Chapter 19

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Special Chapter: Lottie's memories. To explain the whole Kelly situation.



November 25, 2012. Lottie's birthday

''CANNON BALL!'' Rick screamed as he jumped into the pool with his knees in his chest and his arms wrapped around them. He made a big splash, some of the wate fell on Amber and me. Rick popped out off the water with his pitch black hair completely wet. ''C'mon! The water is fine!''

''I think I'll just wait for Kelly to come.''

''She'll be here, don't worry. Just relax birthday girl.'' said Amber with a warm smile. I smiled and Amber jumped into the pool with Rick and some of my cousins.


''Thanks for coming. See you next Tuesday!'' I waved goodbye to my grandma Anne and my uncle John. As soon as I closed the door, I landed on the couch, reach for the remote and turned on the tv.

''Hey sweetheart, did you enjoy your party?'' said mom as she takes the left over cake to the kitchen.

''Yeah, it was alright.'' I clicked through channels until it landed on Say Yes To The Dress.

''You sure? You seem like you didn't enjoy it at all.''

''I did enjoy it. I just would have liked if Kelly showed up.''

''I'm sure she has a good reason for not showing up.'' She kissed my cheek before heading back to the patio.

Right when the show was about to end, the door bell was heard. I got up of the couch and headed to the door. ''Forgot your purse again, gran-'' I cut myself at the sight of a crying Kelly. ''Kelly, what's the matter?'' She didn't response, instead she hugged me. I hugged her back as she sobbed into my shoulder.

She pulled away and wiped the tears. "Sorry. May I came in?"

"Of course." she got inside and dropped her keys on the table. "Let's go to my room, we can talk there."

Kelly nodded and took my hand before heading the stairs. As we entered my room, I close the door behind us. Kelly sat on my messy bed and I join in.

"Ok, tell me what's wrong."

"He left."

"Who left?" I asked in confusion.

"Dad. He left us for another woman."

"I'm sorry." I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"He said he was tired of living with the same shit every day ever since Kim's death." She sobbed harder into my shoulder. "I don't know what's worst. Him leaving for some whore or the fact that he said goodbye in a note." Kim was Kelly's twin sister. She committed suicide when she was fourteen. I never knew Kim, but I knew how much she meant to Kelly. Now that her dad left, I don't know if she'll ever be alright.  "Now all it's left is me and my mom!" She shouts as she gets off the bed. "Why do the ones I love always leave?!"

"Kelly, calm down."

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" And before I knew it, Kelly pushed me and I landed on the floor on my butt.


"Oh my God baby! I'm so sorry! I don't know why did that."

"It's ok. I shouldn't have told you to calm down."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you." Kelly helped me get up on my feet. "Sorry baby." She softly kissed my lips. "I won't do it again. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled at her.

Kelly sat down on the bed, covering her face as she cries. "I don't know what am I going to do Lottie."

I sat beside her and wrapped my arms around her. "How's your mom handling things?"

"Not good." She sighs sadly. "She's worst than when Kim died."  I kissed her cheek and laid my head on her shoulder.

Kelly grabs my face and kisses me. She grabs my breast and squeezes it. The kiss started out sweet, but then it became passionate. I break from the kiss. "Wait, are you sure you wanna do this? You were crying a while ago."

She nods. "I'm sure. Besides it's your birthday and I wanna please you." Our lips collide again and we both lay in the bed to make love.

\End of Flashback\

I sat on my bed as I remember the beginning of Kelly's change. I would be lying if I said I didn't felt a little guilty for breaking up with Kelly knowing the situation she lives, but she needs someone to love her and help her get better. But that person is not me. I tried to help her many times, but nothing worked. Maybe I'm helping her by staying away her. Maybe with that, she'll try to get better. Kelly is not a bad person. She's a good person with problems and who need a whole lot of help.


Author Note: It's my BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!! I'm finally 17!!! :D (Maybe finally I can get my driver's license.)

I hoped you liked the chapter :)

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Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to eat cake and get PHAT!!!! HAHAHA!!!! (I'm crazy, sorry not sorry)

Love Gileny xoxo

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