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Kirstie with some help, was hoisted up onto Scott's shoulders, and he hung onto her ankles as she worked the cover of the vent off. Then using his powers, Scott lifted both of them into the air so she could more easily reach the vent, and lowered himself back down when she was in. There wasn't enough room to turn around in the vent so she just barged forward, not bothering to say goodbye. She was determined that she would see them again anyway, when they get caught the punishment could never be as bad as death. 

After crawling for what seemed like hours, Kirstie decided she hated vents, and after she was out of there she never wanted to be in one ever again. Or look at one, this was a living hell. Her neck was aching from not being able to lift her head, her hands and knees were bloodied from one sharp seem, she ripped her favorite jeans, and every once and a while, the vent would cave because of her weight. Now she not only had to watch out for potentially dangerous things inside the vent, but she had to make sure she didn't fall out of the vent. In short, Kirstie was annoyed and wished she hadn't volunteered to crawl inside the vent. Plus, to make everything worse, the whole start of this mission relied on her, and if she fell out of this vent? They were doomed. So, no pressure. 

"Uh," Kirstie said, finding herself face-to-face with a piece of metal. "We have a slight complication." It was a little more of a complication, but she didn't want to worry anyone too much... 

"Define slight," Kevin's voice drifted into her ear, releasing her from her worrying thoughts.

"There happens to be a gate that I cannot get open that leads to the power room. It's drilled shut from the other side." She hit it with her fist, hissing in pain as it emitted a loud banging noise as the metal collided with bone. 

"How tight are the bolts?" Void's voice. She never expected to hear him speak. She cradled her hand to her chest as she tried to look at the top bolts of the gate. 

"Um, one is loose, the other seem decently well screwed in," She couldn't see the top ones, but only one rattled when she stupidly smacked it with her fist. 

"Use water to place pressure on the vent. It might loosen the bolt." Void, once again with the helpfulness. Kirstie didn't think she could get used to that. She paused, but it might work, and if it didn't she'd just, well, she didn't know what she'd do, but she'd think of something.

"I'll try," Kirstie tried to sound confident, but in all honestly, she was convinced that this didn't work. Could water really push the bolts out of the vent? Whatever, trying wouldn't hurt anything. 

"So..." She heard Avi's voice say, she ignored it, focusing mainly on building up water. 

"Try not to speak unless it is needed, every word you say uses my energy." Scott said. Kirstie took mental note of that. She wished for Scott to be safe, she was supposed to protect him, but instead they had put him in the most dangerous job. He was her teddybear and she didn't want anything to happen to him. He was her best friend and she couldn't think of life without him, and she didn't know how he would survive life without her. With those emotions, all the emotions she had built up worrying for Scott, she launched the water with such a force it ripped the gate from the edges of the vent, sending it clanging down a drop. Kirstie crawled after it, kicking through the gate that kept her from the power room. She dropped down, landing rather ungracefully. 

"Through!" Kirstie exclaimed, not quite believing she had been able to do it. "I'm in the power room!" 

"Fantastic, let us know when the generators are fried, so I can begin burning some sh-"

"Language," Kevin interrupted Avi and Kirstie cracked a smile as she scrounged the area for the generators. 

"So I burn some crap," Avi corrected. Kirstie smiled again to herself as she ducked under some wires. She finally found the back up generators and gathered strength to fry them. She did so, and the generators spluttered as water connected with electricity. One started smoking, and Kirstie crossed her fingers that it wouldn't explode. 

""Back-ups are down," Kirstie reported. "Just the main one to go." She went back to the main area of the power room, doing the dangling fried wires. She glanced back at the smoking one, and as she raised her hands to fry the main one, she prayed for it not to explode. She let loose on the generator and it spluttered and the room plunged into darkness.

"Done, start burning Av," Kirstie announced. Her part was one, the only problem was, well... now she had no idea where she was. The only light she had was from the sparks coming from the corner. She waited for news, keeping a terrified eye on the sparking generator. She had no idea where she was in this power room, she had no idea how to get out, and even if she did, she was pretty sure they kept the doors locked. So, she was stuck, waiting for her friends so let her know what was happening, with a sparking generator. 

"Going dark," Scott announced. 

"On my way, Kev!" Kirstie shouted, hoping Scott had the energy to transmit one last message. It was almost like the generator knew, right when everything was going wrong, it exploded. Kirstie screamed as pieces of metal flew at her, hitting her as she threw herself to the ground, trying to create a wall of water to save her, but she was still hit. 

She tried to take it as a good sign, seeing the generator had damaged the door. The door was glowing, from where the hot metal had pieced it. Thankfully, she faired better than the door. So, even though blood was dripping into her eye, she used some of the water that had pooled onto the ground and tried to use the pressure it created to blast open the door. Somehow, it worked, and she stumbled out of the door. She needed to find Kevin. 


The hallways were pitch black, and if she didn't have the sounds of combat to guide her, she probably would have been lost. The stunners must have triggered a light as well, since the hallways Kevin had stationed himself in was still light. In fact, whatever generator was used to keep those stunners active, kept two blocks light. Where Avi and Void were, however, the hallway stayed dark. 

She made eye contact with Kevin and glanced around for Scott. He was tearing up as he blocked bullet after bullet with his walls of dirt. But it wasn't the bullets that were most concerning to her. It was the fact that Scott was nowhere to be found. 

And, something that never happened before did. 

She lost control. 

Authors Note

To be continued...

Kirstie's POV will continue in the next chapter, however it is likely that it will be much shorter than a regular chapter. 


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