be ok?"
"(Y/n) has just come out of surgery. The operation went well, and there aren't any complications as of yet." The nurse said.
"Thank god" I gasped, running my hands through my hair and stepping backwards.
"I told you she'd be fine" Sal said as he got up, patting my shoulder.
"When can I see her?" I asked.
"Well, her condition is still pretty critical, and she may not wake up for a while, as she's on some heavy anaesthetic." The nurse explained. "Saying that, she's been moved to a room upstairs, but she needs a few minutes for the doctors to assess her. Give it a quarter of an hour and I'll take you there." The nurse smiled.
"Thank you" I said, grateful that she'd been able to deliver the good news.

Fifteen minutes seemed like forever in the relatives room, each second feeling like an hour. I was so anxious to see her, for proof that she was ok, and to hold her again. I hated knowing she was in there without me, possibly in pain. And it was killing me to be without her.

"Mr Quinn?" The nurse called. "(y/n) is ready for you."
"Let's go" I said to Sal.
As we hurried up to her room, I fiddled with my finger nervously. Noticing this, Sal placed a hand on my shoulder.
"She's a fighter" He reminded me.

As we approached the room, the nurse reminded us that it may be a while before (y/n) woke, due to the strong aneasthetics that they'd administered.
"I just want to see her" I insisted. Sal decided I should go on first, while he talked to the nurse and learnt more about her condition.

I took a deep breath before pushing the door open, preparing myself for what was about to come.
Seeing (y/n) with so many tubes and cords and machines attached to her was enough to break my heart.
"(y/n)" I whispered, tears once again forming in my eyes. I wrapped my hand around hers and pressed my forehead against her arm.
"(y/n) I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't take you in sooner. I love you (y/n). I love you so much. I can't do this without you (y/n). You have to be ok. I can't live without you, you're my whole life (y/n). I have nothing without you." I said, sobbing.
"I need you (y/n)" I whispered.

A/n let me know if you want me to carry this on with a recovery story (how he looks after you etc)and thank you for reading!!! Sorry if this is inaccurate or smth, im not a doctor hahah!!! Please comment anything you would like me to write about or smth like that!! Love

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