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Void stepped over Avi's unconscious body, moving towards the still smoking hole. Void slipped through it, ignoring the sharp pieces of metal that snagged at his clothes and burnt his skin. There was only one thing on his mind, and at that moment, it was the only thing that mattered. He walked into the dark room, moving towards the only light in the room.

It came from a vile. And it was that glass tube that Void cradled, oh so gently, in his hands. The glow came from a silverly substance, that danced around in the glass, sinking and rising to the beat of a song nobody could hear. Void couldn't tear his eyes away from the mesmerizing movements that the vile held.  But what made it all the more precious, was the fact that Void knew exactly what that bottle held. Inside the tube that Void was holding, was a soul. Not just any soul, Void was holding the only soul in the world that mattered. Caged behind glass was Mitch's soul. Void could feel every fraction of pain Mitch's soul was feeling, and it was this pain that told him that this soul needed a body, his body. And Void would do everything he could to make sure that happened. 

When he stepped out of the door, the vile still cradled gently in his hands, Avi was groaning as he awakened. Void paid him no attention, just as the sounds of fighting couldn't break his attention from the jewel that he held in his hands. 

"Void?" Avi groaned, blinking rapidly. Void didn't even turn, just stepped over the boy as he hurried along the dark hallway. The light from Mitch's soul guiding his way. 

Everything was dark. Everything was so completely dark. Even as Darkness himself, Void found himself terrified of what was lurking inside. Maybe it was because of the package he held in his palms, what he cradled close to his heart. 

He didn't know where he was going. He didn't know where he was headed. He didn't even know why he was running. But his feet carried him away, so away he went. Each step broke his withered heart, for each step Void took the soul he held emitted pain. This pain took over everything else Void was feeling, controlled his every emotion, and so he ran. He ran away from the others. Ran away from himself. Ran deeper and deeper into the maze that he was recently admitted to. He ran and ran and ran and ran and ran until he couldn't run anymore.

And that was when he sunk. He trailed down the wall in some corner of the too large building. He pressed his sharp, boney knees into his chest. He protected Mitch's soul with his hands, but held it near his heart, wanting something of him to hold on to. Slowly he let his forehead collide with his knees, and acidy tears dripped from his eyes onto the vile he held with white knuckles. 

He had never felt like this before. He had never felt so helpless, so useless, so weak. What were these people doing to him? Why did they steal Mitch from him? Why did they want to cause him so much pain? Why couldn't he just have Mitch back? 

He wanted nothing more than cradle the boy in his arms, and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. He wanted nothing more than to take away all the pain he was feeling. He would travel through hell over and over again just to save Mitch from any harm. He would travel through hell over and over again just to have Mitch back. He would do anything just to have Mitch back. He would do everything. 

But slowly, as Void sat there, wallowing in self pity, he realized that he wanted Mitch back in a much different way than before. He didn't want them to be the same person anymore. He wanted to be able to love Mitch as a different person. He didn't want to be trapped as "Bad Mitchie" in Mitch's head. He wanted to protect him, love him, without taking anything away from him. 

This was his chance. Void slowly rose to his feet, his eyes glued to the piece of soul trapped behind glass. This was his chance to change everything. This was his chance to love. This is what he dreamed of. This is what he wanted. This is what he always wanted. This was his chance. This was his only chance.

Void held the vile out in front of him, smiling to himself. This was his chance, he repeated inside his head. This was his chance. And without another thought, Void dropped the vile, watching as glass collided with cement, and watching as it shattered.

Author's Note

Sorry this took so long. I've really been trying to get a chapter out, just AP testing had really taken up all of my free time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you next chapter.


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