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Sometimes, after spending years alone, you begin to remember things. Only simple ones, the ones that don't actually matter. Sometimes the memories were of motion, an arm flying up to wave, a foot taking a timid step forward. Sometimes they were a little more complex. The warm feeling, that somehow the word happiness was linked to. The twisting in your gut. But each memory was welcomed, because at least they were something in this world of darkness. 

Anything was welcome, for all these things were foreign, strange. Like remembering a memory of something you never experienced. Every new fragment was like a piece to a puzzle that would never come together. Yet every new memory was welcomed and placed upon a shelf, so that anyone could look at it and bask in the feeling of remembering. And how glorious the feeling is! How wonderful it is to know things! To experience things!

Yet these short tastes of light never last long, you taste and then are plunged back into darkness. Choose your remembering wisely and celebrate when a new memory is delivered. Savor it, for the feeling will be forgotten and the darkness will embrace you like an old friend. Whispering in your ear as you bend to their desires.

Your light has vanished and darkness is all the remains. It is the only thing that you feel, the only thing that you know and the only thing you can truly remember. Darkness embraces you, and you it. It  is the only thing and it surrounds you tracing its fingers over your body as you become it and it becomes you. 

And then you are one your light quenched by the darkness as you drown in what you have become, in what you wished you never were. Until, you let yourself die in the poison that you have come. Choking on it, as it flows freely into your heart. 

And then you are woken from this death by the shreds of light a memory gives you. You reach for it, wishing for its warmth and comfort, and the cycle begins again. Is this what Hell is? 

The Darkness Inside ~ PentatonixWhere stories live. Discover now