Chapter 16

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When Maddi comes back after a while, Kira and I have built half of a gothic cathedral, complete with a working clock (okay, a semi-working clock).

"Oh. My. Gosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh, ohmygosh!

"Oh my gosh?" Kira and I ask sarcastically at the same time. We high five, but Maddi doesn't seem impressed.

"Shut up. Hey where's Morgan?"

"In the bedroom, don't go in there, she can back from talking to her dad pretty flustered." I reply.

"Oh, okay.... Well GUESS WHAT?"

"What?" Kira yells back, but Maddi's to excited to care.

"Adam and I are going out for dinner tomorrow night!"

"So? Aren't you two dating?" Kira asks, turning back to the game.

I return she gets a death stare worth one thousand Oscars, "Yes, but, that's not the point."

"Then what is it?" I ask kindly, I don't fancy getting in her bad books right now.

"The point is that I'm officially going steady with the hottest guy in the world!!"

"Okay, point taken, but I bet he isn't the hottest guy in the whole world..." I argue carefully with a teasing smile.

"Okay, well who do you think is the hottest guy in the world?" She raises her eyebrows as she sticks her arm in the cupboard looking for something eat.

Shoot. I take a breath and try to think my out of the hole I just dug myself into, "Well..." I say, "I haven't met all the guys in the world."

"So you'll just have to pick the hottest one you know." Kira joins in. If Kira joins in, I'm never getting out of this. I can't outthink two teenage girls with the same academic level as me, much less two who know my ways well.

"No... that wouldn't be accurate." I argue more aggressively, "Then it wouldn't be a fair sample, therefore it would be biased data!"

The two girls look at each other and then say in unison, "Captain America!"

"Okay," I agree, "technically he's not a real guy, but that works."

Maddi smirks and then says, "Okay fine, the dude who plays him- "

"Chris Evans."

"-or... Jackson!"

I roll my eyes and groan, "We met the guy for ten minutes, Maddi."

"Yeah, that was long enough for you to get a good look at him. He got a good look at you, that's for sure!"

I sigh and slide off the couch dramatically, "He is not the hottest guy in the world, but whatever you say, darling."

"Who's the hottest guy in the world?" Morgan's back. She has puffy eyes and looks stressed, but she's smiling all the same.

I pick myself off the floor, "Nobody..."

"Okay." She laughs nervously, "as long as you didn't go out and get a boyfriend without telling me."

"I didn't, don't worry." I steal some chips off Maddi and sit down at the table, "You okay?"

"Yeah, what did yo' dad want?" Maddi asks.

"Ha! Not to pry or anything." Kira says sarcastically, then, "But seriously, what did your dad say?"

"Oh," Morgan's smile falters a little and she takes a deep breath, "he wanted to say he was sorry and that he wants me to move back in with him, because apparently college kids shouldn't live on their own."

"Well, there's four of us, so he can chill." Maddi says, delivering the harsh truth in a way that's both comforting and slightly shocking. "We've got each other and that should be good enough for him."

"Yeah, I know," She sighs, "but come on guys, I'm kind of famous now, and he's a dad."

"Fair enough." Kira says, getting up and pulling a pizza out of the freezer and turning the oven on, "Anyone what pizza?"

"O-M-G." Maddi yells, "Do you ever stop eating?"

"I only eat snacks, not meals, plus you're eating chips right now."

"Yeah, not a pizza at two in the afternoon!" Morgan and I back away and sit on the couch to watch the show as both girls' ears start streaming invisible play-fight smoke.

"So?" Kira puts the pizza in the oven and crosses her arms.

"So? I love pizza, but that's messed up!"

"So are you."


"Love you, babe."

"Yeah, okay."

"Come on, you say you love me all the time."

"Alright, love you too."

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