Chapter 28

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When I get to the arcade a few hours later, Jackson's leaning up against the wall outside the door, his white-blonde hair a bit messier than usual, and his jeans dirty.

"What happened to you?" I laugh, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He seems more confident than usual too, so maybe he's getting used to me.

"I fell in a fairly large puddle on the way here." He looks at the ground, blushing, but smirks a little.

"There's a trail leading here?" I ask, pushing the door open, dropping the subject a little, to be honest I don't really care that he's messy.

"It's a dirt bike shortcut, but I like to walk it here, however today someone decided to drive a little close for my liking... It stops just before the Tim Hortons down the road, so the mud had time to dry."

I snort and punch him lightly in the shoulder, he takes it as a good sign and follows me inside. We head to the back where the counter for the rock climbing wall sits. I glance up at the wall and sigh, it might not be on a ninety-degree angle, but it still makes me nervous. Luckily my favourite employee, Carla is here.

"Hey girl!" She says when we approach, a smile breaking out on her perfectly-lipsticked lips, "Here to try this sucker of a wall again?"

"Yeah," I fake sigh, "thankfully you can save me if I fall."

"Oh, you'll be fine, you're good at this." She smiles encouragingly and hands us our gear. We start to head over to the wall when she calls me back to 'check my helmet'.

"I think I gave you the wrong one..." She lies.

"Okay, what do you actually want?" I laugh.

"Oh, alright, who's that hottie with you?"

I blush a little, but smirk, "My boyfriend, you can't have him, sorry."

"Oh, you scored this time love!" She flips her long, rainbow-dyed hair behind her shoulder.

"This time?"

"You've had a few others..."

"Let's forget about them eh?" I groan, she's right, "When do you get off?"

"Not for a few hours, I'll still be here when you're done!" She waves her tattoos, ringed fingers at me as I turn away and head over to the wall.

Sure enough, an hour later she's still there, with as much energy. She waves us goodbye as we leave the building, smiling and winking at me behind Jackson's back. Outside the is shining full-force, causing us to blink rapidly for a good few minutes, letting our eyes adjust.

"Where to?" Jackson asks, knowing that the both of us don't really want to leave each other's company, or the town's energy just yet. I shrug and we walk aimlessly down the street, talking and looking around. Two hours later, the sun is telling us to wind down for the day, and I realize how hungry I am. I motion towards a small café that used to be someone's house, before it was converted. They have really good food, and epic brownies. Jackson starts to head inside, but I grab his hand before it reaches the doorknob, and point through the window. Inside, eating a burger meant for a king, is Carson, talking to some blonde girl from my school.

"Let's go in, he can't stop us." Jackson shrugs, "Besides, it's not like the two of us talk anymore, not after you guys showed him up at the park ages ago..."

I nod, wondering if he ever liked Carson anyway, or if he just wants dinner, "Okay, one sec." I reach up and brush his hair to the side with a quick swipe.

"What, you don't want to be embarrassed?" I elbow him and we head inside. A wave of scent hits me like a blunt bullet, and I'm extremely thankful when a young man takes us to our table. A waitress comes over to take our order, but not before he lingering gaze flickers to my spiky hair, then to Jackson's dusty jeans. It's all I can do to not burst out laughing until she leaves, then Jackson catches my eye and starts laughing too.

"The look on her face!" I whisper, "She was so confused..."

He outs his head in his hands and continues to laugh, "Oh man..."

Another hour later we exit the shop and step into the fading sun, "My house?" I ask.

"Sure, mine is two crowded." It occurs to me I've only ever driven past his house, but I let that slide, he still lives with his family, because his school is right near his house, so he likes to be out as much as possible.

"I live with three other girls, and people are always going in and out, you say your house is busy?"

He laughs and grabs my hand nervously, lacing his fingers through mine, "Whatever."

Our plans our slightly altered when we get back to my apartment, however, and I see a pair of shorts is hanging on the doorknob of the bedroom.

"Oh, no!" I groan, "Okay, let's get out of here, I'm not playing video games in this place with that..." I trail off.

"I don't get it." Jackson looks confused.

I point to the door, "A shirt means you want to be alone, a pair of shorts means someone's making out, and a sock means- "

"Okay! I get it!" He stops me, "But, if it's only...?"

"I don't wanna be here when Adam leaves." I say.

"How do you know it's Adam?"

"Gut feeling, c'mon." I lead him back out into the hallway, "I'm going to show you something, it's about the right time..." He agrees, wondering out loud where Kira and Morgan are, "Probably far away from that blasted doorknob." I joke, stepping into the elevator, and pressing the button to the rooftop. My hone dings.

Morgan: Don't go home

Emma: Too late <<rolling eyes face>>

Morgan: Oops, sorry.

Emma: We need a bigger place

Morgan: I might be able to help with that, meet me and Kira back home in an hour to kick Adam out

Emma: Can I use a water gun?

Morgan: Haha, no.

The elevator beeps, telling us we made it to our desired floor, and I show Jackson the text.

"A new place?" He wonders.

"I don't know, but it might mean a quieter house..."

He laughs, "I feel like that won't be the case."

I laugh and pull him over to my favourite spot on the roof, next to a big oak tree. The whole roof was converted to sort of peace garden a year before we all got here, and I love the view of the city from the edge, and seeing the stars reminds me of my old house in the country (no, I wasn't a cowgirl, thank you, though nothing against horses). I turn Jackson to face the city and lean on the black iron fence, watching his expression.

"Who knew such a punk rocker type of girl liked to build Greek temples and watch beautiful sunsets." He says, and for once, instead of smirking I smile. I feel a hand playing with my short hair, and I stand still, surprised by his boldness, and my own acceptance of his touching me, much less how far we've come in a short time.

"Cool, isn't it?" I ask quietly.

"It's almost as good as your Minecraft creations." He says simply. I turn to face him, and his hand drops to the side, "You really should enter a competition."

"Yeah?" I straighten up, and his eyes fade out of focus, still staring at me, "Jackson?"

"Huh?" He snaps back in focus, and before I can say anything he kisses me, "I really like you." He whispers when he pulls away, glancing at the ground.

"No kidding, you just kissed me on the roof of my apartment, where the whole world can see us." I snort, but he shakes his head.

"No I mean it, you're the coolest person I've ever met... you've made me so much more confident too, it's because of you I'm not so shy anymore..."

"Jackson," I grab his arm, "thank you, but it's okay, for once I'm okay with a guy randomly kissing me where the whole world can see." I kiss him back, and he stops talking, pulling me close.

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