Chapter 32

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It's several weeks before they finally let me out of the hospital, because apparently they think I'll go ahead and break my ribs again. It wasn't even my fault! On Friday Kira, Maddi and Morgan pick me up and take me back home, but this to the flat, because everyone's moved by now.

Compared to our old place, this one is huge. A main living room and a kitchen are in the center of the house, with four bedrooms -each connected to a shared bathroom with the one beside it- leading off of the living room. Regardless of the amount of space, we still have too many people for the house, so Kira and I are sharing a room, with Morgan, Victoria and Maddi having their own. Mostly, Kira and I are sharing because we both wanted bunk beds, and we also figured Maddi would need her own room by now, for her and –cough cough Adam's make-out sessions.

Speaking of which, "So what's up with you and, um... Adam?" I ask, as Maddi shows me to my room. She looks down at her feet as I rummage through my drawer, Kira already put all my clothes away for me.

"You guys were right..." She accepts the pile of clothes I hand her as I grab a loose grey crop top from the drawer and open another one. "He had an appointment..."

"Ah, see, we told you." I say, pulling a pair of red skinny jeans out of the drawer and heading into the bathroom to change. When I get back Maddi looks at me, "You can see your scars with that..."

I look in the mirror. Three crudely shaped lines cut across the left side of my torso, where the brunt of the of the impact hit me.

"She looks like a cool werewolf girl." Kira says, coming into the room, "It's neat."

"Thanks!" I agree, and head into the living room. A head of curly brown hair turns and smiles at me.

"I'm Victoria!" She says, "Glad to see you're feeling better."

"Thanks, I'm Emma." I immediately take liking to her, and round the side of the couch, spotting our guy friends and Morgan. I sit down next to Jackson and her wraps his arm around me, his warm hand resting protectively just above my waist. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than a few weeks ago," I reply.

"When can you ride again?" Deacon asks, knowing I do want to ride my bike again, regardless of the accident I just had.

"Not for a few months..." I say sadly, "But I have to get a new bike, my old one's totally trashed."

Morgan jumps up and hands me a shoebox. I open the lid and inside is my old license plate that used to belong to my Gold Wing, "Aw, no way! You found it?"

Morgan and Jackson share a knowing look, "Actually, the truck driver felt really bad and fished it out of the wreck for you."

"Really?" I take back any rude things I'd thought about the driver; you never know with people...

I look up at him and smile, another real smile, then I notice his hair. A girly gasp escapes my throat and he looks alarmed, pulling his hand off my waist, "What?"

I smirk, "I'm fine, chill..." I reach up and touch his hair. It's dyed in an ice-blue umbrae, getting darker as it reaches the end where his hair almost touches his ear. He smiles when he realizes what I was freaking out about.

"Oh, yeah, I thought it would cheer you up!" He laughs and I give him a kiss on the cheek, "You guys rock." I say to all of them, even Victoria, who I just met.

"Damn right!" Maddi yells, and hands me Phosphorus, who purrs, thankful his owner is finally back, and curls up on my lap.

Yeah, you really do have to love life, don't you?

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Ok, so that was kinda sappy... But hope you enjoyed the story and stay tuned!

This story is completely fictional, none if these events actually happened, some of them were based on similar things that happened in my life but none of the big ones like a (motorcycle crash) are real. Also, a reminder that this is all my work so please keep it that way (don't take it!) and leave the nasty comment to  minimum.

Also, just letting everyone know, most motorcycle accidents happen because truck drivers and people in cars can't see the bikes, it has very little to do with the safeness of the bike and you also have to factor in the part where there is no metal to protect you if you do crash, which is why people in cars don't always get as hurt as people on bikes do. I hope this makes some people feel better about motorbikes because I think they rock!

- RantRocketFlame321

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