Chapter 7

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"We ROCKED that house!"

"You bet!"

"Can we come back next week?"

"Yeah, that crowd was awesome!"

We've just done our show at the outdoor theatre and are starting to clean up while the crowd files out. It was a great show and definitely the most filled. Now we just have to hope the same fans come back next time we play here, and bring their friends.

Maddi suddenly stops talking and starts slapping my arm, very hard, very fast "Looklooklook!" She yells in my ear, pointing in no general direction. I narrow my eyes and steady her hand, then follow her finger to the single person she's pointing at. Guess who?

"Did you tell him we had a show?" I ask.

"No, I was too busy looking at his body."

"Of course you were. Listen, we have to get out of here in an hour, let's get to work." I head back to the group, dragging Maddi behind me by the arm. I have to admit, this Adam guy is decently good-looking, but I push it to the back of mind and focus on cleaning up.

Back at home few days later Maddi is still combing to internet for any sign of Adam while I read the Harry Potter series for like the thirteenth time and Kira watches Anime. Morgan's gone on the grocery run. She's been here for a little over a month but nobody cares because she's great company and always helps out. Besides, the more the merrier right? Personally though, I just think she still wants to do the grocery run because Maddi hasn't had the willpower to look up from her phone and grab the right kind of bread.

I turn the page of my book and suddenly Maddi screams so loudly I actually jump off my bed and almost drop my book. Panic rakes through my body and I temporarily forget I'm safe at home in the middle of Toronto and not at Hogwarts, waiting to be killed by Lord Voldemort. My world becomes very jumbled before I shake my head clear and glare at my lovely roommate.

"What the heck Maddi?" I half-yell in shock, "I can't even handle when you drop something in the middle of the night and you want to scream in the middle of the Last Battle? Are you trying to give me a freakin' heart attack?!"

She looks up, shocked, "Sorry, babe. I forgot we live in an apartment... What's the Last Battle?"

I sigh and sit back down on the bed, running my hand through my short, spiky hair to calm myself down, "The Last Battle is the giant fight at the end of the Deathly Hallows."

"Oh, well... I found him! I found him!" She goes back to screaming and flings her phone around in her hand.

"Yeah, okay. Now stop screaming!"

"Sorry babe." She gives me sarcastic smile and turns back to her phone happily.

Morgan comes into the bedroom and looks around, obviously confused, "Is someone dying?"

A let a single laugh escape my throat, "No, although, Maddi made me come pretty close."

"Please don't kill her Maddi." She sits down on the bed and looks at my book, "Although, maybe it would start her on reading something else for a change."


"I don't know..."

"Okay. Anyway, how's the acting going?"

"Great, everyone is super-nice and professional."

"Ew," Maddi says, "Who likes professional?"

Morgan smiles, "It's kind of key in a business environment."


Kira knocks on the bedroom doorframe and steps into the room, "Hey, Morgan, I just heard some interesting news: the apartment just down the hallway is up for sale."

Morgan looks up, "Really?"

Kira nods, "But I'd check it out pretty quickly, empty places seem to fill up fast around here!"

Kira leaves and Maddi follows her out of the room. Morgan and I stay here and talk for a bit but we stop abruptly when we can hear yelling from the kitchen.

"Guys, what's going on?" I ask as we walk into the hallway.

"Kira wants to talk to Daniella and Joardan but I want to talk to Summer!" Maddi explains.

"Then just do a group Skype and you can talk to them both at the same time." I respond.

"I told you we could do that!" Kira argues to Maddi, "You didn't listen!"

"That's right!"

"Hey! Emma can we kick her out?"


"What, why? Never mind, Maddi just get that Skype working."

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