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I was sat at the table, one hand resting just above my eyebrows, which were furrowed in concentration. I had books and papers sprawled all over the table, and was scribbling hurridly, hunched over my work. This was not a rare position for me to be in, as I am pretty focused on my career. I had headphones in and tried to block any distractions.
I flinched as a gentle hand brushed my shoulder from behind, I took out one headphone as I turned to face Q.
"You look tired (y/n)"Q said, massaging my shoulders softly.
"ahaha thanks Q" I laughed, shrugging him off.
"I'm serious, (y/n), take a break for a bit" He pleaded.
"I'll be finished soon, just a couple more hours. I'll rest then" I explained.
"Not good enough, you've been working for hours now" He said, shaking his head.
"Yeah but just let me crack on with this last bit, then maybe we could go for a drink or something, yeah?" I asked.
"Please don't overdo it (y/n)" Q begged. "They're working you too hard, it's not fair."
"Q, I can handle it, just stop distracting me" I insisted.
"I'm worried about you (y/n)"
" Dont be silly, I'm fine, just please Q, give me two hours" I bargained.
"I'm getting lonely over there, it's boring without you!!" He protested, poking out his bottom lip, and staring at me with his soft brown eyes, knowing his puppy-dog look drove me crazy.
"Two hours Q" I insisted.
"Fine" He huffed. "But no more ok?"
"Ok Q" I said, as he leaned down and kissed me lightly on the cheek.
"I'll be waiting." He whispered.

It had been an hour and a half since Q had told me to stop, and I was almost done. Q had gone out to the corner shop to fetch some shopping, as he was bored stiff without anything to do.
I saw Q push the door open with two bags in his hands, and he instantly let out a sigh of frustration.
"You're still working?" He huffed.
"Almost done" I promised.
Q quickly finished putting the shopping in the cupboard and planted himself in the seat next to me.
"Almost there baby" I assured him.
"mmm" he mutterd, unconvinced.
I put my earphones back in, ignoring him.
I soon felt the rough pads of his fingers running up and down the length of my arm. I decided to carry on, and not let myself get distracted by Q being so needy.
Soon, his fingers were drawing small circles along my forearm, but he seemed content, resting his head against his arm on the table, facing me.
I leaned over and gave him a soft peck in the cheek.
His hands then started moving up to my biceps, still drawing small circles as he moved to the top of my shoulder. He then brushed my hair over my shoulder and started stroking my neck. The rough pads of his fingers touched the soft skin between my neck and jaw, gliding over then both. I flinched as he gently turned my head towards his, lifting his head off the table.
He pressed his lips against mine, still stroking my jaw, and cupping my cheek with his other hand.
He moaned softly.
"Q" I protested quietly."Please Q I'm almost done"
"Just one more" Q whispered, attaching his lips onto mine once again.
"Happy?" I asked as he pulled away.
Q nodded and I returned to my work, determined to finish.
Another fifteen minutes passed and I only had a few sentences left, but once again, Q was distracting me.
This time, it was kisses running lightly up and down my shoulder and neck.
"Q, two minutes" I pleaded.
He shook his head, indicating that he wouldn't stop. Q made it so hard to concentrate, but I was damant that I would complete this piece.
As I wrote the last word, I sighed in relief as I leant back in my chair and I turned to Q, who was still attacking my neck with a flurry of kisses.
"Thank god" He whispered, his deep, gruff voice slightly muffled my the fabric of my jumper.
He placed a hand on my thigh, sliding it up slowly, as I ran a hand through his scruffy hair.
"Did you want to go for a drink?" I asked him.
Q shook his head into the crook of my neck.
"Lets stay in tonight" he mumbled.
"Ill order chinese if you want?" I suggested.
He nodded, not moving his head from its previous position, still smothering me with kisses.
"Q" I giggled. "Q I've got to get up"
He shook his head once again.
"Q come on, we've got all night" I begged.
"Fine" He said, slowly raising his head.
"Ill order it if you want" He offered.
"Thanks, I'll have a quick shower then i'm all yours" I insisted.
"Ok, I'll find something for us to watch" He suggested.
"Perfect" I said, rising from my seat. I planted a quick kiss on his forehead before dashing upstairs to shower. Q smiled sweetly.
"Love you (y/n)" he shouted after me.
"Love you too baby" I replied.

A/n sorry this is a bit short and a bit shit ahah thanks for reading!! Any suggestions or anything youd like let me know!! Love

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