His Bad Day

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I sat with my chin in my hand, reading a book and checking twitter. I'd gotten home from work about an hour ago, and was just settling in before Q came home. I got a text from Q saying that he was on his way home, so stuck the kettle on and made a pot.

A few minutes later, I heard Q's car pull up outside. As Q came in, I heard him slam the door as he kicked off his shoes. I grimaced. He'd clearly had a bad day.

"Q?" I asked cautiously. He made his way over to the kitchen. " You alright?"
"Yeah, just a bad day" He sighed.
"Do you want anything?" I asked. "I'm going out with (y/f/n) later, but I can pop round co-op or something if you want anything."
"nah you're alright" He replied wrapping an arm over me and resting his head against my shoulder.
"So what happened today then?" I asked.
"Ugh, you know how the guys are, love them to pieces but they just keep taking the mick. They were, y'know, talking about, like, my appearance, the way I talk, which is fine but like, I don't know. It gets to me sometimes. I know I'm over reacting but, I don't know, I guess I'm tired or something." He said, defeated.
"awww Q." I sympathised. " don't let it get to you, I think you're perfect." I said.
Q chuckled, pressing a kiss onto my cheek." Thanks babe"
"Anyway, I gotta shower and get ready. You sure you're ok?" I asked.
"(Y/n), i'm a big boy now, I can handle it" he laughed.
"If you say so" I giggled, kissing his forehead before I made my way upstairs. I wasn't entirely convinced Q was ok, but even if he wasn't, he wouldn't show it. He tried to keep this "strong man" facade around me, wanting me to know that he can and will protect me. I love him but I don't care for that macho stuff. I just want him to be himself around me again. Ever since the hospital incident, he's been overly masculine.
After I showered and put my makeup on, I checked the time. I had to leave in twenty minutes to this club we were going to. There were gonna be a whole load of people, most were my friends, and I few I didn't know. I made my way downstairs to say goodbye to Q.

"Hey Q, I'm off!" I said, halfway down.
"See you later" Q grunted. Something was clearly wrong.
"Q?" I asked. "What's going on?"
"Nothing. Go, have fun" He replied.
I made my way into the kitchen, only to see Q pouring himself a cup of Jameson. He only drinks whiskey when he's upset, so I knew immediately something was up.
"Q" I said worriedly. "Q, what's wrong."
"Nothing (y/n), go enjoy yourself. Have fun! God knows you deserve it for putting up with me for so long" He said, bowing his head solemnly.
"Q, where is this coming from?" You asked. "What's happened."
"Nothing (y/n), I said I'm fine, stop worrying"
"Don't bullshit me Q. I know something's wrong and I'm not leaving till you tell me. I'll stay all night if I have to." I insisted.
"I just" he sighed. "I had a bad day. I got punished and the boys were talking about how weak and sissy I am. It just got me thinking, will I be able to protect you? I'm not good enough, not strong enough to be there for you (y/n), and then what? How can I expect you to love me if I'm not good enough?" He sobbed, tears streaming down his face.
"Q are you serious?" I asked, my voice cracking whilst I held back tears. "Q, you're everything I could ever wish for. You know I can look after myself Q. I don't want you worrying, because firstly, I trust you with my life, I know you can protect me. Secondly, you don't need to. Q I love you for you. I don't care how "manly" you are. It's you I love, I fell in love with you for a reason. I feel safe with you Q. You're all I'll ever want or need. Don't put yourself down like that ok? You are good enough. You're more than good enough for me. I love you Q." I babbled, tears, despite my best efforts, rolled down my cheek.
Q let out a small sob and pulled me close into his arms. "I love you more (y/n). I'm sorry you're late to your evening. I'm sorry for being such a sap." He chuckled.
"It's ok Q. In fact, let's just stay in tonight ok? Come on, we'll have a night off watching some shit TV or something?" I laughed.
"Sounds perfect" He said. He rubbed my back with one hand, and fiddled with my hair with the other.
"I'm so lucky" He whispered.
"Better believe it" I laughed jokingly.

A/n Hope you liked it!! Please comment/message any scenarios youd like to see. Love
e 💕💕💕💕

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