Chapter 3

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I shuffled my feet to first period, which just happened to be P.E. I opened the creaky, cold metal door to the locker room and stepped in, greeted with nothing but empty lockers. I was getting dressed into shorts and tee shirt, all of the other girls slowly filed into the locker room, one clique at a time. Their laughs and voices echoed of the unfortunately tight quarters, causing my ears to ring. I locked my bag up in one of the empty lockers and headed to the gym, where some of the boys were already throwing around a bunch of basketballs. I sat down alone on the bleachers, waiting for the class to start. I began watching the others students to come in.

Suddenly, I see a familiar female showed up. Her dark brown, long curly hair, was tied up in a ponytail. Her short curvy body. "Lottie!" I shouted as soon as I realized who she was. Why didn't she tell me she goes to this school?

She turned around and looked at me in surprise. She walked towards me. "What are you doing here?" she whispers yelled.

"I told you, I go here now. Are you glad to see me?"

"Yes, but I ca-"

"Lottie!" A shout interrupted. I turn my head and saw a girl coming towards us. She had dark skin, pitch black, curly hair and brown eyes like mine. She had an alethic figure and she was very tall. I think taller than me. "C'mon, I'm waiting for you." I looked back at Lottie and she looked scared. I was confused. Who was this chick? "Who's this?" The girl asked in a mad tune.

"No one. She's just the new girl." Just the new girl? What the hell?

"What did I tell you about taking to other girls?"

"Ummm... Excuse me? Miss? I think she has the right to talk who ever she wants." I barked.

She gives me a furious look. "Stay out of this. C'mon babe." She took Lottie's hand and talked off. Babe? She has a girlfriend? Why she didn't tell me? And here I am, thinking of her like a fucking idiot. Great.

"Alright, everyone." The teacher called, getting the classes attention. "We'll be starting this year off with a nice long semester of volleyball." She continued sarcastically. Everyone was eyeing up their groups and I just stand there awkwardly. "You'll need to get into teams of five, so I suggest you pick quick unless you want me to pick for you. You have three minutes, go!" And with that she blew her whistle. People were walking every which way around me and I just stood there. Unsure of whose finely made group I had to intrude on. "You! With the red hair! What's your name?" The teacher yelled.

"Hayley Smith."

"Go to Kelly's team over there." she pointed to the group where Lottie was. I nodded and went.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Why you here?" The girl from earlier spoke. I guess this is Kelly.

"The teacher send me here."

"You good at volleyball?" she asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded in response. "Ok, well, this is Rick, Amber and Lottie. MY girlfriend." She glazed at me at the end of the sentence. I met this girl for ten minutes and she's already pissed off.

Rick had pitch black hair that was almost a buzz cut and a lip ring, along with an eyebrow stud and brown eyes. He had a muscular, alethic body.

Amber had tanned skin, dark straight, brown hair that only reached to her shoulders and brown eyes. She had a petite figure and was was the same height as Lottie.

"I'm Hayley." I spoke and they all shot me small nods. Except Lottie. She was looking down, picking on her nails.

I heard Kelly clear her throat behind me and I turned my to look at her. "The game is starting soon, we should get into our positions. Me and Lottie will take the back, you guys cover the front." Kelly ordered and everyone nodded.

"Ummm... Don't you think Lottie should be in the front? I mean, for her height." I said to Kelly.

"I know what I'm doing." she bit. I scoffed. I understand she wants to keep her girlfriend close, but Jesus!

I focused my attention towards the net, the other team parallel on the other side was still busy setting up. It was five against six, which I found slightly unfair. The other team's sever set up his serve. I sent it back over the net, only for the other team to hit it back over. It was coming straight towards Lottie and Kelly.

"I've got it!" Lottie called, setting her arms up.

Kelly started running over her. "No, Lottie I sa-" But before she could finish, her body collided with Kelly. Making them fall to the ground and putting the other team in the lead. "God damn it! Lottie!" Kelly growled, quickly getting to her feet.

"Sorry." said Lottie standing up.

"What did I tell you? I told you to stay out of the way!" She seethed, stepping closer to her. She forcefully threw the ball back to the net, hitting one of the players in the stomach. God! What's her problem? It's just a game. I guess it's the feeling of winning and being the best that get's to her head.

"You can't tell me what to do Kelly." Lottie shot back. Instead of yelling back, Kelly whispers something in her ear that left Lottie in shock. Kelly made her way back to her position, but her eyes never left Lottie. She looked frighten.

I mouthed a 'You ok?' to her. She nodded slowly. Soon Kelly's eyes met mine. Giving me glare. "Could you please stop looking at my girlfriend?"

"Sorry, can't help that she's hot." I slat. That made Lottie blush hard and Kelly furious.

"You fuc-"

"Guys, get back in the damn game." Rick called, sending both me and Kelly a glare. The girl served the ball easily, her long blonde pony tail swishing as the ball made it's way over the net. Kelly took full initiative, hitting the ball to Amber who hit it to me. I spiked the ball over, the team reacting slowly gladly to our advantage.

"Finally!" Kelly cried. "See what happens when you actually listen?" she asked looking at Lottie. She rolled her beautiful green eyes at her and crossed her arms. Her attention went back to the net. So did Kelly's.


The remainder of the match practically spaced out, it was good news for Kelly and the rest of the team. Lottie barely did anything, cause Kelly kept telling her not to participate. I don't understand why Kelly is so pushy with Lottie. Sure she isn't good at volleyball and probably isn't in the rest of the sports. But for God sake! She's her girlfriend. She could have been nicer to her. And she was trying to have fun, no matter how badly she plays. I think that's all that matters.

Once the teacher blew the whistle signaling the end of the game my head snapped from my old Nikes. My eyes went up to Lottie's direction. She has holding hands with Kelly, walking towards the locker room. I could also see the harsh look on Kelly's face as she walked away with her friends and Lottie.

I rushed to the girl's locker room. I quickly opened my locker, stripping off and slipping on my clothes in matter of seconds. I combed my hair with my hands then kicked off my Nikes and replaced them with my black leather boots.

I slowly made my way out into the main hallway, my eyes not having to travel very far to find an angry looking Kelly.

"Hey you." she spoke. Her sudden words making me jump. "Unless you want to have a bitch of a life here, I suggest you to stop talking to Lottie."

I let out a small laugh, making her irritate. "I'm afraid that won't be possible."

"Why not?" she growled.

"Because, I'm her new next door neighbor." I smirked.

"WHAT?" she shouted.

"You heard me."

"If you dare to flirt with her..."

"Oh, trust me, I will." I smirked and walked away.

The Flower Girl {Book 1} (girl x girl) Where stories live. Discover now