Pain (2/3)

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Sal gave me some time and space with (y/n), just so I could take it all in. It was killing me that she couldn't hear me. That she had no idea how much it hurt to see her in pain, how hard it was to see her like this. (y/n) had no idea that the images of her today would be forever etched into my brain. When I first came home, when she was on the sofa, when she collapsed on her knees, when she stopped responding in the car, when they had to pull her away from me to take her to surgery, how I saw most of this in a blur through my own tears. (y/n) will never know how much love her, because I love her beyond comprehension, beyond anything that I could ever describe. The nurse said she could be asleep for almost 12 hours, and would be weak for days. Although I was exhausted, I had no intention of leaving her side, not for a minute.

Sal's POV
I opened the door cautiously, desperate to see (y/n), but not wanting to disturb Q. As soon as I saw Q and (y/n), I felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach. Q was resting his head on (y/n)'s forearm, his hair messy and tangled, his eyes bloodshot from crying, his shirt wrinkled and cheeks red from the steady flow of tears that had fallen over them in the last few hours. (Y/n) was hooked up to a machine, and had wires and tubes sticking out of her. She looked peaceful, sleeping quietly. I couldn't believe we almost lost her. We never would've recovered. She was so close to each of us, I mean, Q alone values her life above his own, as do we. She is a gift, and we love her dearly, and I can't imagine living without her.
Nevertheless, it was painful seeing her so weak. She was always so strong, witty and fiery, never letting anyone walk over her. That's why she and Q got on so well, he fell in love with her spirit (along with bloody everything else about her).
I took a seat next to Q, and placed a supportive hand on his back, ribbing small circles into it, comforting him.
"Why don't I take over for a bit?" I suggested "go home, have a shower, have a nap, and I'll call you as soon as anything happens. The doctors say she may not wake for five more hours, and you've been up for almost 16 now. You need a break"
"Im not leaving her Sal" Q insisted. "I can't leave her".
"I get it" I replied. I knew he wouldn't agree anyway. You could never separate them under normal circumstances, nevermind when she needed him so much.
"Joe and Murr are on the way" I said.
Q nodded.
"We'll look after her Q, you don't have to stay." I continued.
"Im staying Sal" Q insisted once again.
"Ok buddy, I get it. Its ok" I said.

Joe and Murr burst into the room.
"We came as soon as we heard" Joe panted.
"How is she doing?" Asked Murr.
"We think she'll be ok" I said. "They said she reacted well to the surgery, so we're just waiting for her to wake up" I explained.
They nodded.
"How are you doing bud?" James asked Q, who was slumped over in his chair, one hand gripped (y/n)'s tightly, the other propped up his chin. Q just nodded, not saying anything.
The boys took a seat on the other side of the bed preparing for a long night, and a possible stay over until (y/n) woke up.


As (y/n) shifted slightly, I woke, after only being half asleep, with worry keeping me up. As I looked round I saw that Sal had fallen asleep against the wall, and Joey and James and fallen asleep on top of each other, Joe with his feet propped up on another chair. (Y/n) moved once again, this time her eyes fluttered open. I squeezed her hand so that I wouldn't wake her up if she was still sleeping, but if she was even half awake, it would let her know that I was right by her side. She groaned slightly, stretching out her arms.
"(Y/n)?" I whispered.
"Q!" She said, turning her head towards me. "Q whats happening? Where am I? Why is everyone here?" She asked, becoming scared as she rubbed her eyes.
"You're in hospital-"
"Hospital??!?" She said, sitting up.
"Your appendix burst (y/n) " I explained.
"And you're all here for me?" She asked.
"Yes baby, we wanted to be here for you" I answered.
She smiled "that's so sweet".

(Y/n)'s POV

I have to admit it was a shock waking up in hospital, but once Q explained it, suddenly yesterday came flooding back to me.
I couldn't believe that the guys were all here, waiting for me. Why had they all come? I was so grateful to have them by my side.
"Q?" I said.
"I love you so much" I said.
"I love you more" He replied, plating a kiss on my hand.
At that moment, Sal started stirring, waking up.
Q shook him lightly.
"Five more minutes" he mumbled. Q and I let out a quiet giggle.
"She's awake buddy" Q said softly.
"Huh?" He said, sitting up suddenly.
"(y/n)!! He said, rushing to the side of my bed. "How do you feel?"
"Sore" I chuckled "but alive".
"You had us so worried" He cried.
"I'm sorry Sal" I apologised.
"Just don't scare us like that again. I don't know if my heart can take it" He said, making me laugh.
"I'll try"
The noise from our conversation woke James and Joey who were soon on their feet at my side, making sure I was ok.
"I'm fine guys" I insisted. "I'm sorry I scared you like that"
"You're damn right you are" Joe joked " look at Q, the man's lost five years of his life!" They laughed.
"I'm sorry baby" I said as I leant over and kissed his forehead.
"aaawwww" The guys chirped.
"Shut up!" Q and I said in unison, which earnt a laugh from us all.

A/n please tell me what you think!!! Hope you like it

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