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Q has been on tour for just over three weeks now and the house feels so empty without him there. Hell, I feel empty without him here. Sleeping alone is no fun, and there's definitely a Q-sized space next to me when I sleep. I mean, sure, we talk every night but its just not the same. I miss him.
I'd been trying to keep myself busy, working overtime, helping Bessy out with the kids even more than usual. I was just distracting myself really.
One night I had had an awful day, and without Q I felt terrible. I went out with a friend and had a little bit too much. My friend had to stay with me through the night making sure I was ok. This meant that they were forced to take the phone call from Q, as he called me every day, and would not stop calling until I answered. After he found out what happened, he made his friend visit me regularly, and made me promise not to drink until he got back.
"Q, will you stop worrying. I'm not that bad" I pleased.
"(y/n) I saw the state you were in Ok? I'm not having you get off your face when I'm not even there to protect you. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you ok? I love you (y/n)." Q reasoned.
"I love you too Q but I'm not a kid, and I don't need to be wrapped in cotton wool all the bloody time, I can look after myself." I explained.
"I know, I know." Q sighed. "Just, don't do it (y/n), for me?"
"Fine Q. I won't drink" I huffed.
"Thank you (y/n)." Q said, relieved. "I'll be back soon, it's not for long. God I miss you. I can't wait too see you" Q admitted.
"I miss you more Q" I replied.

a week later

The day had finally arrived. Q was coming home today. He was flying into the local airport at about 22:00 and I insisted on driving to meet him. I couldn't wait to see him again. He'd been gone for about three weeks, and the loneliness was killing me. It was scary how much I missed him.
As I drove to the airport, the only thing I could think about was how close I was to seeing him again. His name running through my head like it was the only word I know. I missed everything about him. His cheeky smile, his beautiful, entrancing eyes, his gentle touch, everything.

I pulled up to the airport at exactly 10:00, and bought myself a drink at a Costa in the terminal, knowing that I'd be waiting a while for the boys to go through customs. The wait was agonising. I kept myself busy by browsing the m&s and WHsmiths inside the terminal by the departure gate. Finally after half an hour, people started to emerge from the barriers. I hurried over to the and waited eagerly for Q's messy hair to come into view.

When I finally saw him I sprinted over. He dropped his bag as I approached. I jumped into his arms as he spun me round. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face into his neck.
"It's good to see you baby" he whispered, smothering me with kisses.
"I missed you so much" I said.
" Wouldn't have guessed" he chuckled.
I hit him playfully on the arm as he lowered me to the ground, arms still wrapped around him.
He pulled my waist closer to his with one hand, and with his other, brushed a few strands of hair off my face and cupped my cheek.
" I love you baby girl" he whispered.
"Love you more" I replied.
He pulled my face into his and pressed our lips together, embracing me into a soft yet passionate kiss.
"Get a room you two!" I heard Murr yell.
We broke away, laughing.
I went round and hugged all the guys, asking them how they were and what they got up to.
"The tour was awesome!" Joe smiled.
"It was such a buzz seeing so many people coming out just to see us" Sal agreed.
"And the fans were all so great to meet!" Murr added, they all nodded.
"Glad to be back home though" Q said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we moved towards the car park. They all agreed, exhausted after the last four weeks.
As Bessy and Joe found their car, we said our goodbyes and all went seperately off, Murr and Sal sharing a lift.
I insisted on driving, as Q looked shattered.
He spent the whole journey talking about things that happened on tour, the arguments they had, the fans they met, the spectacular places they stayed.
"Sounds brilliant" I said, listening closely, ecstatic to have Q by my side once again.
When we got to our house, Q went straight into the shower, as flying made him feel awful and groggy. Soon after I found him out cold on our bed, clearly knackered from travelling. I snuggled up next to him, resting my head on his chest, with his arm around me.
The bed no longer felt empty, and neither do I.

A/n sorry its been so long since my last update, wasn't feeling up to it+ its been a hectic couple of weeks. Hope you enjoy and feel free to request anything. Please comment and Let me know what you think! Lots of love

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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