Chapter 26

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The next morning, or what I think is morning, I wake up to find myself alone in the bedroom. I check to the time. 1:00am. Oh joy.

I climb out of bed and pull a random oversized sweater over my head, assuming it's safe to wear because it was at the end of my bed. Maddi, Kira and Morgan are in the living room watching a movie. It takes my tired brain a minute to figure out that it's Captain America: Civil War.

"Watching my favourite movie without me?" I whine. Morgan points to Kira and Maddi, they're almost asleep, meaning she can watch whatever she likes, "Ah."

"Sorry babe." Maddi groans groggily, "But you got to kiss a hot boy last night. Also, what are watching?"

"How'd you know we kissed?" I exclaim, skipping over the rest of whatever she said and flicking my gaze over to her like an irritated animal.

"Just guessing, you guys were in there for like ten minutes, so I figured some makin' out was going down. Moving fast?"

I jump, "Okay, there was no making out, and look who's talking!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The first thing you want to do is take a guy's shirt off!"

"And I restrain myself."

"Barely." I mutter, and sit down next to Morgan.

"Oh, we're trying to watch a movie here, shut up both of you!" Kira says.

"Sorry." We both reply. I cross my legs in fake innocence, and stick my tongue out at both of them. Kira rolls her eyes and turns back around. By 6:00am we've watched at least half the movies in existence, from X-Men (me and Morgan fought for that one) to Pitch Perfect (Maddi). Someone finally calls bedtime, and we all stumble into the bedroom, falling asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

The actual next morning, aka four and a half hours later, I wake up, and almost freak out before remembering I have no school today. I lay back down on my pillow, trying not to wake the others, and check my phone.

Jackson: Hey, are you free today?

Alex: I left the books at your place for some reason, can I come get them later?

Jackson: Are you actually still asleep, that's a first!

I smile and reply 'yes' to all three of them. I slide out of bed and let the Phosy out, pulling up the hood of my sweater and joining him on the balcony. I let the cool breeze wake me up, blowing the leaves of the trees around gently. From up here I can see people of all different shapes and colours walking around on the street, eating food, shopping, and playing in the park. Shops are opening and the sun is risen. My phone buzzes, shaking me out of my daze, and I answer.


"Hey, sleepyhead." It's Jackson, go figure.

"Rude. I didn't try and sleep in."

"I know, just being annoying."

"Damn right," I respond, looking back at the silent apartment and turning on my morning sarcasm, "it's working."

He laughs, "Anyway, you free today?"

"For you, depends..."

"Okay, I'm not that annoying!"

"I know, what's up?"

"A date. The park, at one."

"Okay." I pull the phone away from my ear and plug the time into my reminders, setting it for an alert an hour before, so I don't get caught up designing clothes or something.

"Okay, well see you there?"

"Sure thing."

I'm about to hang up before, "Hey Emma? Drink some tea or something, I don't want you falling asleep on me."

I make a 'na na' sound, sounding grouchy, but laugh before hanging up. He's right, I do need tea. I pick up Phosy and head back inside, taking one last glance at the street below me. Life seems so simple far a distance...

Jackson: Had your tea yet?

Emma: Go away

Jackson: 😘

I groan and roll my eyes. Is Maddi right? Are we moving too fast? Nah... I's say we're on the same page.

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