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T/W: don't read if it'll trigger you. Stay safe.

You hadn't been yourself lately, you'd been distant, isolating yourself, cutting yourself off. And Q was worried. He knew you'd been ill before, and you assured him that you were fine now, but he couldn't help but think the worst. One thing that worried him in particular was how closed off you always were with him. You'd never let him see you upset, you felt like it made you look weak. He'd never seen you cry, and you laughed everything off like it was nothing. This bothered him. He knew nobody could be so unaffected, especially as you'd been through a lot already. He hated the thought that you were dealing with your feelings alone and not talking them through with him. When he noticed the change in you, he became increasingly anxious. He couldn't bear the thought of you hurting, and worse, him not being able to help, or you not letting him.
Since you two hadn't moved in together yet, it was dificult for him to keep tabs on you all the time. You'd seemed particularly distant today, so Q decided he'd turn up at your house unannounced, so he could make sure you weren't hiding anything from him.

You stood in front of the mirror, in nothing but your underwear, staring at your reflection with loathing. You had never had a good body image but lately you felt so awful about yourself. You walked over to your cupboard and pulled out a small wooden box. You placed it on the bed and took another look at yourself in the mirror. Tears started escaping your eyes as you grew angrier at what you saw. You sat on the bed and put your headphones in, to try and distract yourself. You opened the box and carefully pulled out the shiny silver piece of metal from inside. A sliver of light from a crack in the window hit the metal, making its reflection dance across the room. As you turned the metal over in your hands, you thought about how much damage it had done in previous years, and how much it could still do. You regretted how weak you'd been, and how you'd let it leave you with a permanent reminder of how weak you were, in the form of deep, white scars across your thigh. The angry tears still flowing down your cheeks as you fiddled with the metal, not intending to use it, but rather reflecting on how stupid you'd been.

As Q approached your house, he saw that your car was in the drive, and the lights were on, meaning you were home. He knocked on the door, receiving no answer. At that, he took the spare key you'd hidden under a plant pot you'd told him about, and opened the door, shouting your name in search of your voice. After a quick search downstairs, Q was beginning to panic, as he bounded upstairs, hands shaking with worry. He burst through your bedroom door.

Q's face turned white as a sheet as he was met with the sight if the woman he loved, tears streaming down her face with that in her hand.
"Oh my god" Q whispered.
"Q, I didn't hear you oh my god" You screamed, pulling out your headphones.
"Put it down (y/n)" Q begged.
"No, god Q, it isn't what it looks like" You insisted, throwing it in the box and the box to the floor.
"Are you hurt?" Q asked, wrapping his arms around you, making sure you knew you were safe with him.
"No, Q, it's not like that, I don't do that" you said, wiping the tears from your face, "I can't believe this. This is so embarrassing, I'm not like that Q, I haven't been for a long time" you explained.
"why didn't you tell me you were struggling (y/n), I'm here for you, you know that. God,please come to me before you even consider doing anything like that, you're worth so much more than that." Q gushed, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.
"No Q, I'm telling you, I wasn't going to I just.... " you trailed off.
"Just what (y/n)?" Q asked.
"Fine, I've not been great lately, ok? But I wouldn't do that again Q. I promise. I just, sometimes I don't think I'm good enough, not for you, not for anyone. I know it's stupid and childish but I don't feel worth it." I babbled.
"You are good enough (y/n). God, you're way out of my league. I worship you (y/n), you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" Q said, tightening his grip on my waist and shoulders, pulling me closer into his arms. "Please talk to me about this shit (y/n), don't deal with it by yourself, I'm here for you. I love you (y/n) please, don't forget that."
"I love you too" I said through tears.
"oh my god" Q whispered.
"What?" I asked .
"The scars on your thighs. That's what happened, it wasn't an accident when you were little was it? You did that" He sobbed.
"It doesn't matter ok? That was a long time ago Q" I insisted, shushing him.
I took his hand in mine,and pressed our foreheads together.
"I promise I'll talk to you more. I promise I'll let you in Q" I whispered.
"I'll always be here for you (y/n). I'd do anything for you. You're my whole life. I love you." He replied.
"I love you too Q"

A/n sorry this is so bad, acc don't know why i thought i could write this but w/e, i gave it a shot,also i didn't want to offend anyone with this. As always, please let me know what you though!! Loads of love.

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