Chapter 1

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"Wake up!"

I shoot out of bed only to hit my head on something right above me. Everything goes blurry for a minute and I can't understand what just happened.

"Maddi, don't injure her, she has a project due today!"

"Ooo who cares about being academic now? Yesterday you didn't even want to get out of bed you lazy pig!"

"I know, but listen, I have to do the same project and I don't want to struggle alone."

I groan. Opening my eyes, I can now see the scene played out before me. Kira and Maddi are standing on either side of my single-sized bed, Maddi in sweatpants and Kira ready for school. I search for what I hit my head on and find Maddi's elbow inches from my face, her hands on her hips. I groan again and sit up, careful not to whack my head a second time.

"Well, you look cheerful!" Kira says sarcastically. She's holding two chocolate donuts –her favourite breakfast- in one hand and her phone in the other.

"Oh yeah... I have so many reasons to be happy!" I reply, equally as sarcastic, "A project due, another project due... a test tomorrow and I have to do the grocery shopping this week!"

"Well, don't complain about too much, you can buy whatever you want when you're on grocery duty."

"Ha, that's true... If I can meet up with your demands first." I climb out of bed and start looking for something to wear. I choose carefully, because Kira and I go to a fashion school, and one of the requirements is to dress well (I know right? Weird!). On my way to the bathroom I steal a donut out of Kira's hand and lock the door behind me before she can chase me down.

As soon as Kira and I walk through the door after school we are bombarded with noise. Music is blasting out of our bedroom and the TV is playing last night's Big Bang Theory. The crazy part is that, in the middle of it all, sitting at our sad excuse for a kitchen table is Maddi, headphones on, watching YouTube!

"Really?" I ask. I can't believe her, if she's deaf when she's old and grey I will not be surprised. I start laughing uncontrollably as Kira walks over and turns off the TV.

I drop my backpack on the floor and pick up our reusable grocery bags from the counter (I wasn't paying for plastic bags every time I shopped).

"See you later!" I call over the noise of the speaker. I turn and walk out into the hallway of our complex and run into a small person, "Ow! Oh, sorry..."

It's our grumpy neighbor from down the hall. The old man gives me a hard stare and yells for a couple seconds about how kids should look up from their phones (um, I wasn't on my phone) before storming off down to his apartment. I quickly walk to the elevators and close the doors before I run into someone else, if there's one senior citizen, there's more.

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For those of you who didn't read the prologue (1) you should go back and read it, or (2) at least read this part:

This is all my work! These are my ideas, my characters and my locations (except Toronto). A lot of characters in here are named after my friends (big thanks to them for letting me use their names), not yours or you. If you steal this story (1) I will be very mad and (2) that's plagiarism, which is not really legal, so please don't steal it and please leave the nasty comments to a minimum. Thanks! 

Also, thanks to my friend SDMN for the awesome cover!

Don't worry, I won't leave comments at the bottom of every chapter!

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