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He caught her as she crumpled to the ground, pulling her limp body away from the blood covered floor. He carried her limply in his arms, her dark hair brushing against him as he picked his way through the mess of bodies. There was only one left now. Kevin knew this. One against five, it was nearly amusing. But he didn't laugh. He just walked, sloshing through the bloody water that coated the hallway. 

Everything was at a standstill. The only witnesses of the boy and girl stared with empty eyes. Everything was quiet. Not even the breathe of the living could be heard. Or maybe it was just Kevin. Maybe Kevin was the one unable to process. Maybe it was all his fault. Slowly he raised his eyes from Kirstie's flaccid figure, and to the closest being. 

It was a male. Young, not as young as Kevin, but still young. He probably had a family, a girlfriend, a wife. But now blue eyes saw nothing, and instead of a steady heartbeat he had a hole in his chest. A hole that was still seeping blood into the water covered floor. Each drop floated away but Kevin knew that it was still there, still part of the blood that tainted the water pink. 

Kevin found himself laying Kirstie down on a rock bed, that he somehow managed to conjure from the floor. He knelt by the young man, ignoring the bloodied water as it soaked into the knee of his jeans, seeping into his skin. He reached up and slid his eyes closed before searching his hand for a wedding ring. His heart sunk when he found one, but his eyes hardened as it slipped it off the man's cold finger. Standing now, Kevin dropped the ring into his pocket, and turned his back on the young man. As he picked up Kirstie he promised himself that he would not look down. Forward was the only direction that mattered now. The past had happened and no matter how many eyes he closed, the men and women would still be dead. They would still be stolen from life because of his friends and because of him. 

There were probably many things that he should have been doing. Like worrying for Scott, for Avi, maybe even for Void. Maybe he should of worried for the girl he may have killed that he was now holding in his arms. Maybe he should have been checking for a pulse to make sure he didn't kill her. But he wasn't doing anything. He couldn't feel anything. He felt so completely empty. He couldn't feel his feet sloshing through the water. He couldn't even feel the water soaking through his shoes and into his socks. He couldn't feel Kirstie's weight. He couldn't feel anything. He couldn't hear anything. He felt like he was nothing. 

It took him a while to realize that Kirstie had slipped from his arms. He found her laying there, almost peacefully in the bloodied water. The water that she created, and in the blood that they split. Temptation to just leave her there coursed through him, but somehow he stayed rooted in place, his eyes never leaving his friend. Or the person he had called his friend. She had shown him a whole new side of her, a side he never thought existed. She had shown him a monster, a monster capable of murdering without a second thought. Kevin tore his eyes away from the girl on the ground. The girl who at just fifteen years of age has managed to slaughter men twice her age without any regrets. A girl at just fifteen who was going to kill him. Her friend, the one she referred to as brother. She was a girl who he thought he could trust, a girl that he referred to as a sister. 

Kevin looked back at the girl slumped in the water. He could barely recognize her. He didn't know her anymore. Maybe against his better judgement, and probably against all of his morals, he turned away from her. He took one step away from her, and did not look back. 

"Is this it?" He muttered to himself as he sloshed away from the girl he called a monster. "Is this what tears us apart?" He shook his head and moved to look towards the walls. "Maybe the E.E. was right. Maybe we are monsters, and maybe we deserve to be looked up." He glanced down at himself. Examining his own blood covered body. He let out a breath. 

Kirstie wasn't the only monster out there. He was one too. They all were, and for the first time in his entire life, Kevin found himself agreeing with the E.E. They were monsters. They deserved this treatment. He deserved everything. He had killed them, and because of that, he was a monster. And monsters need to be controlled. 

Authors Note

Sorry these chapters have been a little on the shorter side. I've been a little more worried about getting chapters out to you guys than the actual length. I hope you enjoyed and I am hoping to be able to get the next chapter out soon.


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