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Kirstie stepped into the truck, ignoring the hand that Dr. Walter offered her. Matthew Walter wasn't around much. Mostly it was just her, the boys, and Nuts. Dr. Walter only came around when he thought something important was going to happen. So, he tended to watch them like guinea pigs that they were whenever they were on the breakthrough of a discovery. 

Nuts slipped a bracelet onto Kirstie's wrist. If Kirstie stepped one toe out of line the bracelet would shock her into she was no longer coherent. Avi used to have to wear one all the time, well they all did, but he had to the longest. Fire isn't one to be tamed, but then again nobody was. Expect Kevin, he seemed to bend to the EE's rules better than the rest of them. 


The truck rolled to a stop, and Nuts turned to look expectantly to Kirsite. Kirstie raised an eyebrow in response. 

"We are giving you five minutes to go and find him. If you cannot contain him in the allotted time, we are coming out with guns," Nuts explained. Kirstie pressed her lips together, but nodded and allowed herself to be prodded out the door of the tuck. 

She felt them. Just how she felt the others, how their power always pressed onto her. She just stood there, letting the feeling of him fill the empty spot in her that had been missing for fifteen years. 

"Void?" She cooed out. There was no response, but she took a hesitant step forward. "I'm not going to hurt you... I'm Water... An Elemental like you..." 

"I know," Croaked out a small voice. "I can feel you, just as I assume you can feel me. But you're not going to get Void. I'm never letting him out again." 

"Letting him out?" Kirstie questioned. "But... aren't you one in the same?" 

"You mean you are?" The voice asked and a tiny boy slipped out of his hiding spot. He was dreadfully thin and he faced Kirsite with a bit of hostile energy. 

"Well, yes... I mean I think so." 

"For me, in order to use my powers effectively, my personality changes and I turn into Void. Are you saying that in order to access the Elemental in you, you stay... you?" He asked, still holding her with hostility but also with wonder. 

"Yes... We all do," Kirsite answered. 

"You know where the rest are?" Void, or rather not Void, asked with wonder, his hostile edge slowly slipping off.  

"Yes, if you come with me... if you come with us, then you'll meet them, be apart of us," Kirsite risked a step closer. "You trust me, right?" 

"Of course... not... I mean... uh, yes, er, no," He shook his head confused. "I don't know. I want to." Kirstie smiled.

"I tend to give off that vibe." He grinned back and Kirsite took a step forward until she was directly in front of him. She stuck out her hand. "I'm Kirsite."

"Mitch," He said and took her hand. She shook it. But five minutes was up. 

The EE burst out of the truck and Kirstie screamed, throwing up a wall of water, stopping all of the tranquilizer darts from hitting them. Without realizing it she had thrown herself over Mitch, protecting him with her body. He was shaking under her, until suddenly he stopped and a force hit her, throwing her away from him. His eyes had turned a solid black and with a wave of his hand, her wall of water dropped. The EE facing him lowered their weapons, staring at him with wonder until all together they dropped the guns and clutched their heads.

"I know all your deepest darkest fears," Void growled. Now Kirstie knew what he meant. This Mitch was nothing like the small boy. Power radiated from him, sending shivers down Kirstie's back. "And I can make them come true." 

A Grim Reaper made completely of shadow rose from the ground raising his scythe above a cowering man. Before he could bring it down however, a dart hit him in the neck and the Reaper dissolved into smoke. Mitch crumpled to the ground. Kirstie was pulled off the ground and Mitch was dragged into a different truck. She remembered struggling for him, not wanting him to wake up alone, but she was helpless. 


Kirstie was shoved into the cafeteria, where the boys were picking at a burnt looking breakfast. The door was screeched shut behind her and Kirstie heard the sound of a lock turn. 

"Yours is in the kitchen," Avi said without looking up. "And I wouldn't recommend eating it, it's burnt as hell." Kirstie didn't respond to him, her heart was heavy, but she went to get the breakfast anyway.

"So, did you find Void?" Kevin asked looking up from his book.

"Mitch." Kirstie corrected and stabbed at the charred thing with her fork. Avi snorted. 

"Same thing." 

No," Kirstie snapped. "Different. It's different with him. Waters apart of me, just like Fire is apart of you, Air is apart of Scott and Earth is apart of Kevin, but with him, it's different. There's Mitch and then there's Void. They aren't the same." She stabbed her breakfast again. "What is this supposed to be?" 

"Scrambled eggs," Scott answered before Avi could respond. "He expects us to be able to tell." The door screeched open and then screeched closed again. Kirstie whirled around and the boys stared at him with their eyes wide. 

"Mitch!" Kirstie squealed. He was cleaned up, the grime that covered him before had been scrubbed off, and part of his head had been shaved, relieving a nasty cut that had been stitched up. He pulled off the shaved look though. She threw her arms around him. He staggered back under her weight, but patted her back and scratched his neck awkwardly when she released him. She grabbed his hand and lead him to the table. 

"Everyone this is Mitch, Mitch this is," She took a deep breath. "Scott and/or Air, Avi and/or Fire, and Kevin and/or Earth." Mitch nodded.

"Nice to meet all of you," He said quietly and held out his hand, but the boys all got up, squishing him in the middle of a giant group hug. 

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