Red Handed (3/3)

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As me and (y/f/n) pulled up to Sal's driveway, she turned to me,
"I can go in with you if you want. You don't have to do this alone (y/n)"
"I know. But this is something I need to go through with Q. It's between us I guess. Thank you. I'll see you later?" I asked.
"Of course" she said. "Call me if you need me ok? Love you" She a said as I got out of the car.
"Love you too, thank you for everything" I said.

I knocked on the door, and moments later was met with Sal's sympathetic eyes.
"Thank you so much for doing this (y/n). I'm worried about him. It'll mean the world". He gushed.
"It's ok, I had to do it sometime right?" I chuckled.
"He's in the spare room."
I nodded, kicking off my shoes and making my way upstairs.
I took a deep breath before entering the room, trying in vain to calm my nerves.
I knocked lightly on the door.
"Leave me alone Sal. I'm not in the mood" Q grumbled.
"It's me" I said softly, opening the door.
"(y/n)?" Q whispered in disbelief as he sat up.
"Oh my god you're here. It's so good to see you, you have no idea how much I've missed you, how sorry I am, how much I hate myself for hurting you, how-" Q babbled, tears falling gently down his cheeks.
"ssshhh" I said,tears forming. "I know." I said, walking over to the bed, putting one arm around him. Dammit. I wasn't going to give in this easily, but seeing him like this, how much it was hurting him, I couldn't take it anymore.
"(Y/n), I'm so sorry, god if I could go back and stop myself I would swear. I can barely live with myself, I can't believe I did that to you, I'll never forgive myself, and I completely understand if you hate me." Q sobbed.
"I don't hate you Q" I whispered.
"you..... you don't" Q said quietly.
"No Q, I love you. I just needed some time. You're clearly sorry and I hate seeing you like this" I explained.
"thank god" Q said, breaking down, sobbing into my shoulder. "I thought I'd lost you (y/n), I never thought you'd forgive me, I thought I'd fucked it up for good. God I'll never do anything so stupid again I swear." He said, tears muffling his words slightly.
I ran my hand through his hair.
"You can't get rid of me that easily" I chuckled sotfy.
"Does this mean we can move back in together?" Q asked softly.
"Yes baby, I'll get my stuff and I'll be back tomorrow ok?" I said, planting a kiss on his forehead.
Q started crying once again
"I've never been this relieved in my life" he wept.
"Just one thing" I said.
"Anything" Q replied quickly.
"How drunk were you?" I asked him. "It won't change anything. I know you're sorry and won't do it again, but were you that drunk?"
"(y/n). I don't even remember her name" He replied.
"Yeah she said that"
"Wait what?" Q asked.
"I met, her in a cafe by accident. She was lovely, and drop dead gorgeous, I can see why you'd like her. She was out of this world" I explained.
"God (y/n) I don't even remember what she looks like, but she was nothing compared to you. I remember thinking, 'Christ, what've I done??? I've just lost the most beautiful girl in the world for a girl I'll never see again.'"
"I love you Q, you idiot"
"I love you so much (y/n) I'm so sorry I put you through that."
"Let's just forget about it ok?" I said softly, pulling his chin up to mine, and kissing him softly.
I could taste the Jameson on his lips and tongue.
"have you been drinking?" I asked.
"I had to, I couldn't bare it without you" Q explained.
"you know you shouldn't do that, drinking doesn't fix things" I reminded him.
"I just numbed the pain (y/n), I thought I'd lost you. I didn't see a point anymore" he said, choking back his tears.
"It's over now" I nodded, pressing my forehead against his gently.

(Y/f/n) and I had spent a good few hours packing up my stuff ready to move back in tomorrow.
"You shouldn't have forgiven him so easily" (y/f/n) stated.
"why do you say that?" I asked.
"You deserve better (y/n)." She said matter-of-factly. "Don't settle (y/n). He's not good enough for you"
" (y/f/n) you've never thought anyone was good enough" I accused.
"True" She said." But I stand by what I said"
"I love him (y/f/n). That's all that matters" I said.
"Fine. But for god's sake be careful" she pleaded.

"You don't have to do this (y/n), you don't owe him anything" (y/f/n) said as we walked up to the door.
"Will you quit worrying?" I asked. "It'll be fine" I assured her.
"I don't want you getting hurt again" She explained.
"I know, and I love you for it, but I promise it'll be fine, I'll call you later ok?" I promised.
"Fine, love you" She said as she walked away.
As the door opened, I was met by Q pulling me into the tightest,warmest hug you could imagine. Q smothered my neck in kisses.
"Q" I laughed " Let me get in the door first"
"Let me get them for you" He offered, picking up my bags.
"Cheers" I said, kicking off my shoes.
Q dropped my bags off in our room as I put the kettle on, settling back in. 
"Good to finally be home" I said to Q as he came back downstairs.
"It's so good to be back here with you (y/n), I've missed you so much" Q whispered, wrapping one hand around my waist, bringing the other to my cheek, stroking my hair out of my face and gently caressing my jaw with his thumb.
"Missed you more" I giggled, pressing my lips against his passionately. Our lips continued to mesh together, with me occasionally biting his lower lip softly, earning a small moan of pleasure. Q abandoned my lips and started planting small kisses down my jaw and along my neck and collar bone.
"God I love you (y/n)" he muttered, his lips still pressing softly against my neck.
"I love you too Q" I whispered.

A/n hope you liked it!! Please tell me what you thought and leave a few suggestions!! Thanks

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