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It had been a long day at work and I wanted nothing more than to get comfortable again and relax, with no pressure to do anything. As I pulled into our driveway I already started feeling better, knowing I had the house to myself for the afternoon as Q was out filming.
As I kicked off my shoes at the door, I was greeted by a soft purr and our cat rubbing against my leg. As I headed into the kitchen to feed him, I decided to check the fridge. Perfect. I have everything I need to make tea tonight, which means I don't have to go out to get anything. I fed the cat, then headed upstairs and jumped in the shower.
After drying off, I changed into a pair of cotton trackies and a loose-fitting jumper.
I headed downstairs and started making some dinner, putting my speaker on to listen to some music and finally just lose myself in the music after such a tough day. Just as I started getting into it, hips swaying, singing the lyrics as loud as I could, I heard a noise behind me. As I swung round, I was met by Q grinning at me.

"God Q!! You scared the shit out of me!!" I gasped, hitting him lightly on the arm
"Don't stop on my account, I was quite enjoying your little sing-along" Q teased
"You cheeky git" I said, playfully
"So you're just gonna stop when I walk in? Killjoy" Q protested
"Fine" I laughed, turning the music back on
"Better" Q smiled, as he grabbed my waist and started swaying our hips together
"How come you're home so early?" I asked
"One of the boys couldn't make it, so we decided to take the afternoon off" Q explained
"Well, I can't complain" I said, leaning in and giving him a peck in the cheek before returning to the stove
"Smells good"Q hummed as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind
"Can't keep your hands off can you?" I giggled
"I mean I could but why would I want to?" Q sung
I laughed, "just set the table would you?"
I plated up whilst Q put down the knives and forks. As we sat down to eat, he asked about my day.
"Oh honestly Q, you don't wanna known"
"Oh go on, tell me! What happened?" Q asked.
"It was just stressful, and I had that presentation today" I explained
"Oh gosh yeah, how did it go?"
"Not too bad, what about you, how are the guys, anything interesting happen?"I questioned.
"Nah just the usual, Sal gets pissed off at Mur, I intervene,Joe eats, nothing special" He chuckled
There was a short but comfortable silence, with both of us just appreciating and enjoy the other's company.
"You know (y/n)?" Q says after a few minutes, "This is perfect. This right here. Me and you, no distractions. Just us. This is perfect, it always feel right with you, I still get butterflies but somehow, you always make me feel comfortable, yknow?"
"Q..." I began
"Yeah I know I'm a sap but I had to say it" Q said, shaking his head
"I love you so much" I blurted
" I love you too baby" He replied

A/n yeah sorry this is short and not very good :((( I've been super just so ill pick up again soon, hope everyone has a great day!!

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