Chapter 2

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I woke up with the sound of my alarm. 6:15 a.m. I rubbed my eyes as I let out a pouting sigh, following by a loud grunt as I lazily rolled out of my bed and to my feet. My toes crinkled up when they touched the cold, white tile. "Argh! It's Monday already?" I said annoyed.

I walked over the bathroom. Brushed my teeth and wash my face. I strip off out of my sleepwear, leaving myself naked. I showered myself and walked over my messy excuse for a closet. The closet were stacked up carelessly and some wrinkled t-shirts were thrown onto crooked metal hanger. I ruffled through my thick pile of clothes on the floor before grabbing a white ripped 'Rolling Stones' tee. That leaves my belly button exposed. I also grabbed some dark mid thigh denim jeans and a pair of brown leather boots. I slipped the pieces of clothing on my summer tanned body before heading back to the bathroom, applying a slim line of pitch black eyeliner and a double coat of mascara. I brush my hair back into a high pony tail. My hair had a red ombré and it looked so good in a ponytail.

I ran downstairs to the kitchen, where my dad was reading the newspaper. "Morning dad." I mumbled while pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

"Morning." dad replied back, his words followed by a light cough.

"Good morning." mom smiled as she entered the kitchen.

I grabbed myself a bowl of cereal with milk and sat next to dad. I quickly finished my bowl, sliding the empty bowl into the dishwasher. "I'll be home around three. Love you!" I picking up my book bag from the kitchen island.

"Wait." dad spoke. "You sure you wanna go to school like that?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I mean, I can see your belly button."


"So, I don't want people to think that yo-"

"A whore?" I cut him off and raised an eyebrow. He nodded slowly. "Dad, I told you a million times, I don't care what people think. If they wanna make up rumors about me, then that's their problem." He nodded again. I kissed him on his cheek and give him a warm smile. Mom kissed my cheek before I left. As I got out of the house, I see the short curvy girl I think about like crazy for the past two days. I haven't since her since Friday. I guess she was very busy. "Morning beautiful." I shot a playful grin at her.

She smiled. "Morning."

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you during the weekend."

"I was doing some stuff."

"Oh, for a moment I thought you were ignoring me because you didn't liked me." I giggled.

She giggles. "No, I like you."

"Good. I'm still waiting for that date." I winked at her. She smiles. The bus came by and opened the doors for me. "Well, that's my ride. See you later cutie."

"Bye!" She waves at me. I did the same. The bus was half empty. I sat on the back. The bus starts driving, picking up other teens. When the dreary building slowly came to sight, I let out a deep sigh. I step out of the bus along with the other teens and walked to the entrance. As I entered the building, everyone began to stare at me. Some girls with disgust, others with fear and guys with lust. Typical.

Back home I was the most popular girl in school. Because I would ditch school to go to the beach or the mall and never get caught. No one would dare to mess with me, because of my appearance. Also because I'm daughter of a hotel owner. In here, I'm an outsider, but I didn't care. It's only for two years.

"Hello." I jumped by sudden words. I see a guy with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and wearing brown hipster glasses. "I'm Nate Jackson. Student body president and a senior." he spoke with such pride and joy with himself.

"Hayley Smith." I said to him.

"Ah, the new girl from California."

My brown eyes grew wide in shock. "How did yo-"

"Your parents called the principal, telling about your arrival. He told me to personally give you welcome to the school." he smiled wide.

"Oh... Ok."

He got a pen out and a clipboard. "Mmh... Ok, this is your new locker and the combination to it." He gave me a piece of paper with the number 109 and the combination.

"Thanks Nate." I give him a half smile. I walked through the halls looking for my new locker. After a long walk, I finally found it. I carefully locked in the combo. The locker opened smoothly. I grab the list of classes I have in my book bag. "P.E, then science, then spanish..."

"Hi there." I was interrupted by a deep voice. I looked up and see a punk guy leaning against the lockers smirking. He had ginger red hair, green eyes, freckles that covered his entire face and snake bites in his smile. He was wearing ripped jeans, a Black Veil Brides t-shirt, a black leather jacket and black boots. He could be my type if I wasn't a lesbian.

"Hi." I said, sounding slightly irritated.

"You must be new girl. I'm Clyde."


"Hayley. I like that." he smirked again. I rolled my eyes at him. "We should go out some time."

"Sorry, but I don't date boys." I said as I put away the books I didn't need at the moment.

"But, I'm not a boy baby." He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer. "I'm all man."

"No." I wiggled out of his grip. "I mean, I date girls."

"You're a lesbian?"

I rolled my eyes again. "Duh!" What part of I date girls didn't he understand?

"Hot." he smirked again. The bell rang and I locked my locker and leave out of his sight. Fucking straight guys.

The Flower Girl {Book 1} (girl x girl) Where stories live. Discover now