Chapter 15

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Special chapter: Amber's P.O.V


I was by Lottie's locker, talking. I noticed Hayley coming our way, with some papers in her hands. She tapped Lottie's shoulder and she turned around. "You dropped these." Hayley handed the papers to Lottie.

"Thanks." Lottie smiled showing her pearly whites.

"See you at the Gym, cutie." Hayley left and Lottie keep smiling and blushing. I know Lottie has a crush on Hayley. It's so obvious. Anyone could see it in her face. The way she looks at her. It's also pretty obvious Hayley wants her too. No doubt that's the reason Kelly hates her.

I honestly think they would make a great couple. A hot punk girl and a cute flower girl would fit perfectly. "So did anything interesting happened on the weekend?" I asked.

She blushed harder and giggled. "If I tell you, promise me you won't tell anyone. Especially Kelly."

"You know I never break a promise."

"Alright." She leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear. "We kissed." My brown eyes grew wide. I did not expect this. "And I don't feel guilty about it." she added with a small smile.

"Lottie... you cheated on Kelly. How can you do that to her?"

"In case you forgot, she hits me, abuses me, humiliates me. She took away my freedom! And you still asks me how could I do this?" She said in a harsh tone.

"Ok. I know she's messed up, but she really loves you."

"Don't defend her." she started. "Do you know how many times I wanted to kill myself because I can't handle her abuse?" Tears ran down her cheeks.

I looked at her in shock. "Please don't tell me you..."

"No." She cut in. "I never picked up a knife for that. Cause I don't want to make the ones I love suffer with my death." I whipped the tears with the pad of my thumb and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I tired of being the caged bird." Lottie mumbled into my black blouse.

We broke away from the embrace. She whipped her tears with the palm of her hand. "So, what are you gonna do?" I ask, still in shock of what Lottie told me.

"I'm breaking up with Kelly."

I didn't know what to say after that. If Lottie breaks up with Kelly, that will make things a total living hell. Cause Kelly will lose her marbles and make everybody's miserable. But if Lottie stays with Kelly, she'll end up six feet under ground. I don't want my two best friends to get hurt. I need to do something. "You sure I can't change your mind?"

Lottie shook her head. "No Amber and honestly I don't know why you want us together. Our relationship is a train wreck." She walked away with her arms crossed.

She was right. Why lie to myself and believe that everything is fine? Kelly and Lottie need to breakup. I'm just afraid that I might lose one of them if they do.


Author Note: I hope this chapter made sense to where going with this.

So... My laptop is finally fixed and I finally get to make that trailer for this story and others. So far it's looking great.

Although, I need theme song. Any ideas?

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Love Gileny xoxo

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